/Continuation\1/Mattholomule POV\

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Bee's buzzed around the two boys who sat on the prairie. Matt scrolled on his scroll while Gus lied on his stomach, drawing on his sketchbook. Matt yawned as he fell on his back. He glanced over at the sketchbook, "Is that a tree? And a house? And why is the grass green?" Gus laughed, "Its the human realm. All the red stuff is green and all the green stuff are red!" Matt looked at the sky, "Yeah that made sense." Gus snickered as the two went back to being quiet. Gus spoke up again, glancing at his own scroll, "You know, Grom is in two weeks." Matt yawned, "So is my birthday." Gus rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah you're turning fourteen. We will no longer be thirteen together." He dramatically put his head on Matt's chest. Matt placed his hand on top of Gus' head and sighed. "Ahem! Matt." Matt turned his head to so a clearly angry Boscha behind him. Gus rolled his eyes, "Thanks for ruining our evening!" Matt put his hand over Gus' mouth, "What do you want!" Boscha put her hands on her hips and bent over to get get in Matt's face, "You. Missed. Grudgby. Practice." Matt sighed, "My bad." He squinted his eyes at her. Gus made an aggravated noise at her. Boscha flipped her hair, "One more mishap and you are, off. The. TEAM." She began to walk away, "Also why don't you hang out with us anymore? You're always hanging with the four-eyes group." Gus pushed Matt's hand off of his mouth and stuck his tongue out at her. Once she was out of earshot, the two laughed loudly. Gus stopped laughing, "W-we should head back. It's getting late." Matt chuckled and stopped laughing, "Yup I agree."

Gus walked into the owl house, "We're back!" Eda's partner, Raine, was making soup. Luz,Amity, and Willow were watching videos on Luz's phone, while Eda and Lilith were arguing about something and Hunter was drawing a...wolf with hair, scars, and a angry personality? Eda stopped arguing and smiled, "You guys back from your romantic date?" Matt blushed as Gus leaned against him. Hunter stood up and ran over to Gus, "Gus, Gus. I found this thing called a fursona. And I made my own! Look! His name is Ash and he is really cool and edgy! Look at his black fur!" Gus' eyes widened as stars practically appeared in his eyes. He took the sheet of paper and looked at it. Matt looked at Gus, he liked seeing him curious like that. It was so wholesome, Matt once again wondered how he ended up with such a sweet boyfriend. Gus laughed excitedly, "Wolves are soooo cool!" Matt looked at the drawing and not going to lie, it was good and Hunter was surprisingly good at drawing. Matt looked at his nails, "How are you good at drawing?" Hunter looked at him and explained, "Well...imagine being in the Emperor's Coven for sixteen years with no access to scrolls, tv spheres, or outside witches. You think you would have to do something to pass the time!" Gus' eyes lit up, "Oh Matty! You need to go practice for grudgby! You have a game tomorrow." Matt rolled his eyes and walked over to his bag and pulled out his Grudgby ball, "Well Augustus, wanna help me practice? I'll beat you so hard." Eda poked her head in the room, "Ooooh are we beating Matt. I'll help I was the star player!" Matt looked at her with confusion, "I was talking about Gus, but you shouldn't. I don't want you breaking a rib." Eda laughed as Lilith joined in, "Me, Amity, and Willow will join as well." Matt laughed, "Bring it on."

King had a whistle around his neck, "Okay players. The teams are, Matt, Lilith, and Amity, and Willow, Gus, and Eda. First team to 3 points wins." Matt stared the other team down, grinning. He glanced at Amity, who nodded her head. He stared at Lilith who was also smiling, "This 'bad girl historian' was also the team captain." King blew the whistle and the teams leapt off. Gus grabbed the ball first, about to put it through the hoop, when Hooty swept from nowhere and hit the ball straight into Lilith's arms. She ran and jumped over Hooty, who purposefully failed to get her. She was about to get it in when Eda came from behind and stole it. Matt inhaled, My turn. He ran up and jumped on Eda's back, grabbed the ball. He jumped from her shoulders and threw it in the goal. Amity punched his shoulder, "Nice work."

"ROUND TWO!" King blew the whistle. The teams set off and Amity had the ball and was about to score when Hooty knocked her on the ground. She got up and dusted herself off and went back to playing. Matt grabbed the ball and Gus jumped, tackling him. Matt grunted as he slammed onto the ground. Gus succeeded at getting the ball and immediately scored. Matt sat up and rubbed his head, Woah he is really strong. Matt blushed as Willow gave Gus a high five.

"ONE TO ONE, COME ON WIN." King blew the whistle again. Willow jumped, grabbing the ball. She twisted and turned. Amity jumped at her but got knocked onto the ground by Hooty again, "Oh come ON HOOTY!" Willow was about to score when Matt jumped into her, trying to tackle for the ball. Willow accidentally pushed Matt to hard and he fell onto the sand. Rocks cutting his head and legs. He grunted as Willow stopped. "TIME TIME!" King yelled and blew his whistle many times. Gus rushed over as Willow apologized profusely. Matt looked at his cuts and inhaled through his teeth. Gus got on his knees, "Luz! Go get me a wet cloth." Luz rushed off. "I'm so so sorry! Please I didn't mean it!" Matt laughed a bit as he put his hand over his cut on his eye. Eda walked over with the wet cloth. She nudged Gus out of the way and began to soak up the blood, "Yeah that cut on your face is definitely going to be a scar." Matt touched his eye, where the scar that Eda referred to was located. She stood up, brushing dirt off her shirt, "Someone carry him inside. I'll bandage him up." Hunter went to go throw him over his own shoulder when Gus stopped him, "It's fine I got him!" Hunter was about to protest, looking at his beat up and bruised skin. Gus stared at him and Hunter sighed, "Alright just don't drop him I guess." Matt tried standing up but his leg hurt badly. Gus went to pick him up but Matt tried protesting, "Ha- I'm fine, I swear I can...get in on my own..." He stared at the door that was a bit of a walk. Gus picked up Matt and tossed him over his shoulder, "You're still very little."  Matt grunted in stubborn anger.

"Do you want the dinosaur bandaid or the triple corn bandaid?" Lilith sifted through her medkit. Matt sighed and flopped down on the couch, "I want a bandaid without a pattern." Gus grinned, "Is Matty too masculine to get a triplecorn bandaid." Matt blushed and rolled his eyes, "Fineee whatever." Lilith finished bandaging him up. She left the room, turning off the lights, "Get some sleep Matt." Matt rolled over balling up, smiling softly. He was mentally exhausted and just wanted to take a break. He exhaled about to take a nap. He woke up not 30 minutes later to Gus' distraught voice, clear he was crying in the other room, "—She really h-had the nerve to threaten Matt, a-and not only that, she brought up my mom! It's my fault she left, no need to remind me...! She ruined my life and I can't even do anything! I'm sorry Willow...I don't mean to vent I know you have issues of your own." Gus sobbed and then Matt heard a muffled sob probably because Willow was hugging him. Matt stared into the couch, wide awake. He felt bad couldn't even walk much less comfort his distressed boyfriend. He was tired but couldn't sleep, If whoever he's referring to hurts me or him...mostly him...I will not hesitate to commit an illegal act. Matt turned his head to see King curled up on his lap. He heard a slight ding and he opened his scroll to see a message.
Mother- Where are you, your brother is losing his mind.
Matt stared at his screen. He didn't want her to know where he was because she'll probably bring money or Celine in this. Matt sighed as he still heard Gus sobbing quietly.
Mattholomule- Friend's house
Mother- Come home
Mattholomule- Why you never let me go anywhere.
Mother- Quit acting grown. You're only 13
Mattholomule- I cant anyway I hurt my leg
Mother- now
Mattholomule- please just like 2 more hours!
Mother- I'm on my way to get you. I have a tracker on your scroll
Mattholomule- Mom! Please
Read at 3:32
No no no...Matt poked King, trying to wake him up. King woke up, "Weh?" Matt sat up, wincing in pain. King looked at him, "Are you okay? Do you need something or did you wake me up for fun?" Matt shook his head, "I am about to leave...my mom...is making me leave." Matt looked out the window, "Just tell Gus that my mom is taking me home..." King stood up and threw Matt's things in his bag then hopped up on Matt, hugging him, "Okay! I like having you here." Matt smiled, "Thanks bud." The two heard a crashing outside as Hooty was apprehended. "I have to go King!" Matt panicked a bit. Eda looked outside, Matt's mom was tall, a tiny bit taller than Eda. She had long brown straight hair with blue eyes. She had two white horns and a long snake like tail. She wore a purple jumpsuit with a black leather jacket over it. Next to her sat Grace, who was his sister's and was so much bigger then last year. She was an ice dragon that his mother used instead of a palisman due to her not having a liking for palismen, "Hello Owl House."


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