District 8 - The Starving.

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Heather was walking down the street her hands full of the bread that she got in exchange for more chances of being picked. She knew how dangerous it was to deal with peacekeeper but she's been doing it for 6 years now and never got picked. Her name must be in there at least 48 times, people called her miss lucky or The ultimate lucky girl, or... "Hey Miss I-slept-with-peacekeepers!" That. She turned around to see Darrin, the guy who regularly smashes the window of her grandma's house and spreads the rumour of her sleeping with peacekeepers to get her food. She usually was a pretty forgiving person, but the fact that he doesn't care about anything but himself is infuriating to her. "Darrin dear, shouldn't you run along to your mama? Your ass needs wiping judging from the stench you leave." She bit back. Darrin grumbled something and threw something at her. She didn't notice as she had already turned the corner. "Stupid girl. Doesn't she know who I am?" he said to his friends who were trying not to laugh at him. "I'll tell my mother about this." He grumbled as he started walking towards his house. He passed the shop Heather worked at on his way there and went inside. The shop was tidy and neat, walls lined with specialty cloth and garments. He paid it no mind as he b-lined it for the counter. A girl working gave him the same respect as he gave the shop's goods. "Hey Darrin. Came to complain about Heather again?" The older woman asked. Darrin nodded and pridefully started ranting. "No one has paid me less respect then that girl!" The girl sighed rubbing her forehead "Darrin for the last time, we can't fire her based on your interaction with her." She said as she looked him straight into the eyes "Maybe you're just a shit person, I mean if she can't get along with you." She then gave him a fake smile "May we help you with anything else?" She said as she tapped away on her register out of boredom. "I'll make this establishment pay!" He said as the girl mocked him words, it's like she had heard them before "Just you wait until-" The girl cut him off. "Your momma hears about this? Darrin you can't keep doing this." She said with a disapproving shake of her head. He stormed out angrily and at that moment, Heather walked in. "Oh hey Susan, what complaint was it this time?" She said with a laugh "No respect or something, honestly I tapped out." Heather mumbled something like 'I don't blame you' and got to sewing. "So have you placed your bets on who's going to be picked?" Susan asked. "Bets? Why did no one tell me about this?" Heather said faking a dramatic sigh "I think my bets on Darrin, not because I want him dead but because he needs some... Character development." Susan laughed at the joke. "I mean who know? You are the lucky girl that has gotten most votes, how many times is your name in it now?" Heather shrugged. "I don't know. I stopped counting after 40." She laughed "Aren't you scared?" Susan asked with genuine concern, but Heather shook her head. "I mean, if I get picked. So be it. I'd rather die then have a little girl do it in my place." Susan nodded "But if I don't so be it again. I'll be rid of any chance that I do get picked." Susan sighed "I could never be as calm as you." She said getting back to work.

Moments later Darrin came back in with his mom. "Where is that skank?" She yelled angrily "Here ma'am." Heather said rolling her eyes at Susan "YOU! HOW CAN YOU TREAT MY GOLDEN BOY LIKE THIS?" Heather tapped out of the conversation after that leaving the urge to say "I think he's brown ma'am" in her head. The ranting kept going to the pride of Darrin, he stood by as his mom poke and pushed Heather around, he enjoyed this. And he kept enjoying it all the way towards home and as he ate his dinner, he still enjoyed her miserable, tired face. Heather didn't let it bother her, it was just another encounter with the boy for her. She finished her sewing and walked home with Susan and her girlfriend Babs. Chatting along happily about who they thought was going to get picked. Heather arrived at her grandmother's house with her older brothers waiting for her. "Heard you had another encounter with Draper's boy." The youngest of the three teased as the other two looked at her questioningly. "Wow. Again? He's obsessed." The eldest one said as the middle one nodded. "Yea, worry not, for when he does eventually propose I'll deny his humble request." Heather said rolling her eyes. "Anyways, I got some bread. Cashed out for the month in case I do get picked." The middle brother glared at her "Not again. What if you do get picked." Heather rolled her eyes and responded "What if I don't." The argument went on until it was time for bed. She went to her grandmothers room to wish her goodnight. "Hey grand ma. How's my favourite old lady?" She said smiling at the elder in her bed "Heather? Is that you? Oh I'm not wearing my glasses." Heather smiled as she sat down next to the bed and grabbed a book. "Should we finish the last chapter?" She asked as she opened the book, taking her grandmothers smile as approval. She began reading putting all of her emotions into it. Heather knew this may very well be the end of her happy life, but she didn't care for that. She wanted her family to remember her fondly if she did disappear. "And with that the fox and the hare sat there by the large wall. Their sleeping forms finally at peace." She peered over the book to see her grandma's sleeping form. Tears began to fall as she gave her grandma what she knew was a last kiss on her forehead. She turned off the lights and cleaned up the house as she went to bed soon after.

The day after Starving Day had finally arrived

Darrin's mother was helping him get ready, tying the bow and tightening the suit. Darrin was looking at his mom "Will today finally be the day that scum disappears out of our district?" His mother spoke, Darrin nodded "I hope it will. Can't stand to look at her anymore." Darrin spoke, hoping to impress his mother. After his mother was done with the suit they departed to the stage, determined to be there early. Waking up anyone with their loud trash talking. Heather on the other hand didn't rush herself. She got ready in a dress she made herself, helping her brothers get ready and teaching them how to tie a bow tie. She smiled the whole time, not letting the nerves bother her. After that she helped her Grandma get dressed and they went to the stage as well.

They arrived and gave their fingerprints. Her eldest brother being set as the caretaker for her grandma and being able to sit on the sidelines with him. She smiled at them as she took her place next to Susan. "So nervous now?" Susan asked, Heather turned to her not bothering to hide her teary eyes anymore and gave her a sobbing yes. Susan comforted her which didn't go unnoticed to Darrin who was wearing a smug smile. "What's up Heather? Didn't sleep around enough?" He got shut up by her youngest brother who was standing next to him, menacingly. His eyes were soon turned to the stage where a past winner was present. "Hello everyone! How are you? Fine hopefully!" He said, but noticed that no one was here to listen to his speech and started pulling a name out "Ahem... we got our mister here!" He said playfully looking around. "Darrin Draper!" He said and Heather had to stifle a laugh as Susan leaned over and said "Miss lucky knows best." Darrin expected his mother to cry or shout, but when he arrived on the stage he saw nothing but pride in her. He felt hurt, like his fears mean nothing to her. "And for out female contestant..." Susan took Heathers arm and gave it a little squeeze, "Susan-" He said before dropping the note and seeing it were two separate notes. "Sorry you guys there has been a... mistake!" He said grabbing the other note. "Heather, Heather was the one I grabbed first." Heather sighed, one of disappointment but also one of relief. She much rather have this outcome over the one where Susan was picked. "Heather..." Susan started but Heather shut her up with a hug. A tight one, one of sorrow and gratefulness. "Don't worry, I'll make sure that demon never makes a complaint against me again." She joked before she walked to the stage.

Darrin looked at her. His expression unreadable, it wasn't like he could make much sense of his feelings to get a grasp of his expressions either. He felt bad. He hated that he did but he did, he knows how much she does for her family and the district in general. And he was nothing but a terrible person. And to win this he had to kill her.

Heather looked back with an empathetic smile, she knew what he was going through, she's going through the same. The old winner grabbed their hands and announced them 'a future winner' but Heather knew better. She walked off the stage and went inside the waiting room, waiting to say her goodbyes.

"I TOLD YOU! BUT NOOO YOU DIDN'T LISTEN YOU NEVER-" Her oldest brother began, tears in his eyes. He got cut off by his younger brother who shushed him "Let grandma say her goodbyes first Nicky." He spoke Nicky nodded. And pushed the wheelchair towards Heather. "My, Heather is that you? Grandma's glasses broke again?" The older woman spoke her hand reaching for Heather's who immediately gave it to her. Her voice sounded neutral, like it normally did but her tears were falling without a stop. "Yes grandma... Remember that vacation momma went on?" She started, she didn't have the heart to tell her. "She invited me to come with her. You too actually but I told her I wanted to see it for myself first." Heather kept talking, her brothers now sitting by her side, quietly mourning. Eventually, the 10 minutes were over, and Heather was left with their parting gift. Her late mother's necklace.

Darrin on the other hand had no time to be sad,his mother didn't allow it. She was too busy celebrating the 'permanent mark'their name will leave and the loss of Heather. Darrin was unsure and stunned hesaid nothing, not like his mother noticed. The minutes were up and he was leftwith a wet kiss as he boarded the train.

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