/Denial\7/Augustus and Mattholomule POV\

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I just killed so many humans...I feel awful...but it was to save Amity and Matty. Guns went off. Gus used his palisman to create a shell to guard himself. Illusion time. He didn't even get a chance when a bullet shot straight through his chest. He yelled in agony as he began to bleed out. I have to...save him. Gus put his hand on the bullet wound as he saw Matt become aggressive, desperately trying to break the chains. Matt's eyes did what Gus' do sometimes, but yellow. The chains shattered as Gus fell to the ground (Switching to Matt pov)
"Gus! No I will..." He stared down at Gus' body as he was barely breathing, gushing blood. The guards had Matt at gunpoint as he ran over to Gus with his vision having a yellow tint, "No no no...wake up...idiot wake up. I swear if you don't wake up I will kill you! Please..." Anger and adrenaline flowed through his veins. He stared down at Gus' body, holding him. "Why...you were so desperate for research you killed him." Matt turned his head at Jacob who still hadn't lowered his weapon. Tears were streaming from his yellow eyes as they glowed brightly, "Shoot me. Do it." The group of guards had their weapons raised but no fingers were on the triggers. Matt turned back to Gus as he sat on his knees, "Heh. You won't, you need me for some reason." Matt stood up, setting Gus' corpse back on the floor, "This is why I told you not to save me Gus...but he still tried. And YOU KILLED HIM!" He had a feeling he was going to die, but he didn't care as long as he avenged his boyfriend. No palisman, just him fighting. His magic was 20x stronger and he killed everyone but Jacob who fled like a coward, locking the hallway down so Matt couldn't escape.

After everyone was dead or running he fell on his knees, sobbing over Gus. Emmiline crawled out of Gus' pocket, squeaking. Matt picked her up, "What do we do? Can you do something. Wait..." He remembered Gus telling him about Flapjack saving Hunter's life. "Can you save him?" Emmiline shook her head and squeaked in a way Matt understood, It only works on possession and magic. Not bullets or anything that pierces him. "No! Please! We have to do something! Anything! I'll give...my life." Emmiline looked at teary eyed Matt. She shook her head again, causing Matt to breakdown in denial, "He's not gone! We can still save him! Amity knows healing magic right? We just need to rescue her! I'm not...gonna stop until I see him alive." Matt stood up shaking his head in disagreement, "I'll save him! He's the only person who I care about...I need to save...him..." He ran up to the palisman from earlier, "I'll get you out." He didn't use his magic, instead he used his fist, busting through the glass cage. His fist and fingers bled a lot but he reached the palisman as it crawled up his arm. He watched as the palisman turned into a staff, "Woah. W-wait my own palisman but I didn't even say my des-it doesn't matter." The palisman shook his head when Matt said his own palisman, "I need your help so." Matt grabbed some bandages. He took Gus' shirt and removed it, wrapping bandages around his chest, Alright let's prove that lizard wrong and save you.

He flew on the palisman out the window Gus flew in from, I hate flying but I must save Amity and Gus. He could hear Gus' voice, Don't be a coward. Keep calm and focus on where you're going, your palisman will help keep you safe even if you fall. He dove down with Gus over his shoulder. The front doors were opened as workers went to work, "Come on palisman...get in there..." They shot through the door knocking people to the floor. Matt flew up the stairs towards the keeping chambers. He stopped in front of Amity's cell as her eyes were purple and she had abomination goo coming from her eyes, "Matt? Is that you...why is Gus unconscious...what happened and is that a palisman." Matt stopped hovering as the palisman crawled up his arm and down the back of Matt's shirt. He smashed buttons, opening the door. Amity rushed out looking at Gus on Matt's back, "Is that...blood? And bandages...Matt what...what happened." Stay tough Matt. You're infront of a woman. Matt unknowingly was tearing up. Amity touch Matt's shoulder, "Are you okay...?" Matt sat down Gus as Emmiline caught him. Matt collapsed into Amity, "He's really gone. After everything...I finally...got someone and they die infront of my eyes." Amity held Matt close as tears formed in her own eyes. Matt looked at her, "Come on...you know healing magic right? Just fix him! W-why are you crying when you can do something!" Matt shook his head in disbelief, "No...there's...we have to...he can't be...gone." Matt collapsed, blacking out from stress.

Gus felt a tug on his shirt as he awoke. The room was dimly lit and full of water, wait it wasn't a room...it was a cave. A man who looked like Hunter, Caleb, and a Titan, the Titan. Oh, I remember...I was shot by Humans. I deserved it for hurting them. The Titan looked at him, "Ahh. Augustus Porter, friend of King's and Luz's. Or should I say Gus." Gus looked at the black water that stained his clothes. Floating cubes drifted around them. "I'm dead aren't I...Matt...is he okay? Is he alive and free from the humans?" Caleb yawned as he looked at the chess board that him and the Titan were playing on. "Well, take a look. Matt Tholomule." The Titan said sternly, a cube floated up to Gus' eye level.

Matt was furious, his eyes were glowing yellow as he sobbed. He jumped, attacking humans around him. Jacob fled and others died and then he fell on his knees, morning the death of his boyfriend.
"Matty..." Gus touched the cube. The Titan chuckled, "Seems like he loves you deeply." Gus just wanted to hug him, tell him it's alright and help him get through it, but he couldn't. Gus cried falling on his knees, "You can't help me. Can you?" Gus looked hopeful as the Titan fell to his level, "I can. Any friend of Luz and King's is a friend of mine. Right now you're being held by Matt and Amity. I can give you life. It wasn't fair because a human did it." The Titan stuck his hand out at Gus, helping him to his feet, "I'll bring you back. Not with anymore powers but just alive again." Gus looked at him suspiciously, "And...what's the catch?" The Titan chuckled as Caleb kissed Evelyn who walked over to him, "Not a catch. You helped take down my foul brother, saved lives, and were a loyal friend. If anything this revival is a long time coming." Gus smiled as Caleb stuck his hand out to Gus, "But only you can choose to accept." Gus ran up to Caleb, shaking his hand aggressively, "Woah kiddo, calm down let's get this done." The titan snapped his fingers and Gus immediately awoke.

Matt flew on Ghost with Amity as he felt movement on his back, "Emmiline, it's fine." Matt's eyes were red and puffy due to him crying. The two landed as he set Gus on the soft green grass. Amity held Matt close as he sniffled. He cried into her shoulder. "Ma-Matt. You might wanna see this." Matt looked up and saw Gus awake and trembling. He looked up and Matt, "M-Matty?" Gus went pale, "Oh heck wait a second." Gus vomited into the grass, crying. Matt shoved Amity and rushed over to him, waiting until he was done vomiting. Gus collapsed in Matt's arms, "I'm not hallucinating right? You're really...you?" Gus wiped his mouth hugging onto Matt as he cried into Gus' shoulder, "I have never been that scared before...wait. You came back from the dead?! I...I was sure you were dead." Gus grabbed Matt's face, looking into his eyes, "I was but I pulled a Luz and came back." Matt smiled and fell onto Gus, knocking him into the soft grass. Amity stood up and held onto Gus aswell, "Why is everyone dying but then being revived." Amity sat up and looked at the palisman that helped Matt escape, "Is he yours now?" The palisman looked at Gus and Matt who we're laughing while spilling happy tears. It nodded. Amity tapped Matt's shoulder, "Are you worthy of a palisman, well, little Garth. Matt picked up Garth, "I...I don't want to be who my mother wants me to be. I want to be loyal and care about others. I want to ask for help and keep my friends safe while still being dominant and able to stand up."

Garth looked at Ghost and Emmiline. Garth nodded and turned into staff form, "Woah!" He set Garth down to catch Gus who was falling into Matt's arms. He picked him up, kissing him. Amity rolled her eyes, "I don't get what you two see in each other." Matt looked at her, sticking his tongue out at her, "You're like that with Luz." Gus snickered and tried to see if Matt could really hold him, newsflash, he couldn't and both of them fell down. Amity grabbed Ghost, "Meet us at the Noceda house, m'kay?" Gus and Matt nodded as Amity flew off. Gus held onto Matt's torso as they sat on the grass, "I-I have never seen your eyes glow like that...like mine." Matt blushed, "I just...I don't even know." Gus looked at Garth and Emmiline, who seemed scared of this new palisman. "Ready to back?" Gus chuckled, "Race ya." The two boys grabbed their palisman and flew off.


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