District 5 - The Starving.

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"PAXTON!!!" an older man screamed through the house. Paxton tried to run away from the older man who was his father. "I swear if I ever again will wake up because of you, your punishment will be much more than the last time!" the father threatened. Paxton just freezes where he stood and looked up at his 'father'. "I'll try." Before the father could reply, Paxton run away to school. "OI PAXTON HERE!" a brown-haired boy shouted when Paxton arrived at school. "Hey Carter, how are you today?" Paxton asked. "I am alright, I'm just praying that I'll get picked on starving day." Carter said back. "I'm hoping for you too." Paxton said while giving a smile. "UGH, this girl just doesn't stop following me!" Carter's sister said while walking up to the two friends. Before Paxton could say anything back the sister just talked through it. "She doesn't stop complimenting how I look," she said annoyed. "Dorthy that isn't something bad so just shut your mouth." Carter said back to his sister. In the corner of Dorthy's left eye, she saw the girl walking towards her. "Uhm Dorthy, you forgot your book." She said awkwardly, because of the two boys who stood with Jade. "Thanks, you know I really appreciate you." Dorthy said with a fake smile. "Fake bitch" Carter muttered; Paxton who heard it slaps Carter on the back of his head. When the girl walked away Dorthy turned around and saw Paxton. "Paxton, I didn't know you were here, you promised me that will sit next to me during the lesson about berries." She spoke. "Yeah sure, let's get there together then." With that, they all walked to their lesson.

When school was over the siblings walked back home. "Carter, can I maybe ask you why you want to get picked during Starving day?" Dorthy asked her brother. "I want our family name to become popular," Carter said back. "You do you I guess," she said. When they got home their parents waited for them at the kitchen table. Carter and Dorthy looked at each other knowing that they are going to have a serious conversation. They walked towards the wooden table and sat down. "So, you both know that tomorrow is starving day... right?" their mom said while looking at her children. Both Carter and Dorthy nodded. "We wanted to tell you that we bribed the Capitol, so you Dorthy will not get chosen and Carter you will get picked." Their father said with a proud smile. Dorthy stood up and gave her parents a hug, "Thank you so much, I don't know what I would do without you!" She said whilst Carter just gave them a big smile.

Meanwhile, Paxton was still slowly walking to his home, knowing that his dad is waiting for him. When he opened the door, he saw his furious-looking 'father'. "I told you to clean your room yesterday!" His father shouted to Paxton. He just ignored him and went upstairs. "I wish I had a better son." he heard his dad mumble before he closed the bedroom door. When he sat on his bed he started thinking about tomorrow, Starving Day. He wanted to join really bad, to prove to his dad that he isn't weak. Paxton also wanted to join to let the whole district know that he is strong. He had a plan, but he didn't make it up. His friend Carter told him that his parents are going to bribe the Capitol to get picked. Paxton started thinking if he wanted to ruin his friendship just to join the hunger games. 'Fuck it' he thought. He took the money out of his secret drawer and walked outside looking for a peacekeeper. When he told the peacekeeper what he wanted they accepted it, since it was more money than what Carter's parents gave them. "Did they specify which child they didn't want to get picked?" asked Paxton. The peacekeeper told him that they didn't. Paxton got an idea, if Carter's parents wanted one of their children to get picked maybe he can ask if Dorthy can get picked. "I only have one question to ask, since Carter's parents paid for someone to get picked. Could you maybe let Dorthy get picked?" Paxton asked the Peacekeeper. The peacekeeper accepted it and then walked away with the money. Paxton walked back home, excited for tomorrow.

It was the next day, in other words, Starving Day.

Dorthy woke up feeling relaxed knowing that she wouldn't get picked. "Sweety, do you need help with your hair?" her mother said while coming into her room. Dorthy accepted her help and enjoyed the moment with her mom. Her mom put her hair in a braid with a bow at the end. "Your brother is probably waiting for you downstairs," her mother said giving her daughter a hug before she went downstairs. "Are you ready Dorthy?" asked her brother. "Yeah of course nothing that could happen" Dorthy said back with a grin. During their walk, they decided to pick up Paxton since he was all alone. Carter knocked on the door and waited for Paxton to open the door. In a few seconds, the door opened and for the first time in the siblings' life, they saw Paxton looking fancy. "Well look at you...!" Carter said looking at Paxton still in shock. "Yeah, you look handsome too, let's just go," Paxton said rushed not making eye contact with the siblings. "Did he eat something wrong?" Dorthy asked her brother, because of how Paxton reacted. The trio then walked to the stage where they will get checked in. "Can you guys hurry up!" a peacekeeper shouted at them. Dorthy looked around and saw that they were one of the last people. "I'll see you later guys," Dorthy said and walked to the girl's side.

Paxton and Carter stood next to each other waiting for the old winner named Starla Dione to finish. "It's the same speech every year" whispered Carter. "Yeah, they really need to spice it up" replied Paxton they both grinned at each other. "Well, enough talking, let's see who the lucky boy and girl it's going to be this year!" Starla said happily. She put her hand in a big glass with a lot of paper balls in it. "Let's start with the boys. She put her hand out of the glass and looked at the name. "Paxton Perry" Starla shouted. Carter wanted to step forward but then realised that the old winner didn't say his name. "WAIT... WHAT?" Carter said confused. "Sorry man," Paxton said back and walked on stage. Starla gave Paxton a big smile "Isn't he looking strong, well now for the girls" She put her hand in another glass a read the paper. "DORTHY WINFIELD!" she shouted. Dorthy didn't realise Starla shouted her name until a peacekeeper had forced her on stage. She put on a fake smile and waved to the people who looked at her. "Come on guys it's time to say goodbye to your family," Starla said while guiding them to their rooms.

Paxton sat on an old chair not really expecting anyone to come. "PAXTON" he suddenly hears a women's voice. He started to realise it's his mom. "Mom, I'm so sorry I never wanted to get picked" he said with fake tears coming out of his eyes. "It's alright dear, once you're there I'm sure you will strongest out of all of them" his mom said back trying to encourage him that he will win. "Your time is almost running out." a peacekeeper said. Paxton looked at his mom's face trying to remember everything before she will be sent away. "Mom promise me one thing." Paxton said to his mom. "Of course, everything for you." His mom said back. "Leave dad, he isn't good for you." Paxton said looking very serious. Before his mom could say anything back the peacekeeper dragged her out of the room and Paxton was all alone.

In another room stood a very stressed-out Dorthy. She heard the arguing between her parents and the peacekeepers before they went inside with her brother. "Ow Dorthy this wasn't supposed to happen." her mother said running to her enveloping her in a hug. "Mom what did you aspect, I mean you paid the Capitol you never know what could happen." Dorthy said back. The family just stood there giving each other hugs. "It was supposed to be me." Carter said angrily. "It was what it is son, nothing we could do." Said the father looking with teary eyes. "Time is up!" shouted a peacekeeper outside the room. "Goodbye my daughter." said the now crying mother. "Don't say goodbye, just say see you later." Dorthy said. The brother gave her a smile and then they walked outside the room. Dorthy then realised that she maybe never sees her parents and sibling again and started crying. 

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