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Welcome to The NOOM. This series is my baby in all the good ways. I've been writing it for years and every time I read it back, I'm reminded of why I wrote it in the first place: these fandoms work together and this story has to be told.


Did you know that this series has an Almanac? Check out the last chapter for a link and more info about it.

June 24th 2023

Get ready for a massive update. In preparation to continue this series, I've restructured the first book. No major changes to the actual story of book 1 other than minor edits, but I'll be splitting some chapters up so they'll be shorter and a couple of scenes were moved from one spot to another. It's a sizeable effort that could take me a while. Wish me luck.

If you were in the middle of reading the story, don't fret, I'll provide you with a quick guide right here to help you figure out where you were. Feel free to drop a comment here to remind the future you where you left of in case if Wattpad loses track of it.

Guide to the revisions:

Old ch. 10 = new ch. 14. Sort it out (the sorting ceremony doesn't go well for Jack).

Old ch. 20 = new ch. 27. A clue (Elsa's brainstorming with Luna and finds a record of an enchanted mirror).

Old ch. 30 = new ch. 41. Innocent's torment (Ginny is freaking out after the first attack).

Old ch. 40 = new ch. 55.  High expectations (After the second attack, Ginny isn't doing any better).

Old ch. 50 = new ch. 70. Everyone wants to be a healer (Merlin's first attempt at healing the attack victim).

Old ch. 60 = new ch. 89 Circular crochet hooks (Dumbledore pleas with Merlin to stop cursing Severus).

Old ch. 70 = new ch. ? Twelve uses of dragon blood

Old ch. 80 = new ch. ? An audience

Old ch. 90 = new ch. ? Valentine's Day

Old last chapter 94 = new ch. ? A half of my heart.

How many chapters will we have total? I don't know yet as I haven't finished the process yet. What is your guess? I'll give a shoutout in the book and on my profile to the person that guesses correctly.

Smell ya later!

The Gathering: The New Order of Merlin Book 1Where stories live. Discover now