S e v e n

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Chapter Seven

Let's play a game.

(Kimberly on the side)

It was already the twenty-ninth of January. As you figured, four days passed, and the guys were still taking their rotating shifts. Today was Damian's shift which was very compatible with my next plan. Not because Damian was a part of it of though, but this meant that Andrew had his shift tomorrow which would be the day when I would finally take my plans into actions. Ten days in their captivity before I would finally be free.
Andrew was a hell of a player. His testosterone level so high that he could easily fill a whole bathtub with his conceit and self-assertive and still, he would have enough left to be one of the most annoying players on this goddamn whole planet. My counting of his flirty attempts to get a girly reaction out of me ended after I reached fifty within the first hour of his shift. His over-confidence was annoying, but exactly what I needed for my next plan. Since I didn't refuse to leave my room anymore, I spent an awful lot of time on the first floor, including the living-room, the kitchen, and their playroom.
OH HELL NO! You have a very dirty mind, my friend. No 50 Shades of Grey kind of stuff. Jesus, I meant those Play Stations and whatever guys were spending their times with.
There was also another door beside the front door, leading outside to their huge backyard which was surrounded by a 6'5 feet stone wall. One huge tree covered in snow and several flowers which were hidden behind a layer of snow were the only kind of nature giving the yard a lovely touch of life.
I have never been a huge gardening fan, but even I could see that whoever was taking care of their backyard had a green thumb and extremely high knowledge about gardening.

"So, did you finally get used to the idea of being a hostage and living here?", Damian asked softly the moment he walked into my light-yellow painted room. Who could get used to such an idea? Did they even contact my parents yet?
"Hell no."
"It has been four days and you're still here. You haven't tried to escape once and I'm starting to believe that you don't really want to go", he spoke, and I couldn't suppress a giggle slipping out of my mouth. His eyes darkened within a second.
"Don't you worry. I'm waiting for the perfect moment", my answer totally honest, and he gave me some squinty eyes.
"You are under our watch the whole time, how do you plan to try another of your stupid stunts?" His question offended me.
"Just you wait and see", I winked, and he smiled at me in return. Truthfully smiled at me. His bright, white teeth were encompassed by his light coral-red colored lips while his eyes glimmered with amusement.
"Bring it on Haley", he defied me and this time I was the one who couldn't suppress the smile. He loved the game.
"You like playing little games, don't you?"
"Yes", he whispered, and I could feel his hot breath on my lips. How didn't I notice that he was already standing in front of me? But I was staying my ground no matter what.
"Then let's play a game, Damian." My words slightly taking him off guard, and I tried to ignore the smug smirk I saw stretching across his lips.
"I'm listening." He tilted my chin up, forcing me to look into his eyes, and I allowed myself to slightly smirk.
"Bring on your charm and the outrageous player inside you. Try to convince me to stay while I am doing everything in my powers to leave this ridiculous place."
"What's in for the both of us?" Our faces were only inches apart, not that this affected me though.
"Public humiliation Damian. In case you win which is obviously so impossible, you can easily drop me like a hot potato in front of all your friends, but in case I win then you'll rot in hell. I'll send you back to where you came from Lame-ian", my threat harsh and true.
"Deal", his husky, deep voice filled with self-assertive and I took his outstretched hand, shaking it softly.

"Wait did you just call me Lame-ian?" His brain was visibly working hard to catch what I said. Public humiliation Damian. You'll regret this.
"Yes, it is a combination of lame and Damian because you ar-", he interrupted me by waving with his hands in front of my face excessively.
"I got it, Hal-belle", he said, and I raised one of my eyebrows, scrutinizing him. Hal-belle? What the freaking fuck?
"Seriously Hal-belle?"
"Yes, because you are really pretty", he spoke and grabbed my hand, pulling me closer.
"Yeah you're pretty too", his blue eyes glimmered with victory, and I grinned maliciously.
"Pretty stupid." His expression changed within a second. His eyes darkened, and I had the feeling this was a turn on for him. Holy fairy dust of Pixie Hollow this was going to be so easy.
"If I were your mirror Hal-belle than I would lose the strength to hold me up because you just sweep me off my feet", his pick-up line cheesy and annoying.
"If I were your mirror, I would commit suicide."
"You're never leaving my mind, Haley. I'm dreaming about you all night long", this time he chose to avoid a pick-up line, trying to wrap me around his fingers with his so-called charm.
"What a coincidence because I often catch myself fantasizing about you too. Like you are getting hit by a bus or fall under a train. Simple things", I counter, and he shook his head with his smug smile still playing around his coral-red lips.
"Your face must turn a few heads", he persisted, back to his pick-up lines. Pathetic.
"And yours a few stomachs."
"Where have you been all my life?", he asked, the amusement in his voice never left and his hold on my hand tightened.
"Hiding from you."
"Well, you didn't do a good job then, didn't you, my love?", he countered. Oh, he was now trying to give me some of my own medicine. Sweet.
"You know what Damian?", I breathed against his lips, and his eyes darkened immediately. What was he thinking?
"Hm?" His face decreasing the slim distance between us, and I found myself leaning back.
"You remind me of a penny. Two faced and fucking worthless", my statement caught him off guard before I jerked my arm away.
"Oh ouch." Before I knew it, he had his arms tightly wrapped around me.
"Let the fuck go of me", I hissed and tried to struggle out of his grip, but he was strong. Stronger than me. Frick!
"I can give myself to you."
"Sorry, I don't accept cheap gifts." Why couldn't he give up? His cheesy pick-up lines were worthless and right now, I was the one who was winning this battle.
"If I were able to rearrange the alphabet, I would put the 'U' and 'I' together", he stated once more, and I rolled my eyes, already annoyed.
"Oh, how sweet Lame-ian. If you asked me, I would put the 'F' and 'U' together."
"I will do whatever it takes to please you", he spoke, his voice deep and seductive while his arms were still wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer into his hard chest.
"Okay, please me by getting out of my sight." He smirked.
"Are you a magician Hal? Because abraca-dayum, girl!" My laughter filled the air, and his eyes softened.
"Yeah and now watch me disappear", I caught him off guard before I struggled out of his firm hold and made my way to the closed door, but he instantly grasped my arm in the process as I attempted to walk away.
"I can tell that you want me, Haley." The corner of his lips twitched upwards. Arrogance in his eyes.
"Yes, I want you to leave!", I snapped. Those pick-up lines were the worst I have ever heard. How was it even possible that he could get even one girl with this shit load of bullshit?
"Okay fine. You're not that hot anyway", he mumbled and released me out of his grip, and I dramatically lay my hand over my heart.
"Was that supposed to hurt my feelings?", I asked sarcastically.
"Good night Haley. See you tomorrow", he planted a quick kiss on my lips and left me alone. My hands clenched into fists. Asshole. He just kissed me.

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