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Chapter Ten

What can you offer me?

(Stacy on the side)

When I woke up, bright light caught my eyes, and I squinted them. Damn, I had such a strong headache. What happened? Where was I? My left hand traveled up to my forehead, rubbing it softly. This headache was the worst I had in my entire life. Did I get drunk? Was that just a badass hangover I was suffering from? Wait!
Where was the light-yellow painted room that I remembered to be in for the last couple of weeks? How long did I sleep? Don't tell me that it has been weeks or even days. Oh my god, Haley! Don't panic! You are a badass. Where were Jason and Damian? Where were all of them?
"Hello?", my voice weak when I tried to sit up straight. Why was my head pounding like someone was constantly hitting me with a goddamn pan?
Taking deep breaths, I slowly opened one of my eyes, adapting to the bright light surrounding me. Where the heck was I? The room was a light-pink colored one, no paintings decorated the small spaces of walls which were left. Huge windows on two out of four walls and multiple, massive mirrors covered the other two ones, causing the room to look huge and open. Some old, white-colored furniture were located either against the walls with the windows or stood in the open room, away from the mirrors on the walls. The bed, I was currently sitting on, was the center of the whole room. It was white, wooden and several pink-colored pillows and blankets were supposed to make it look cozier than it was. How did I end up in a princess room? Was I kidnapped by Cinderella?
"Hello", a deep, rough voice greeted me, and I turned my head to the right, squinting my eyes to see where the voice came from and to escape the pounding headache with no use.
"Gorgeous how are you feeling this morning?"
"Where am I?", my voice abnormally shaky when I decided to go for the weak, kidnapped girl this time. I wasn't sure whether he would buy this act because he had already seen my strong side, but maybe I could act like I was afraid now. Not as strong as I hoped I would be.
"You're in my house", he answered, and I opened my eyes slowly, staring into two hazel eyes. His house?!
Ah now, I remembered. I went with Brian Walker in order to escape from the other guys which I still believed was a good plan. Additionally, I remembered that he said that he had some offers for me. Offers which would guarantee me my freedom. I just didn't know what kind of weird offers we were talking about. I couldn't remember what happened after I got into the black BMV which stood directly in front of Damian's house. Everything was black when I tried to remember anything after I turned around to look at him because he told me that we should talk. What the hell did he do to me?
"What did you do?"
"Don't lie to me, you freaking son of a bitch!", I shouted before I jumped out of bed. Screw my plan of pretending to be a weak girl. The room blurred, and I had the feeling I was running in circles.
"It's not about what I did to you, Haley. It's about what you can do for me and what I'm willing to offer you in return", Brian mumbled before I felt his arms supporting me to stand up straight.
"You fucking drugged me. How?"
"I said this is not important", he growled, and I pushed him away, stumbling back onto the bed. Goddamnit, I was glad that I was able to think straight even with that painful drumming inside my head. There was my own 5 Seconds of Summer concert banging through my mind.
"So, if I do whatever you ask me to, what do you offer in return?"
"Finally we're talking Haley", he smirked, and I rolled my eyes. He was as annoying as Damian himself.
"I asked you a fucking question", I hissed, and the smirk never left his face.
"First, I don't appreciate the tone you are talking to me with Haley, but I'm offering you some information about Stacy Miller", he replied, and I stared at him with a raised eyebrow. Why would I want to know something about this girl?
"Because the way Damian tried to protect you shows me that you, Haley, remind him of her which is absurd. Just because you've got brown hair and blue eyes doesn't mean that you look like her. She didn't have a green center in her eyes. She didn't have your pale skin, and I am sure as hell that she was never as strong and as self-confident than you are, Haley", he explained, and I stared at him with wide eyes. Wait a second, what was he trying to tell me with that information?
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that you are the weak spot of Damian", he smiled, and I shook my head in disgust. Well, this will become handy.
"I'm not. I'm Damian's worst nightmare", I hissed, and the smile on Brian's face became wider with each word I said.
"Haley, I think we're going to have a great deal."
"What else are you offering?"

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