Garrett's POV

I was typing up another paper I needed to turn in within the next week when I got a call from Cameron. She was in hysterics but I wasn't sure why.

"Hang on, I'll be right over." I hung up and went out to my car.

Driving over there took me like ten minutes and I parked my car alongside her house.

I texted her, 'I'm here. Do your parents know you're crying?'

'No.. come in thru back?'

"Great," I sighed figuring it had something to do with Carlos.

I walked up slowly and let myself in, there was no one in the living room so I figured her parents were in their room. That would make this a whole lot easier at the moment.

Knocking on her door I waited about three seconds before she opened it.

"Cameron what happened?" I asked in alarm seeing her red puffy eyes and trembling lip.

She just hid her face in my shirt as she started sobbing again. I smoothed her hair down and tried to comfort her as best as I could...

'Yea.. Carlos needs to be here for her right now. Not me.' I thought to myself.

"They're disappointed in me..." she mumbled quietly.

I sat her down on the bed and wiped her tears off gently. "Who is disappointed in you?"

"My parents.. They wanted to protect me from this.. and I brought it with me.."

Oh.... now I see why she called me.

"Cameron, I realize that you think you're parents are disappointed in you. But they're not. You're in college, and are making better headway than what I ever did when I became involved with gangs. Trust me, they're just scared of losing you forever. They'll come around in a few years, trust me. You have so many people here that support you and love you. Don't ever think you're alone in this because you aren't."

She smiled gratefully and wiped her eyes in embarrassment. "Thanks Garrett, I needed to hear that."

"Anytime Cam," I replied and patted her shoulder gently.

She kissed my cheek gently and pulled away as she looked down at her hands. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to upset her. The only reason I had kissed her that one day... well two reasons, I cared about her and didn't want her to get hurt. Plus she was being negative and wouldn't shut up, we would've been spotted if I hadn't shut her up. But none of it mattered since she belonged to Carlos. No hard feelings.

"Have you heard anything yet?"

"No, but I'm guessing Sandra already knows at this point and is just waiting to drop one on us. I would say that we go see Colby and try to sort things out so this doesn't lead to another blood bath."


"Okay great, so I think we should see him tomorrow and go from there."

"Tomorrow?" Cameron said gulping.

"Yea, he'll probably be the only one there and we don't have to meet him at his place. We'll figure something out. Get some sleep Cam, I'll go over the details with you when you're up and ready."

"O... Okay. Well goodnight Garrett," she said and watched me leave her room.

"Goodnight Cameron."

I began walking down the stairs when I heard her feet padding behind me.

"Garrett?" she asked in a small voice.

"Yes?" I said turning around.

She grabbed me tightly into a hug while I smoothed her hair down gently.

"Thank you," she whispered and stepped back to let me leave.

"Anytime Cam, see you tomorrow."

Getting in my car I realized that whatever feelings I had for her had been just temporary, as much as I loved her. She was just like a sister to me and always would be. Nothing would ever change that.

**I'm about to end this book sadly *sniff sniff. But am super excited to be ending it as well! This one was a toughie :) Still trying to figure out how I'll plan the ending. (Might do a fourth one but it's not gonna be done until school ends). So we'll see!**

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