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Chapter Twelve

You must be kidding me.

Four days passed since I was 'rescued' from Brian and almost everything went back to the way it was before I decided to make the best deal of my life. I know. I know you are excited to know what happened after Jason kissed me, and I bet you are thinking about more kisses and hearts and flowers because it was freaking Valentine's Day, but NO – just no. Nothing really happened afterwards.
The moment he realized that I didn't really kiss him back, he released me out of his embrace, grabbed one of my hands and then, we awkwardly joined Damian and Andrew in the black SUV. The ride home was quiet and extremely odd, but well, I didn't give a dancing fuck about why this badass tension was inside of the car.
I spent four more days isolated inside my room, talking to Steven who was quite nice and slowly started to warm up to me, before Kathleen came into the room, observing me like I was Satan myself. It was not like I was interested in any of those four boys, but surely, she thought I was after her little boyfriend.
There wasn't much that Steven revealed about himself and I realized that out of the four guys, he was the one with the most intelligence. He was 20 years old, grew up in Augusta, Montana, had no siblings and didn't have a good relationship with his parents. Kathleen was his girlfriend for over two years now, and his eyes lightened up the moment her name fell in our conversation. To be honest, I was not a real fan and believer of real or true love, but Steven was horribly in love with Kathleen. Even I could see it.
Jason tried to avoid me the best he could, and I knew that this had something to do with the kiss. Was it because I didn't kiss him back or because I haven't brought it up again? Maybe he thought that I was angry? But why would I be angry?

Surely, Jason was cute and nice, but come on guys! Does someone really believe that he and I could have a future together? How many times do I tell you that I'm not good with feelings and that I don't have a heart? Does ring a bell? So why on earth would anyone ship me with Jason?
Okay fine, yes! I get your point of shipping two people of different genders but come on, you got to know me and you're still thinking that I could be a good fit for any of these boys? Seriously, don't you get all the hints I drop? No relationships, no feelings. I was born to survive this world all by myself without needing another person interfering into my decisions and my life. Formed to hurt everyone who dared to cross my way.

Anyways, it was the eighteenth of February, twenty-nine days, and I was still in their dirty little hands. Obviously, I needed to put more effort into my little agreement with Brian because Jason denied talking to him about personal stuff which meant that I had to have the talk with Jason about the kiss.
At least, that was what Brian texted me two nights ago. YES, it was too hilarious, but we were actually texting with each other every other night when everyone seemed to be asleep.
The phone Brian gave me was carefully hidden in a tampon box which Kimberly and Kathleen bought when they were shopping for female stuff that I would need to use sooner or later. They also managed to buy some new clothes and toiletries for me like shampoo, a toothbrush and a toothpaste with the oddest flavor ever: Pineapple cheesecake. Who would even brush teeth with such a disgusting flavor?
"So, um, what do you want to do today?", Kimberly asked me when she and Kathleen entered the room. Today they had the task to look after me since all the boys were out due to some gang issues or whatever they were talking about.
"Come on Haley, there must be at least one thing that we could do while the boys are out", Kimberly tried to motivate the three of us, and I rolled my eyes.
"Do whatever you two want and I'll just stick to you like glue and insult the stupid things you two are usually doing", my honesty on point and Kathleen shot me an evil glare.
"Are you always a bitch or only with us around?", Kathleen asked, and one could easily hear the annoyance in her voice.
"Well, I was nice to Steven if this interests you", I defied her, and she stared at me with her eyebrows furrowed.
"Touch him once and I'll kill you twice", she threatened me, and I couldn't suppress my laughter.
"Try me."
"How about we watch some movies so, ehm, no one has to kill anybody?", Kimberly tried to save the already unpleasant atmosphere between Kathleen and I both nodded in union and Kimberly smiled as a response.
The moment we entered the living room, the smell of freshly baked cinnamon cookies filled the air, and I smiled to myself. That was another reason why I loved the winter. Cookies, cookies and again: COOKIES!
"Great. So how about a Disney movie?"
"Sure", Kathleen answered, and I raised an eyebrow in disbelief. Are they fucking kidding me?
"You don't like Disney movies, Haley?"
"Well, they totally differ from reality, so no, they are all bullshit if you ask me."
"Just because no one would ever fight for you or the fact that you'll never find true love, doesn't mean that they are stupid or too far away from reality", Kathleen defended herself, and I gave her a fake smile. Someone seemed to be on her period today. Feisty little bitch she was.
"Kathleen, you just told me a lot about you in the last thirty minutes that we spent together, and I don't know whether I should feel sympathy or whether I just dislike you", my voice harsh and monotonous. Kimberly, on the other hand, stared at me with her eyes open wide before she thought about what to say next.
"Oh, is that so? Tell me, Haley. What do you know about me?"
"First, you are an overprotective and extremely clingy girlfriend. God, you are so damn jealous that everyone could easily take advantage of you just by using Steven's name. Second, every time someone has a different opinion than you, you are going nuts. Kathleen, you just started an argument because I don't like Disney movies, but anyway, the last thing that I observed is that you are definitely on your period today", my explanation threw the two of them off guard, and Kimberly just stared at me while Kathleen opened her mouth and closed it again repeatedly, looking like a fish stranded on dry ground.
"How do you know that I'm on my period?"
"Mood swings, bitching around for no reason, and you're eating constantly. There are only two options here: you're either pregnant or you're just on your period, and I assumed that it's the second one", I explained, and Kathleen nodded in agreement.
"Makes sense", she said, and I imagined seeing a small smile forming on her lips.
"Okay. Wow, that took a dramatic turn which I didn't see coming. How about another movie then?", Kimberly asked with a weak smile on her pretty face, and we both nodded. Was I pleased to watch a movie? No, but I didn't want another stupid argument with a girl who was on her period. Might end up in a bloody fight. 

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