chapter 7

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No pov:

When yoongi smiled at hoseok, his worlds stopped. He still didn't know this fewl8ng but he never wanted it to go away.

"Good job hoseok hyung!, I got an A!" Yoongi said and hoseok looked at him with a smirk.

"Hyung huh?" Hoseok looked at yoongi who was blushing.

"Y-you didn't hear that!" Yoongi said, flustered.

"Oh come one yoongi say it again" hoseok said as he followed yoongi through the halls.

One month later:

Hoseok and yoongi were bestie now!, or that is what hoseok thougj at least.

"Hoseok hyumg can you please not chew in my ear" yoongi said as he pushed hoseoks head from by his own.

"I wasn't doing nothing!" Hoseok said.

After hoseok and yoongi became real friends, yoongi started to call hoseok hyung. Hoseok loved ever moment of it!.


They were at a cafe near the school, jin worked there.

"Hoseok leave yoongi a lone!" Jin yelled as he walked pass them, giving a couple their order

"But I didn't even do anything!" Hoseok complained.

"Sure you didn't" jin said, walking back to the bak of the shop.

Hoseok rolled his eyes and ate his food.

"So hoseok, is it that time of month?" Yoongi ask and hoseok nodded.

"Yeah I'm going to night, I have a target. Names Lee jungmin. Cute guy I say, looks like a squirrel" hoseok said with a smile.

It was his hunting time of the month, he was going to his target tonight.

"Honestly, hoseok you can just drink from me" yoongi said in a low voice.

"What?" Hoseok asked


Yoongi was feeling weird, he didn't like how hoseok call that jungmin guy cute. Yoongi was the only one hoseok can call cute!.  You know as jimin would say, 'he is jelly!'. *jimins voice echos*.

"Hey can I sleep over, my house has been infected with rats call jimin and taehyung. I want to give them space. But I don't see why they have to use my house😫" hoseok said

"Your house?"

"Yeah, I guess they shared a project from a art class they take together"

"Oh, sure I guess you can"

After becoming friends, yoongi and hoseoks friends met and automatically became besties.yoongi even knew that jimin and taehyung were vamps too.

"Great,  but I won't be there until like 7 am cuz you know" hoseok said.

"Okay, I will wait for you"

"Honestly, you should just make me a key yoongi, I am at you house 24/7 now" hoseok said with a smile.

"No" yoongi replied with a sarcastic smile.

Later that night house did his hunting and was no his way to yoongis house. But since he was staying for a night, he need to get some clothes so he stop at his house and got some clothes.

"Hoseok w-what are you doing here?" Jimin said as he smiled nervously.

"Getting some clothes why?"

"Nothing, I will get them for you!" Jimin said and pushed hoseok out the house.

"Jimin it's my house, I can get my own things" hoseok said a pushed jimin aside and went to his room.

Walking into his room, hoseok stopped.

"Taehyung what are you doing?" Hoseok asked as he looked at taehyung who was laying on his bed, with no clothes.

"N-nothing I just felt uncomfortable with my clothes on, I have pants on don't worry" taehying said.

"Oh okay" hoseok said and grabbed his clothes and walked out the house.

"Is he gone?" Taehyung asked jimin who walked into the room.

"Yeah, now where were we" jimin said with a smirk.

"Finally I can breathe" jungkook said as he came from under the blanket that taehyung was using to cover up with".

"Come here jungkook!" Jimin said as he sat on the floor.

Jungkook walked over to jimin and sat next to him.

"We still got some games to play"

Jimin handed jungkook a controller and turned the TV back on.

"Hoseok hyung doesn't let us use it so we have to be careful with them" taehyung said as he sat next to jimin.

"Heheheh, he will never know we used his ps5, hahahahahah" jimin evil laughed and they played games until they broke it.

"We're dead" both jimin and taehyung said.

Back with hoseok:

After hoseok got his clothes, he walked to yoongis house, but he got lazy and used his vampire speed to get there faster.

"Yoongi, iam home!~" hoseok sang as he walked into yoongis room.

"Don't came in yet!" Yoongi yelled from the other side of the door, which hoseok just said okay to.

Before hoseok walked in:

Yoongi was sitting on his bed, while using his phone. Suddenly he came across a picture of hoseok from his instagram.

Hoseok was shirt less with glasses on, he was in his bed. Yoongi started to feel weird from it. His stomach felt like someone was holding him tightly.

Yoongi put one hand on his stomach while the other held his phone. The hand on his stomach moved on it own, it slowly moved down to his thigh.

With out think yoongi was touchin-

"Yoongi I'm home~!"
Yoongi heard from out his door

Yoongi quickly sat up and told hoseok not to come in yet.

Yoongi took some time to calm down and told hoseok he can came in.

Hoseok opened the door and jumped on to yoongi, making them lay flat on the bed.

"I missed you my lil meow meow" hoseok said and he put his head onto yoongis chest.

Yoongi smiled.

"Sure you did"

This was a basic habit of hoseok, when ever he went to yoongis house, he jumped on to yoongi and call him lil meow meow.

Yoongi didn't mind, he found it cute. He also gave ohoseok a nickname, hoba.

"Hoba, I can't breathe" yoongi said.

Hoseok didn't listen and kept hugging yoongi, in the end yoongi gave up and put his head down on the bed.

Suddenly a knock on the door was heard and yoongi looked at hoseok. Hoseok knew what the look ment and got off yoongi.

"I'll be back" yoongi said. And walked out.

He opened the door and his face dropped.

"A-appa, eomma, what are you guys doing here?" Yoongi asked nervously.

"We can't came see our son" his mom said rudely.


Okay that is it for this chapter, and it was everywhere iam sry😫😭. Bye!!!!

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