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Chapter One - Walking in the dark.

(Haley on the side)

While rolling from one side of my bed to the other without the motivation to get up, my cozy bed begged me to stay: 'Please Haley! Don't go. Please don't leave me! I thought that the things we shared were something special. Haley, please!'    

Three different scenarios were buzzing through my mind as I rolled over once again. My eyes pressed closed to escape the bright sunlight falling through my window, hitting my face.

1. I could simply stay in bed and let the day pass by. A day without doing anything productive. My routine would probably look like this: sleep, food, shower, food, sleep. However, isn't life too short to let days just pass by?

2. I could also stay in bed a little longer before getting up. Skipping university to go shopping sounds extremely appealing as well but then, what do I want to do in the mall all by myself? Boring as hell, isn't it?

3. The scenario which was the most unappealing one out of the three: getting dressed for university now, knowing that I will be sitting through all my lectures until 4 PM.

A deep sigh left my lips as I chose the third scenario even though I couldn't understand how I convinced myself to leave this incredibly cozy and seductive bed over and over again.

Wait! Wait! Wait!

Geez, how impolite of me. Jumping right into the action without giving some information about myself. Well, I mean if you want to know some facts about me I could probably share some. You do want some, right?

If not, then what's the point of reading my story without knowing anything about me? Doesn't make any sense, right? Great, here we go:

My name is Haley. Haley Parker.
My humble self is 19 years old and lives in Great Falls, Montana with both of my parents.

You could say that I'm quite the average girl; going to university with psychology as my subject. You may ask yourself, "Psychology, really?" And my answer would be, "Heck yeah, I like using my skills and knowledge to twist someone's mind."

Well, let's go over the appearance thing. The sooner, the better: Light chocolate-brown, wavy hair that nearly reached down to my waist, copper-blue eyes with a light shimmer of apple-green in the center, and pale skin is what characterizes me the most.

All in all, I am an ordinary girl. I would tell you something about my character using various adjectives to describe myself like everyone on this planet does but, with pure honesty, this is what I want you to find out throughout the story.

What is this story about?

Darn, I almost forgot to tell you, but this story is about how I, the ordinary, usually friendly and helpful (yes, I indeed and purposely used some adjectives to describe myself like everyone on this planet does) Haley, got kidnapped. I don't want to admit that it was my fault, but well, I guess you will eventually find out anyway.

So, let's pick up where I left off.

"Haley!", an unknown voice called my name as I walked along 20th South Street. No way in hell that I would turn around to greet someone who was that excited early in the morning.

For Pete's sake, I should have chosen the first scenario.

"Haley, hey!", the voice louder than I wanted it to be, and I assumed that whoever wanted my attention in these early morning hours was approaching me quickly.
"Hey", the high-pitched voice of Luna greeted me as I replied with a soft nod. Sometimes, I just wanted to be alone. Was that too much to ask for? Well cross that, I always wanted to be alone and especially at 8 in the freaking morning.
"Do you mind if I walk with you to university?", she asked. I assumed that she hadn't even realized that she was already walking with me towards university.
"Go ahead."

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