chapter 4

385 15 3

I didn't proofread.

No pov:

Hoseok was sitting next to yoongi the whole time he was in the hospital, which was like 2 hours. Suddenly hoseok felt a twitch and looked towards yoongi who was slowly opening my his eyes.

Hoseok let his hand go to make it seem like he didn't hold it in the first place. Yoongi looked around and saw Hoseok which made his eyes widen.

"Ahhhhhhhh" yoongi screamed, he pushed himself up against the hospital bed and looked at hoseok with fear.

"Y-you get away from me, you vampire!" Yoongi yelled and hoseok became shocked.

(How did he remember?, my compellsion is highly impossible to broke out of) hoseok panicked.

"How do you remember?" Hoseok asked calmly as if he wasn't panicing inside.

Yoongi didn't answer and just sat there looking at him.

Hoseok then remembered what is mom told before she was killed.

"Hoseok-ah, remember that sometimes when humans have head injuries they will be albe to remember what you compelled them to forget. Most don't though but there will be a possibility of someone remembering"

Hoseok looked at yoongi and sighed.

"God dammit!, why?!?!?!??!" Hoseok yelled as he Clenched his hair.

"Yoongi you have to look at me, so I can make you forget again" hoseok said and looked at yoongi who was looking the opposite way.

"NO!" Yoongi yelled

"Fine, you left me no choice" hoseok said and grabbed yoongiby the head and made him looked into his eyes.

But yoongi being the person he is, closed his eyes, bot wanting to look at the vampire.

"I won't hurt you, pls just let me make you forget again" hoseok said as he shook yoongis head.

"Stop you fucking idiot, I have a head injury!" Yoongi yelled and hoseok pulled away.

"Right, I forgot" hoseok apologized and sat down.

"Why are you making this so difficult!"

"Why are you a vampire, if you weren't then we would be here"

"Well I came out of my mom's pussy and she so happened to be a vampire who had a vampire baby, you fucking dumb ass" hoseok said and yoongi laughed.

"Hahahahahha, bro clam down, honestly I don't care, I was scared at first but I was like 'oh well if I die, at least I can end my misery" yoongi said.

Yoongi was the type of person who wasn't scared of death but death was scared of him if I can say that. He didn't mind being killed by a vampire at least he died a cool way. (I don't think being bite by a vampire is cool a/n).

Anyways hoseok just looked at yoongi and started to laugh so hard, he almost pissed himself.

"Yoongi you are funny, I didn't plan to hurt you anyways, I just wanted to make you forget about me being a vampire" hoseok explained.

"No I want to keep this information so I can blackmail you" yoongi smirked

"How so?"

"Well if you don't leave me alone and don't stop bothering me I will tell everyone, was what I was going to say but then I realized they won't believe me so I guess I will just keep it to myself"

"Wow, that is true though lol"

"So how did you hit your head anyways?" Hoseok asked

"I slipped in a banana and hit my head on the lunch table" yoongi said.

Time skip:

It was now night time and both males were sent home, yoongi was fine in te end and hoseok gave him a ride home.

"Hey yoongi but for real though, I beg you don't tell anyone really, I mean it. If you won't let me make you forget then pls don't tell anyone" hoseok said as they pulled up to yoongi house.

" I told you, I wouldn't but you have to leave me alone" yoongi said as he pointed at hoseok.

"I can't promise that" hoseok said with a smile.

"Whatever" yoongi as he got out the car. And walked inside.

He turned around and waved bye to hoseok and smiled.

Hoseok swore that his heart was going to melt.

Hoseok waved back and drove home.

Yoongi walked inside and went to his room, as he walked up to his door he realized that hoseok wasn't a bad person and didn't mind his presence.

Yoongi unconsciously smiled at the thought of hoseok and lied on his bed. Closing his eyes and falling into a dream that felt so real.

Olay that is the end of this chapter, honestly I know, what that heck is this chapter, well I don't know myself. I just put what ever and didn't pla it out but it is what it is bye!!!!!

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