chapter 8

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yoongi pov:

i looked at my mom but didn't say and turned to my dad who i smiled at.

"sry Ms. min, i didn't expect your sudden visit" i said with sarcasm.

"what brings you guys here" i asked

"i just wanted to see how my oldest son was doing" my dad said and i smiled.

"i'm fine appa" i said with a smile.

"are you not going to let us in?" my STEP-mother asked 

"i'm sry Ms.min, why dont you guys come into my mess of a house,  i don't feel like cleaning it for guest" i said with sarcasm again and Ms.min rolled her eyes.

"its fine yoongi-ah, go clean we will be at the cafe down the street, call when your done" my dad said and with that him and his bitch of a wife walked off.

"i hate that lady" i said. and walked upstairs

okay let me break it down. my mom left my dad when i was 10 because i guess 'she founder someone better'. my mother wasn't the best mom but she was better then the rat my dad is married too. my dad was the best person I've ever met, i loved my dad and he loved me. he waited 2 years until he wanted to remarry, lets just say i hate the witch. she and my dad had twins a year after marriage. i mean i don't hate my sisters but i don't like them either. my step-mom also treated me different from the two and always treated me how ever she wanted. my dad never knew about it, even when i moved out, he still doesn't to this day!.  she is a really witch, i hate her. but yeah that is that.

i walked into my room, and saw hoseok asleep on the bed. must have been tried from his hunt. i walked up to the bed and sat next to the sleeping hoseok.

i looked closely at his face and smile. i felt happy just by looking at him, what is wrong with me?. i lied when i said i have to clean, i just didn't want the witch in my house. i lay on my bed, and turn to face hoseok.

"do you like my face" i heard hoseok say and froze.

"w-what are you talking about" 

"nothing, anyways who was it?" he asked as his put his head on my chest like it was before i left. 

i pat his head.

"my dad and his botch of a wife" i said

"oh, are they coming back?" 

"yeah. later after i 'clean the house'" i said with two finger in the air.

"oh lol" hoseok said and snuggled more into my chest.

" let me sleep like this for a bit" hoseok said, shortly after falling asleep again.

i fell asleep to.

no pov:

yoongi and hoseok were sleeping peacefully and it was about three hours later people walked up to his door and knocked.

seeing that he didn't answer, the person pulled out a spear key and unlocked the door, both people walked in and saw that it was clean.

"at least his lazy ass cleaned" a woman said



the woman was being noisy and went you stairs, walking around and opening all the door, she saw something that will later be the most funny thing yoongi had ever seen.

"WHAT THE FUCK ID THIS!" thw woman yelled as she was standing in front of yoongi's room.

both men who were sleeping were pull out of dream land because of that scream.

yoongi looked over and saw his stepmom standing in his door way, he pushed hoseok off of him and got up.

"what are you doing in here?!" he yelled at the old woman 

" i should be asking you what are you doing" she said

his dad suddenly came to the door and saw hoseok laying in bed and yoongi with his bed hair.

"yoongi what is this?" his dad asked calmly

"dad, i can explain" yoongi said and walked up to his dad.

"pls do" Mr.min said and all four walked down the stairs and to the living room.


okay that is it for this chapter, one more to go! bye!!!!!!!!

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