**Sorry I know I haven't been writing much on this one lately. haha anyways comment and let me know how I'm doing. Much appreciated.! **

This time when I arrived, Luke was already outside waiting.

I hopped off my bike and walked over to him, "I need my gun."

He led me to the room where I had stowed it for later use if the time came for it.

"What is your plan?"

"Find Colby and talk some sense into him."

He waited for me to say more or ask him to join but then realized I was being serious. "Cam that won't work."

"How do you know? I'll go alone and ask to speak to him in private. They won't shoot me if I'm alone."

'You'll be a fool to go like that. They want you dead Cameron remember that."

"Yes but he's family. He won't shoot."

"How can you be sure?" Luke's steely gaze made me think how weak my plan seemed but I had to try something.

"I'm not, but if you wan't I'll take someone with me."

"No it'll cause suspicion." Luke ran his hands through his hair in aggravation. "I don't like this Cam."

"I know but it's the only way."

He pulled out a map with a huge floor plan of a city. There was a black X over a certain area that seemed to be in the slums.

"This is where you'll find them. DOn't let them know you're armed. If they check you before you can speak to Colby privately take this," he handed me a lethal looking six inch knife.

"One swipe will do some damage. Put it in your boot."

I followed his instructions and looked at the map to memorize different paths I could take.

"You sure you want to do this?" he asked.


Getting there took quite some time on my bike. Not only was there traffic, but getting through the allyways made me more paranoid than before.

I clenched my jacket tighter around my body as I entered the gate that was enclosing a grand house with many men stationed on the outside with guns.

"Stop! State your name and reason for trespassing or we'll shoot."

I stood my ground and replied, "I am Cameron Madison, leader of the Vipers and am Colby's cousin. I need to speak with him immediately."

Some of the men lowered their guns as the man walked closer to me. "You're Deb's daughter."


He opened the gate and led me inside to meet with Colby.

"Wait here," the man stated and left as I glanced around the rrom that was filled with different stolen items.


I put down a mirror I had been examining and saw Colby standing a few feet behind me. He was a good seven inches taller than me and more muscular than Carlos.


"Yes it's me. Long time since I've seen you, my.. how much you look like your mother."

I glared, "you mean my father."

"Thank whatever you want. Why are you here Cam? Sandra won't be happy to see you here."

"i'm here to negotiate. Let's settle this now before another bloodbath starts."

"Why do I need to? You brought this upon yourself my dear," he grinned wickedly.

"How? I defended myself when I was in danger!"

"You have much to learn, now leave before my mother figures out you were here." The way he said it made him seem like he was scared for my safety.

Nahh that wouldn't make sense, he's a monster like his mother... like my old one.

I stood my ground and continued on, "I will not be held accountable for any further actions then if you defy my offer to negotiate."

"Sweetheart there is nothing to negotiate. You run your gang and I run mine. Ralph failed at tkaing you out and now it's my turn."

"What about family Colby? Your real family."

"My real family supports this decision and in time you will too."

"You're mad,"

"Am I? Look around you Cameron. All of these men are ready to spring onto you and watch your blood stain this carpet if I allowed it. They are hungry for revenge and it's high time I gave it to them. Now run along little one, until we meet again than is."

Operation: book 3 in RenegadeWhere stories live. Discover now