Chapter 1 - New Beginnings for the End.

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This train would be the train that would prepare them for the ending. For some their first, but for most their last.

That is something Dolores thought about, not even trying any of the delicious food that Ray was eating. He looked up at her and offered her a plate. "Never seen you around in the academy." He spoke with his mouth half full. "I don't go there," Delores replied carefully inspecting the food as if it would be poisoned "It costs too much." She filled in after seeing Ray's confused face. "Money shouldn't be an issue for you, you live in District 1." Ray said stuffing more food in his mouth. She decided to end the conversation there, seeing how important food was to him.

The opposite of that was Goldie who couldn't manage a bite. It was like her throat was sewed shut. Not like Wayland minded, this kid got him in trouble with his parents so she was the last person he'd interrupt his breakfast for. He shot her a mean glare and Goldie started sobbing, of course, she didn't expect him to talk to her but she didn't understand why he was so mad at her, after all, they needed to help each other right? He wouldn't hurt a twelve-year-old from his own district?

Districts meant little to Carlton, he wasn't planning to kill anyone and just escape. After all, he knew how the walls worked that surround the hunger games. He knew all about them. Yet he felt like it wasn't worth making enemies. "So... why did you volunteer?" Khloe turned to him. "Hm? What do you mean?" She asked tilting her head to the side "Like did you do it because you're that confident, or because you're suicidal?" Carlton awkwardly joked he didn't like Khloe's attitude from yesterday and it didn't get better today it seemed. "Oh I know I'll win, and uh, no offence but seeing my competition, it won't be hard." Carlton's jaw dropped, what did she mean no offence? He sat there in shock as Khloe started talking about how successful she'll be. If Carlton had anything to say about that...

Saying was something Rozanne couldn't stop doing to the dismay of her older brother. She kept berating and cursing at him, looking at him like he was filth. Garret didn't like it but couldn't get a word in to defend himself. So he just ate, he ate until Rozanne asked him something. "Why would you volunteer? Are you just doing this to screw with me and George? I had a plan you know I was going to betray him and you screwed it up!" He knew it was a question without a right answer and normally he wouldn't answer, but for the sake of salvaging their brother-sister relationship, he did. "I did it to protect you, you have no idea how hard the games are. You didn't even complete training." He remained calm and level-headed, the same could not be said for his snappy sister. "I AM NOT A CHILD ANYMORE GARRET!" Technically she is. "Well if it makes you feel better, I'll let you win." Rozanne saw that she wasn't getting the reaction she wanted and let it go, sitting down and eating breakfast in silence.

The silence in District 5's cart was tense. They both felt so many emotions, Paxton felt guilt and anger. Dorthy felt betrayed and grief but they both felt fear. Fear of what's to come and the fear of what they'll do if they survive. Well, the last one was one only Paxton had. He didn't think about the fact that he could never rekindle the friendship he once had with Carter, not after taking his spot. Not after being responsible for the death of his sister. Paxton cursed himself for doing it, for not thinking it through. But most of all putting Dorthy in his egoistical mess as well. It was like she could read his thoughts and wanted him to feel worse, as she began crying. Her eyes not leaving Paxton's as she did. "I am so sorry." He spoke, wanting to put his hand on her shoulder. She shook it off and directed her teary eyes to the view outside.

Rocky was looking at the same view as her as he kept pointing out random stuff he saw outside. "Oh, Jade! Did you see that squirrel?" "Oh, Jade! Look! Look!" "Oh, Jade! Those trees are so green!" Jade couldn't do anything but roll her eyes, but deep inside she was glad he kept talking, it kept her mind off the nerves of the upcoming games. Jade couldn't fathom that the small boy wasn't nervous at all, his hands weren't shaky and he kept smiling. Jade narrowed her eyes, trying to figure out if it was some hidden strategy.

Strategies were something Destiny wanted to talk about and Sanford was more than happy to listen. As Destiny talked about strategies his mind couldn't help but let his mind wander. That slap made him feel a way that he never thought he would feel about her. It was like she hexed him but he didn't care if she did, he didn't dislike the burning feeling inside his heart and more than anything wanted to make her his. "Sanford? Great you're not even listening." Destiny was fed up with the tall man in front of her, first, he agrees to help her strategize and then he just ignores every word she says? Destiny sighed and sat down, very aware of the eyes following her every move as she did so. She hoped she'd find better allies when they'd arrive there.

Allies was something Heather looked forward to, seeing as she'd rather die than work with Darrin. "So... Heather..." Darrin tried to start a conversation but after Heather glared at him he stopped, opting for moping around and poking his fork in his food instead. Heather kept looking around the cart, trying to figure out how it was made. Anything to keep her mind off the moping mouth breather behind her. Darrin's mind was on his mother and how she reacted. It felt like she didn't care about his safety and just about honour or something. He didn't want Heather to see him cry so he turned his head to the window. Heather knew he was crying, she knew this was a lot and decided to leave him be.

Harlee couldn't leave Reese be, she had to find out why they were shouting yesterday. "So, your parents were pretty mad yesterday huh?" she said filling her plate with some food before directing her attention to Reese "Yeah..." He said, thinking about how this may be the last person to listen, the last person he could tell. "I'm gay. And my parents just... don't like that." He said sighing as he sat down on his chair. Harlee pauses her movement. "Oh." Was all she could say as she thought about a better response Reese said something else "I thought that I could escape it, you know dying alone and stuff..." A sad sigh escaped his lips. "Hey cheer up... I'm sure that if you win the men will flock to you." Reese laughed at that "That sight strangely helped me. Thanks..." "Harlee." She said sticking her hand out for him to shake, he gladly took it "Reese." He said smiling.

Smiling was something neither of the tributes of District 10 could do. Cherryl had ice on her eye and Wells' wound was being treated. "What now? Are we going to be pissed at each other forever?" Said Cherryl avoiding eye contact with the older male. "Guess so..." He grumbled. He knew he needed to make friends if he ever wanted to see his family ever again. He didn't even get to say goodbye. "I'm sorry that your friends suck. And about my dog." Cherryl tried. "I'm sorry about that too." He said softly meeting her eyes "I hope someone will take care of him." Cherryl nodded sadly, the silence wasn't tense there anymore as it now faded into a comforting one.

The fact that Esmond paced around the cart didn't comfort Vanessa. She kept thinking about last night. He sounded angry then but now he looked furious. She didn't decide to question it and did what she had done before, looking out the window at the wonderful view, it soothed her. The way the trees formed, and the way the buildings looked the closer they got to the Capitol and they were close. She could feel it. Esmond stopped his pacing and he felt the anger run through him. He hit the table startling Vanessa, he was losing himself already he needed to calm down, for his grandfather's sake. Vanessa didn't calm down until he backed off, getting back to his pacing again. But now he was mumbling something inaudible.

Inaudible was the chatting of the tall and excited teen in front of Anton as he tried to focus on what she was saying. His thoughts were a mess, his plan A of suicide as soon as it starts went out of the window, he needed to protect Pippa. "Anton is that another Blue Grosbeak?" Pippa asked, not taking note of the stressed form of the older male. "Y-Yea. I think..?" He said his head still jumbled. "You know, I'm glad we got in together. We'll end these games forever." Anton nodded absentmindedly. He knew better than to believe her but he wanted to, he did, but he knew better than to believe her childish fantasies. Pippa on the other hand had it all planned out. She'll get all the people there on her side and tell them her plan. They'll take down the Capitol together, all 24 of them. She knew it was possible.

But knowing what's to come isn't possible in theHunger Games, nothing will go as expected and for poor Pippa, nothing will beas forgiving as she thinks it'll be.

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