chapter 3

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no pov: 

hoseok was on his way to school the next day, he didn't have anything in mind and didn't care for last night. although it wasn't everyday he went and burned a body. the kid's parents most likely didn't care anyways so hoseok didn't either.

he parked into the parking lot and went inside, everyday hoseok was crowed by fan girls but today was different. 

"omg he is so cute!!!" he heard although out the hallway.

he spotted jimin and taehyung so he walked up.

"hey what is going on?" he asked them

"bro there is a new student and man is his hot" jimin said while licking his lips.

"where?" hoseok asked, looking around to find this new student.

"over there, with that yoongi guy you like so much"  hoseok turned his head faster then a lion chasing its prey, but not for the new student but for yoongi. he loved his little meow meow. sometimes hoseok is weird when it comes to yoongi, the first time they met hoseok didnt like him at all, he just got a cold vibe from him and he didn't like it but once they started to see each other everyday it was hoseoks mission to mess with yoongi. whether it was following him for no reason or touching him, hoseok has done it all.  one time yoongi was having a really bad day and hoseok just had to make it worse by putting apple juice in his locker, that same day yoongi almost just expelled because they thought he had beer with him (old apple juice smells like beer when you leave it out or open for a long time).

hoseok just loved to mess with yoongi but he didn't know why , he thought is was because he liked seeing the younger mad but deep down hoseok had a weird feeling for yoongi and he didn't even know what it was,

"hes by MY yoongi?!" hoseok yelled 

"yes, look" taehyung said

hoseok looked and saw a bunny looking guy and yoongi talking and laughing with each other.

for some reason hoseok was feeling angry so he walked off and left them there.

"whats his problem?" taehyung asked jimin.

" you idiot, he is jelly!" jimin yelled and taehyung laughed.

although hoseok didn't know is feelings for yoongi, jimin and taehyung did. they knew that hoseok was falling for yoongi.









with yoongi and the new guy:

"ya jungkook-ah!" yoongi yelled as he saw his cousin.

"yoongi hyung!" jungkook yelled back as he hugged yoongi.

"i missed you hyung" jungkook said with a big smile.

"i missed you too jungkook" yoongi replied as he hugged his little cousin tightly.

yoongi may be a cold person but he is soft when it comes to his family and friends like jungkook, jin and namjoon.

"hyung, this time mom said i can stay!" jungkook said and yoongi smiled


"yes, she said that i was old enough to live without her now so she sent me back to seoul!"  jungkook explained

after they talked for a bit they went to their classes, jungkook was a grade younger.

yoongi went inside his class and sat in his seat.

time skip!:

it was now 2nd period and yoongi was not feeling so good. he was having weird feelings, like someone was shooting lasers into the back of his head. he turned a couple of times to see if someone was looking but he didn't see anyone looking.

mean while in the back of the class, just two rows to the back and one desk to the right was a burning someone, wanting to set everything on fire. 

"bro can you clam down, i can feel your heat!" 

"jimins right, hobi hyung" 

"why are you so mad for anyways?, do you know why taehyung?" jimin asked

"i don't but his anger is making me want to throw up" taehyung said 

"shut up, i'm not in the  mood for you guys right now" hoseok said with fire in his eyes. he was looking at yoongi the whole period, he stopped when yoongi turned around but just kept looking after.

"we can  tell you aren't" taehyung said.

"what was that mr. kim?" 

both jimin and taehyung slowly turned their heads to the front and saw the teacher looking at them with an eye brow raised.

"nothing Mr.Oh, nothing at all" taehyung said with a smile.

"focus please" Mr.Oh said and taehyung gave him a thums up.

"I hate this class" jimin said.

"What mr-"

"Nothing!" Jimin yelled which cause the class to laugh out loud.

Another time skip!:

It was now lunch and hoseok was still mad, since vampire can eat, he was picking at his food with a pout on his face.

"God dammit hoseok hyung, can you stop being mad, you are giving me bad energy right now. I can't eat if I have bad energy!" Jimin said.

"Why are you mad?" Taehyung asked as he hugged a fake crying jimin in his arms.

Hoseok sighed. "I don't even know" he put his hand over his eyes.

"Was it because of that new kid?" Jimin said.

"I don't know, I think so?" Hoseok said unsure.

"I think you're jealous" taehyung said.


"I think your jealous"

"I don't thinks so" hoseok said.

""Think what you want hobi hyung but I think you are"


Suddenly a loud boom sound was heard and everything thing went silent. No one in the canteen moved, not even hoseok.

"Yoongi hyung!" Hoseok heard and looked towards where yoongis table was and saw that he was no the floor, blood was racing down his face.

Hoseok got up as fast as he could and ran towards yoongi.

He got on one knee and looked at yoongis head.

"I will take him to the nurse" the new student said, he sound scared.

"No I got it, you are to scared right now" hoseok said and picked up yoongi in his arms.

Hoseok walked out and went to the nurse.

"He is bleeding rapidly, he need to go to the hospital" the nurse said and call an ambulance.

Hosek waited for the ambulance as he held yoongis hand. He didn't even realize he was holding his hand until the nurse called for him

"Mr.jung are you okay, you are holding his hand a bit hard" the nurse said and hoseok let go of yoongis hand.

After sometime the ambulance came but hoseok couldn't go with them so he took his car.

At the hospital:

Hoseok was waiting outside the room yoongi was in and once the doctor said he could go in, he raced in there.

He looked at yoongi who was asleep on the bed.

"I hope you are okay yoongi" hoseok said and held yoongis hand again unconsciously.

This might be the longest chapter out of all my books that I've ever done lol, I might Double update not going to lie. Bye!!!!

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