chapter 2

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I didn't proofread

Jung Hoseok pov (same day):

It was morning and i was excited, I get to see my yoongi pie!. I like messing with him, it makes my day much better.

I walked down the stairs and saw jimin and taehyung sitting on the island that was in the kitchen.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked

"Hyung, we have something to ask you" jimin said


"Can you pls let us copy your homework😫!" Taehyung fake cried.

"Uh-huh, we need it!" Jimin cried too.

"Bro I let you guys copy everyday, go do it yourselfs".

"Hyunggggggg~!" they both said

I rolled my eyes and and handed them my papers.

"Taehyung go get me some blood from the basement" I said and he went to get it.

After some time he came back with my blood and I took it from him.

"Hyung, can I have one" jimin said with puppy eyes.

"No, it's mine got get your own!" I yelled, I dont play behind my blood.

I opened the package and drank the blood, not leaving a drop.

"Whatever" jimin whispered.

Anyways after I finished I walked back upstairs and got ready for school. I got my things and left with jimin and taehyung.

We made it their after some time and we walked to the halls.

"Omg it's hoseok!!!!" I heard a girl yell.

As I walked through the halls all my fan girls lined up on the sides to look at me. I know, I'm hot but your can't have me lol.

I walked into my class after saying bye to jimin and taehyung. I walked to my seat and went on my phone.

After sometime the teacher came in.

"He is still late, that is the 2nd time this week." The teacher said but didn't care.

After like 20 minutes the person who was late walked in.

"Okay so, now the min yoongi is here we can start on our actual lesson" the teacher said and turned to the board.

He went through the lesson and it was lunch time.

I walked into the canteen and saw my most favorite person holding a tray of food.

I walked up to him and put my arm over his shoulder.

"Hoseok you have 5 seconds to move your arm before I break it" he threatened

"Come on yoongi I know you like it" I smiled

He walked away and sat with his friends.
I walked out the canteen and went to the back of the school.

"Jimin, tae!" I yelled as I ran up to them.

"Hobi hyung!" Jimin said and hugged me

"Get off me" I said as I made a fake disgusted face.


"So what are we here for?" Taehyumg asked and I smirked.

"I need to run an aaron tonight and I need you guys to watch my house cause my landlord is coming so just sit in the dark and make sure he doesn't go inside.if he dose you know what to do" I said


"Now let's get ice cream, I need something sweet in my mouth"

"He wants yoongi in his mouth" jimin whispered to taehyung who laughed.



Later that night:

I was walking down the street and I saw my target. I walked up to that person and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey what are you doing out here?" I asked with a gentle smile.

"I-i was just walking around" he said, he is cute. I was much younger than me I want to say about 16 maybe. Young bloods are better then old anyways.

I looked into his eyes and said.

"Do you think you can do something for me?" I said with a smirk.

"Yes" he said in a daze. I compelled him.

"Why dont we go over there, I see something cute" I smiled.

I pulled him over into a alley way and lean him onto the wall.

"Now don't scream, I need you to be very quite. I want to see how you taste" I said as I licked my lips.

He must be good, I can tell by his scent. I lean down and slowly bite his neck with my fangs.

I started to take his blood, little by little. I maybe be nice but I am a vampire so my natural self is needy sometimes. I only do thing like twice a month no more and no less.

I keep drinking until I heard a small step to my right. I looked and see a small figure. They moved forward and I saw who it was.................... yoongi!.

He walked more and more until he was only 8 feet away.

"H-hoseok?" He called out and I panicked.

I turned my face and widened my eyes. I was in a big panicked faze right now. I slowly turned my face towards yoongi and looked at him but looked back at the boy in front.

I looked between both of then and ran towards yoongi, i push him towards the wall.

I looked at him and said.

"Forget all that you seen today"

He nodded. I let him go and he walked home.

I took the body and took it to my house. I walked down to my basement and opened my fire pit.

"Sry is didn't want to to this but I guess I have no choice" I said to the body. I through it in the pit and walked away, letting it burned (arson, lol).


Okay that is it for this chapter, I kept changing the ending so I hope you guys like this one!, bye!!!!!!!

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