District 10 - The Starving.

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Cherryl walked through the town with her dog and her hands in pockets as she scoped out a stall to steal from. Once she had one in her sight she ran towards it, ready to swipe until a tomato hit her head. "Watch it homeless!" A tall boy sneered at her. He was the son of the owner Cherryl could take him in a fight but problems 2 and 3 were right around the corner as they grabbed her by her arms and dragged her into a nearby alleyway. "Let's deal with the street scum, hold her boys." The tall boy said, he swung at her after hitting her in her face leaving her eye sore. He wanted to swing again when a boy holding her got bitten by her dog. "Dammit Wells! Hold her!" It was too late since Cherryl had already ran and turned the corner with her dog. "Fucking hell Westley. Now you gotta volunteer for letting the bitch go." The tall boy joked at Wells who was holding his leg in pain. "Yea, show us you have the balls." The other one joked. Wells felt pressured and gave in. "It would make a nice prank." He laughed awkwardly. There was a sudden shout from down the street and they looked over to see Cherryl's black hair disappear around the corner. Cherryl ran as fast as she could, if she lost this she wouldn't have food for the rest of the week and she knew that. She had to feed 2 mouths as well, hers and her dog Cyrus' Cyrus was loyal with or without food but Cherryl felt bad if she left him without anything to eat. Wells was a faster runner though and caught up with Cherryl, but as soon as he saw the dog he slowed down his pace. The pain from the last bite hurt too much to risk getting closer to the wild animal, what if he catches rabies?

Cherryl saw he slowed down and took the opportunity to climb the roofs and parkour further. And so she did, skilfully grabbing ledges and walking over stray planks until she reached a hayloft. She sat there until she felt like the commotion had passed and went downstairs to look for her dog. Wells had seen her come down but didn't say anything deciding he should get ready for the Starving Day tomorrow. Cherryl couldn't care less about the starving day as she looked at the sky. It was going to rain, she needs to get shelter and quick. "Come on boy, let's get going." She said as she started to sprint to a nearby alleyway, luckily there was an unused sheep stall nearby she could take shelter in. She was about to doze off when the door opened. She prepared for the worst but an elderly woman stood there with a sad smile. "Oh you poor thing," she started "You've got nowhere to go..." She spoke holding out her hand to help her up "Let's get you inside, you can live with me for the time being." She said. Her hand was warm and soft, like a hug Cherryl was waiting for her whole life. She started crying until she felt something wet on her face. She sat up immediately awake as the realization hit her that it was all a dream

And today was Starving Day.

Wells's head was full of worries. Sure his friends calmed him but he couldn't shake the feeling of this going wrong, no matter how hard he tried. He wiped his sweaty hands on his red blouse as he looked over at the horses, they always seemed to calm him down. He approached one of them and gave it's snout a nervous pat. "Hey, girl. How are you today?" He asked, knowing he wouldn't get a response he continued "I'm not so great, my friends roped me into something stupid again." He said placing his forehead on the horse's snout gently. He let out a pitiful laugh like the horse made a joke "I can't just not do it, they'll think I'm lame. And don't give me a speech about priorities or whatever."

'Is this kid actually crazy?' thought Cherryl as she watched the whole ordeal go over, as soon as she saw Wells turn she ran towards the square. Hearing his footsteps follow close behind. She arrived just before he could grab her coat. The peacekeepers raised an eyebrow at her untidy attire, it wasn't that she missed the dress code she just only had one set of clothes. Cherryl stood by the girls who were whispering and holding their noses. Cherryl didn't care about them.

Wells on the other hand did. His friends stoodnear him and kept egging him on. He couldn't disappoint them now. His train ofthought was interrupted by a stern-looking woman, she firmly grabbed themicrophone and said "I do not care for introductions or speeches. Are there anyvolunteers?" She spoke quickly and bluntly as if she wanted to get this burden overwith. Wells didn't have time to think and shot his hand in the air, alreadywearing a goofy smile. His friends laughed as a peacekeeper came up to him andkept laughing as Wells tried his hardest to explain. They even kept laughing whenhe was dragged to the podium in hysteric fear. Cherryl on the other hand feltbad. But didn't have time to process it because the Lady was already drawing aname. "Cherryl Gully. Come here. We don't have all day." Before Cherryl couldreact the Peace keepers had thrown her on the stage. It was truly a sight, twodazed faces. "You got any family?" The lady asked and Cherryl shook her head.She then asked the same to Wells who did. And he nodded "Well should've thoughtabout that before you volunteered. In the train you two." Before they couldmake another move they were on the train.

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