Interview - Haley Parker.

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Me: Hello Haley. What a pleasure to talk to you.

Haley: Yeah, well, I didn't have any other choice though. (rolling her eyes)

Me: So, I have received a few questions from readers.

Haley: Interesting.

Me: The most requested one was: "Why you would do such a cruel thing?"

Haley: First of all, you wrote this ending so I guess it's you who has to answer that stupid question. Putting this aside, did y'all even read the finale? I mean there are a few reasons for me to be the badass character that I am because, well, he deserved it.

Me: You don't regret your decision?

Haley: I don't regret anything.

Me: So you don't regret sleeping with him either?

Haley: (scoffs) No comment.

Me: People want to know what you think about your sister.

Haley: (surprised) About Stacy? Well, Stacy was a fool, but nevertheless, she was my only sister, and I loved her. We had such a deep bond which makes it so hard to understand why she would have ever been so stupid and do such absurd decisions for someone as dumb as Damian himself. My sister was a lovely, cheerful, and extremely incredible girl you just had to love. People say that time heals wounds, but let's be real: this is bullshit. I am still holding onto her like my life depends on it. 

Me: So you are also still holding onto the anger?

Haley: It's my best feature.

Me: My readers are asking about Halian-babies. What do you think about that?

Haley: What the hell is Halian?

Me: It's the ship-name of Haley and Damian.

Haley: (laughs) Who would ever ship the two of us after everything I have been through?

Me: There are plenty of readers who wanted Halian to be a thing, you know? 

Haley: (annoyed) Well, no chance in hell. 

Me: So no babies for the two of you?

Haley: (angry) If you even dare to do such a reckless thing I will find and kill you, author.

Me: (coughing slightly) I would never dare. Up to the next question: Did you like any of the boys or girls you met during your adventure?

Haley: Actually, I am very surprised to say so myself, but I guess I did.

Me: Oh and who?

Haley: No comment again.

Me: What would you do if I give Halian another chance?

Haley: I will find and kill you. 

Me: Well you can't do anything about it, don't you?

Haley: Try me. (Hands clenching into fists)

Me: Anyways, thank you for your time Haley Parker!

Haley: Uh-huh. 

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