A half of my heart

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To Hogwarts Witches and Wizards.

I believe that your school houses two children who belong to me. I will come tomorrow to collect them. I trust you will not prevent a reunion of a mother with her children.


Minerva read and reread the short letter delivered to her by a raven this afternoon. She did not like this. Even though the letter did not describe the children this woman was looking for, she was sure she meant the Nix twins.

They told her their mother was dead but Minerva had her suspicions that it was a lie. The way they spoke of her - children who have lost their only parent did not speak this indifferently of their loss. But they were scared, she was sure that the fear was not fake. And so their story became clear and simple - they ran away from their mother.

While the rational part of her told her that children belonged with their mother, her instinct told her to be cautious. Minerva did not like the way this witch spoke of her children in the letter and she did not like that she used a raven to deliver the message. No one used these birds anymore because of their past association with Dark Magic. But this witch did not mind what conclusions Minerva would come to upon seeing her bird. Just what type of a witch was she?

Her hands trembled when she folded the letter and stuffed it into a drawer. She didn't warn the twins that their mother was coming for them, afraid that the news would prompt them to run away again. She couldn't bear the thought of them out there on their own. They would have to deal with this mess the following day when she showed up.

Besides, maybe she was wrong and this Beira was looking for other children. Perhaps.

She couldn't sleep all night. Her mind was swirling with worries, dreading the coming day.

She had grown very fond of the twins and wanted what was best for them. Was it really in their best interest to be handed over to a woman who referred to them as her belongings? On the other hand, Minerva knew nothing of her. Maybe she was a good mother after all and the twins ran away for a stupid, childish reason like not wanting to do chores or disagreeing with discipline. She did not know the full story.

She instructed Argus Filch to watch out for a visitor the next morning, but it turned out to not be necessary. She noticed the witch while on her way to lunch.

She was taken aback by her appearance. She was a beautiful woman who looked too young to have twelve-year-old children but the resemblance was very clear, though her hair was naturally blond, not white. She carried herself with an air of authority and natural grace which so many women would kill for. She was the type of woman who knew how beautiful she was and wanted everyone to acknowledge it. Minerva didn't like her already.

"I am Minerva McGonagall, Hogwarts Deputy Headmistress. Are you Beira Nix?"

The woman's lip lifted as if she found Minerva funny but then she spoke in a no-nonsense matter, getting straight to the point.

"You received my letter then. Let's get on with this. I don't have all day."

Elsa and Jack had already spotted her and made their way forward, confirming that this woman was indeed their mother.

Minerva couldn't help but look at them with harsh judgment. She did not like it that they lied to her. It was more than just disappointment, it was a feeling of betrayal. She truly cared for them as if they were her own family but they couldn't even afford her the truth.

"Follow me," she said once the twins arrived.

As she feared, there was no touchy reunion. Beira did not act like a worried mother who was thankful that her missing children were safe. Instead, she looked triumphant like she just won a battle. In the meantime, the twins looked scared. They didn't dare look up, said nothing and held each other's hands for comfort. Oh, why did they put her in this situation?

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