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I'm not used to seeing other people in my bed, especially in the morning. Not that I've never had people here, of course, I've had women here. But after having what usually is satisfying sex, I tell them to leave. I don't let anybody sleep here. Sex to me is a moment to feel good and move on with life. I don't like waking up in the morning with a girl I just met, kissing her and pretending to like her as if she wasn't just a good fuck.

But with Ava, here she is, asleep in my bed on the left side of the bed. I decide to sleep on my comfortable chair, knowing well enough I don't want to sleep in the same bed as her. She was comfortable enough to not complain and to just go with it, even after telling her that I want to kill her.

I know she despises me, and I know she's afraid of me now. Her body tenses at every moment I step too close.

But I want her to be afraid, maybe she'll stop trying to get me fired and actually behave herself for once.

I approach the bed and start peeling the covers off of her. She remains asleep, which is what I want considering I don't want her to start freaking out in my arms.

My hands slide underneath her body and––

Her eyes shoot wide open and she flinches, startled.

"You need to get back to the hospital wing, now." I tell her in a low voice, trying to be as quiet as possible. And for once she actually doesn't go against my words with her defiance. I help her stand from the bed, and she winces with every movement. I think her pain medication has worn off now. She can't move without stumbling a bit in her weakness.

To help, I reluctantly slide my arm behind her and let her wrap her arm around my neck to use as leverage. She's almost afraid to touch me, and I know it's because of what I said last night. But she has no other option unless I have to drag her out myself.

I open the door a crack, looking out to make sure nobody is out here to see us. Only though, the security might see us over the balcony. Fuck, what if they saw her last night. If he finds out that she was walking around at night, he might kill her.

If she dies, I want to be the reason for it. I want to kill her once I'm allowed to.

Nobody is in the hallway though, so once I silently tell her the coast is clear, together we carefully step out. She winces again, trying to keep it quiet. Now, we start to make our way towards the hospital wing.

The doors are just across from our hall, all we have to do is cross it––


I turn around slowly, only to find Niall standing there, looking like he just woke up.

"Why do you have that girl with you?" he asks, tilting his head.

I flash my eyes down to her again, her eyes are big and filled with fear. I can feel her body shaking slightly in nerves. "It's..." I meet eyes with Niall again, "a long story, just don't tell anyone, okay?"

Niall stares at me for a moment in silence before nodding. He's good at keeping secrets without asking questions. He slips back into his room to act as if he hasn't seen this, and shuts the door.

I take a deep breath and turn us back around to continue towards the hospital wing. I push through the double doors with her and start to walk down the hall. I can't remember which room was hers...

The door next to Louis' is left wide open. Then I remember, her room was next to his.

Approaching the door, I try to hurry this up so I can get her back in the bed and walk away, acting as if nothing had happened and leaving the nurses to monitor her post surgery.

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