/Laboratory\6/Mattholomule POV\

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Matt was apprehended as he spit and hissed at the agents who had him tightly chained up. Matt kicked while Amity tried breaking her hands out to use her magic. Matt began to start giving up when he felt Emmilne on his shoulder squeak as Ghost poked her head out from Amity's blouse. Matt whispered at Gus' palisman, "Listen go get Gus. Tell him not to come after me I will be fine. I'm magic, they're not. Keep him safe or so help me lizard- sorry." Emmilne squeaked and ran off with Ghost. The agents kicked at the two palismen as the squeaked again. Amity got hostile, squirming in the chains. The agents threw the two in the back of their van, one of them had cross necklaces and a book called a 'Bible'? "God, compel these demons. Send them back to where they came from." The agent wrapped the necklace around Matt and Amity, splashing some type of water on them. Amity rolled her eyes, "Are you about to exercise your supposed 'demons' in the back of a government van? Man human religion is crazy." The agent stepped from the vehicle, slamming the door shut.

Matt groaned uncomfortably, "Ew now they got all of the water on me, and I'm drenched. Oh my Titan." Amity sighed, leaned up against metal siding of the van, "Is that really what you're concerned about. Eda, Gus, Luz, Willow and the others are probably in danger." Tears formed in Amity's face as she cried. Matt looked down at his legs as he sat with his arms chained behind him, Gus...I've had a good day but now I'm probably- we're probably being drove to our deaths. Why would humans care who I am? Matt balled up, "I've been trying to ignore it, because it's my fault this happened." Amity perked up and looked at him, "What?" Tears formed and then turned into a sob, "IT'S MY FAULT AMITY. I ruined everything, again. Gus is probably going to hate me, again. And so are you, not like I can worry about it because we are about to get murdered because I just can't ask for help." Amity looked out the window of the van, "We are just alike, Tholomule. Haunted by our actions. But what do you mean it's your fault?" Matt coiled in the corner, "There were these teens, a little older than us, at the fair, they got under my skin. Calling me and Gus foul slurs, even making racist remarks to him. I got angry and I probably killed two, the other one must've snitched. I used magic, obvious magic. I'm sorry...I had to prove that I wasn't a waste but I made things worse."

Amity sighed, "I understand, believe it or not. I've done stupid things for Luz, trying to defend her. So it's understandable. For now we can't mope. We got to get out of this creepy van." A blue jay swept in along with a cat-snake, chameleon, white cat, a bee, a fox, raven, and owl Palisman! "Emmilne. I told you to not save- you know what please get us out." I'm going to try to ask for help now. It was too late and they pulled up into Gravesfield Labs. He heard talking outside, "Yeah these demons got more of those little animals that look funny. I think they're magic." He heard a sigh, "Collect them and throw it with that other weird creature we have in containment." Matt looked nervously at Waffle who was on his lap, "Amity get the palismen out. NOW." Amity looked shocked but then nodded, "Ghost. Get the others out and flee. String bean and Emmiline. Tell Gus and Luz we will get out, Owlbert and <Lilith's Raven> go to your owners. Tell them we will be safe. Clover and Waffle, go teleport back to the demon realm and gather a little bit of blood from King, be sure to tell Willow and Hunter, especially Hunter. And Ghost, go comfort Luz with Stringbean." The cat nodded and fled with others. Matt sighed as the agents flew open the door, grabbing Matt by the chain around his neck, "I am not a dog! I'm literally just human but with pointy ears! And magic..."

They didn't put up quite a fight this go round. Walking them to their cells in the lab. Matt grouched, This plan better work. The human's roughly threw the two witches in different rooms. "I knew the human race should've believed me. I was able to become head scientist at this laboratory. I knew witches and demons were real, and I'm going to figure out your plots to destroy our planet." A tall man stepped out from a room, he had round ears, brown hair and beard with glasses, "I spent a while getting this degree to get to where I am. But now I have evidence. Now it's not 'Jacob Hopkins, the stupid conspiracy theorist who works at a run down museum no one goes to.'" Jacob stepped in Matt's room with a smile, Matt gave him a blank expression, "Oh my Titan, you're monologues make Adrian Graye's look good." Jacob snickered, "There's more of you?" He crouched down, grabbing Matt's ear and pulling on it slightly. Matt rolled his eyes as the room filled with gas, putting him asleep.

He woke up tied up with Amity under a spotlight with Jacob next to them, "So, demons, are you ready to talk." Amity rubbed her eyes as Matt sighed (SUPER HELLUVA BOSS REFERENCE <LIKE I COPIED THE LINES CUZ NO IDEAS IN MY STUPID HEAD> COMING UP)

Amity sat in her seat kicking her legs as Matt whistled. Jacob got bored and put his finger on Matt's forehead, "Where did you foul beasts come from? Who's with you? Where are they?" Matt blinked and grinned, "I just woke up from a very nasty gas, and I'm still feeling woozy. So I'm gonna request you fetch us some coffee before we get into this. I mean everyone gets coffee in movies, am I right? I want something iced, <B word>! Amity?" Amity cleared her throat and took a deep breath, "I'll have a Neapolitan cappuccino, more cappu- than -ccino. Make sure it has no more than four ounces of milk, the beans won't have the right texture. Make sure they spell my name correctly on the cup, they always put Emity or Emily, I hate that. If you can't handle that I'll have a venti traditional misto, please use soy milk-" Matt looked at her weird and Jacob and the other dude in the room looked at each other in utter confusion. "-With two blonde shots, affagato AND RISRETTO! I'd also love three vanilla pumps at the very bottom then add the coffee after then-" Jacob yelled at the two of them, "ENOUGH! We aren't getting you all's coffee!" Matt turned her head at Amity, "Woah, I was getting massive chills there Amity, congrats." The other guy rubbed his forehead and Jacob got in Amity's face, "If we have to, we will use torture to get answers out of you." Amity smiled, "When you say torture, do you mean physical or psychological. Physical seems counterproductive, we would like to tell you anything to make an end to the pain and you wouldn't know if it was true." Amity looked at Jacob, "Or we might enjoy it, we're 'demons' after all. We live on mars or whatever." The other guy got in Matt's face, "What does your friend mean by that?" Matt grinned, "Oh you're stupid? I can work with stupid." The other guy looked offended as Matt and Amity cracked up at his face. Jacob looked peeved, "You better stop laughing, both of you!" The other guy grabbed Amity by her collar of her shirt, "Yeah! You're the ones at our mercy!" Matt snickered and then stopped, "It's hard to resist, I'm sorry. I mean considering you're approach thus far, you've had us tied here for what? Hours? And you haven't even had us confirm what exactly we are." Jacob got in Matt's face, moving his glasses, "What are you?" Matt smiled, "I'm a Leo."

Amity laughed even harder. Jacob coiled in anger, "Oh! Smart Alec! Come with us." The two took Matt's chains leading him from the room. The two passed by a little cage, where a scared palisman was quivering in fear. It was yellow and looked like a snake-Rat-ferret hybrid thing. He felt attached but had to keep walking as his hands got smacked with a hot metal rod, burning his knuckles. Ow. He looked down at his burn marks, Second time, Why? Glass flew, shattering onto the three of them, it cut Matt's face and lip but he tried to get into a defensive pose as the human's grabbed some weird metal thing called a gun. "This moron is coming with me," A strange voice came from the dust. Jacob whistled for guards. They surrounded the mysterious person in the dust. Matt bit at the chains and tried to run toward the cloud so he could cower behind them. Guards surrounded, "Show yourselves or we shoot." The dust cloud settled as he looked. Covered in blood, dust, and scratches, GUS?

GUS ISNT AN INNOCENT BABY HE COMMITTED MURDER. 👏👏👏 ima try to post more I hope you enjoy me trying to make a storyline <3

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