chapter 5

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No pov:

It was the next day and yoongi was tired as heck, he lucky got a day off from school because of the incident that occurred yesterday.

"At least I can sleep more, dear bed oh how I longed to be with you forever" yoongi said as he ploped onto his bed yet again falling asleep once he hit the pillow.

Yoongi tossed and turned as he got up from his beautiful sleep, it was now the afternoon and he was hungry.

"I don't feel like cooking" yoongi said to himself and decided to order food.

"Okay some ramyeon, lame stews. My favorite!"

Yoongi order his food and it only took 10 mins to get here so in the mean time he took and shower and cleaned a bit.

He head a knock on the door so he opened it and found his food in front of him.

"Thank you" he said and was about to close the door but something stopped him.

He looked down and saw a familiar pair of Balenciaga shoes. He looked up and saw jung hoseok.

"What are you doing here?" Yoongi asked.

"I was giving you your food and came by to see you, why is that a problem?" Hoseok asked with a smile.

"Whatever, how did you get my food anyways"

"I told the man that I was you friend and that I was going in so I could give it to you" hoseok explained.


"Well can I come in?" Hoseok asked

"Sure I guess" yoongi said and hoseok walked in.

"Nice house"

"Thanks, my dad bought it"


"So why are you here hoseok?" Yoongi said.

"Come on yoongi call me hyung, but I am here to see if you were feeling better?"

"Yeah I'm fine, but don't you have school?"

"Nah, honestly I just go to see you but since you weren't there I didn't go" hoseok smiled.

"That's weird but okay"

"Can we share, I didn't eat today" hoseok asked and yoongi looked at him.

"I thought you only drank blood?"

"I can eat food too, just not a lot because I have a bad stomach when it comes to human food" hosek said as he rubbed his tummy while pouting.

"O.....kay" yoongi and and sat on the floor by his coffee table to eat his food.

"I guess you can have SOME but not a lot cause I don't like to share" yoongi said and handed hoseok a little bit of ramyeon and two of his lame stews.

Time skip:

I was not night time and hoseok was still at yoongis house. Yoongi tried, key word tried to get hoseok out but his was to strong to move.

"Hoseok you were here the whole day, can you leave now?!"

"Fine but one condition!"

"What?" Yoongi aid and hoseok smirked.

"You have to call me hyung" hoseok said with a big smile while yoongi looked like he saw a ghost.

"No way"

"Come on, just once pls!!"

"N-no" yoongi studdered with a blush.

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