T h i r t e e n

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Chapter Thirteen

Even in a pink tutu, I would be scarier than you.

(Stanley on the side)

Today was the twenty-seventh of February, and I have been in their captivity for 1 whole month and 1 additional full week in total. My usual plan of escaping as soon as possible was quickly exchanged with the idea of finding out more about this Stanley Weston guy because he was the only topic everyone was talking about. No one told me who he was or why he was known as one of the toughest guys in this business which meant that there was only one person who could help me with those kinds of information. Brian Walker.

'Tell me who this Weston guy is that everyone is talking about! - Haley'
'My friend. - Brian'
'Well and...? H'
'What are they saying about him? B''
'He is one of the toughest guys in the business. H'
'Maybe you should stay out of this then. ;-) B'
'I can handle the big guys trust me. H'
'Never said that you couldn't. B'
'I'm still waiting for my answer! H'
'Well okay fine, you can keep on waiting then B.'
'You know that our deal is off then too because I don't need you to get the fuck out of here Brian. H'
'Haley Parker you are good at negotiating. B'
'I just know what to do to get whatever I want. H'
'Stanley Weston is one of my high school friends, he is a total nerd, very friendly and helpful and not even in this business. He just looks tough that's all. And we are using his appearance to our advantage. B'
'So, this is just a big bluff then? H'
'You mean the threats? Of course, they are bluffs. I would never arrange something that could hurt you. B'
'Are you flirting with me? H'
'I don't know, am I? ;-) B'
'We're gonna end this here. H'
'Talk to you soon! Brian'

A knock on my bedroom door surprised me as I jumped up and tried to hide the cell phone under my pillows.
"Haley, we need to talk", Jason's British accent appeared, and I turned around to stare into green eyes which were observing every move I made.
"Okay talk."
"We're going to deal with this Stanley situation and explain that our threats, well, more precisely, Damian's threats aren't true which means that we will meet him and some of his gang members at his house and since you are a part of us now, you need to accompany us", he explained, and I nodded silently. A part of them? Yeah, sure.
"So, what is there to talk about?"
"I need to know whether you're with us or not", he mumbled, and I tilted my head to the side, studying his facial expression. His soft hair fell lightly over his forehead, his eyes searching mine and his lips were formed into one straight line.
"I don't understand", I lied, and he took several small steps into my direction until he was standing only a foot away from me while I stood up from my bed, looking at him.
"I need to know whether you'll be on our side or not."
"Which side if not yours?"
"Your own. I need to know that you won't be there and try one of your escaping stunts Haley. This is real talk", he spoke, and I took one step into his direction. His eyes following me.
"I will do what you ask me to Jason."
"I ask you to stay next to me and to not leave my side."
"To not leave your side?"
"Yes. I need to know that you are safe", his glance fell from my eyes onto my lips, and I noticed how he took two more steps until he stood directly in front of me.
"I promise that I won't leave your side."
"Well, I-I need to go", he mumbled quietly before he turned around and increased the space between us.
"Yeah?" The moment he turned around, his green eyes met mine and in an odd way it felt like we were the only people in this room and nothing else mattered, which was true. We were the only ones in the room.
"Can we talk?"
"About what?" His voice shaky as if he knew what I wanted to talk about. Did he think that if he didn't talk about it that it had never happened?
"The kiss Jason." I enjoyed seeing him so nervous.
"I know, I shouldn't have done that, and I don't know why I did it", he mumbled, and I made my way through the room until I stopped in front of him. My left hand softly stroking over his warm cheek.
"I'm so sorry that I didn't kiss you back Jason. I was surprised and confused. But why did you avoid me afterward?"
"Because I-I...", he began, but didn't finish his sentence before he pulled me into his arms and pressed his soft lips onto mine, moving in synchronization. And this time I didn't do the same mistake twice because I needed his trust.
His hand wrapped around my lower back, pulling me up into his chest and I cupped his cheeks with my hands, softly stroking over his smooth skin. The second he realized that I kissed him back, he stumbled backward against the door, his arms still wrapped around my body while he tried to deepen the kiss by begging for entrance.
"Jason, we-", I tried to disconnect our lips, but his lips were back on mine before I was able to say another word.
"Let me in", he craved, but I shook my head before I softly pushed him off me.
"We can't do this."
"Why not?"
"Because you kidnapped me."
"It wasn't me, Haley. I was even trying to help you to escape", he whispered against my lips, and I closed my eyes for a brief second.
"I-I can't Jason."
"But I like you."
"I know that you do, and this is exactly why I can't let this happen", my voice a whisper. His touch was still present on my lower back.
"What do you mean?"
"There are so many good girls out there Jason. Maybe directly in front of you and you can't see them because you're so distracted by my game", I remembered Kimberly's words of having a huge crush on Jason.
"Your game?"
"I need you to trust me and to listen to my words, Jason. This, us - will never work because I would just hurt you in the end."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm telling you to keep on looking because I'm not the right one for you. Please, Jason. You're the only person that I trust enough to tell the truth. If we would've met under other circumstances and earlier in life, then I would've been completely head over heels, but this isn't the case. You're not a part of my plan and it would only hurt you if I would take advantage of you that easily. Some people are better off as friends", I explained, and his face turned chalk-white.
"So, all your flirting was just for your escape?"
"And your kiss?"
"I like you, Jason. I really do, but not like this." It was true, and I haven't liked anyone as a friend for a very long time now and still, I was using this for my own advantage. His trust was everything that I needed.
I know that I acted like a bitch, but this was who I really am.2
"I'm sorry Jason."
"No, don't be. It wasn't your fault, it was mine. Why would I think that I had a chance? We kidnapped you and I understand that you plan to do everything to get out of here even if that means taking advantage of one of us. I am sorry Haley. Sorry that we did this to you. Maybe you're right. Some people are better off as friends and I hope that we can be friends someday. I would really like that", he shed a tear, and I gave him a weak smile. An honest smile.
"I would like that too."
"No secrets Haley."
"I can't promise that Jason."
"Just don't do anything stupid without telling me."
"Can you promise me that you're on my side even if I might mess up?", I asked him, and his green eyes stared into mine.
"Thank you, Jason."
"Don't mention it."
There was a short period of silence before his glance rested on me, his eyes drowning into mine.
"Even though I don't want you to leave us, I will do whatever you'll ask me to because this is what friends are for, right?", he whispered and gave me a weak smile before he left the room, escaping the nagging atmosphere between us.

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