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Chapter Two - I hate small talks.  

(Damian on the side)

The moment when I woke up was the moment I was the most furious in my entire life. These bloody douche-bags really kidnapped me. For fuck's sake. A headache spread all over my head before I blinked multiple times to see where I was. It was still dark outside when I turned my head to the right; staring out of the window. Great. I was in a goddamn smelly car. Old, filthy car seats with a high probability of being infested by bugs. Disgusting.
Next to me, two of the four guys were carelessly sleeping as I shook my head in disbelief; suppressing the urge to pass a hurtful comment. They didn't even duct-tape my mouth - another detail I noticed the second that I woke up in this stupid car. This whole situation seemed like an amateur job to me.
"Good morning princess", the deep, husky voice greeted me when I met his glance in the rear-view mirror.
"Shut up", I replied and watched how the corners of his lips slowly twitched upwards into a sassy smirk. Screw him. Screw them all. I needed to think about a plan to get the fuck out of here.
"Feisty, I like that", he quietly muttered under his breath as I shook my head while rolling my eyes. He was really starting to piss me off.

- Damien -
This girl. Arrogant, smart, and feisty. I loved it. Who would've thought that we would kidnap a girl after threatening the hell out of this older man who still owned Andrew pots of money? Something about that girl was different. The moment I laid my eyes on her, I felt it - familiarity. There was something about her eyes.

I knew that the other three guys wanted her to be gone. Only Andrew wanted to kill her off which, of course, he could never do; pretending to be a badass without really doing anything is more his style. Jason and Steven were too soft to kill anybody anyway and I? Well, for now, I wanted to keep her as a hostage. Maybe we could get some money out of this situation. Maybe I could also figure out why her eyes were deeply anchored with such disgust when she looked at me.

Her chocolate-brown hair, her blue eyes, and pale skin. Hell, all her features reminded me of my deceased first love: Stacy Miller. She was an angel. The best thing that had ever happened to me. God, she was beautiful. She got shot during one of our gang businesses. I tried to save her. I tried everything I could, but nothing worked out the way I wanted it to.

This girl in the backseat of my car - her appearance was somewhat similar to Stacy's, but her personality was completely different from what I witnessed so far. Stacy was the friendliest, warmest and most beautiful girl I had ever met in my entire life. She was everything to me, but she was also incredibly shy. Everything I've asked for, she did it without questioning why. Without even doubting it. If she had questioned everything, maybe she would have been still alive. Undoubtedly, I will never get over her death. I was so damn furious, and I wanted to kill the guy who shot her, but apparently, we had other urgent things we needed to deal with at the moment. I will get him, no matter what.

Backto this girl in the backseat of my black SUV. This girl really had some confidence.She was feisty; smart when she tried to convince us that she just found thatman, but what a coincidence that we heard a noise and watched her coming out ofher hiding spot. Well, maybe she wasn't smart enough. Her beautiful blue eyesdidn't reveal a thing. No fear. No worry. Nothing. I had to give her that. Shemight turn into a big challenge. And there was nothing more that I loved than agood challenge.
"Good morning princess", I greeted her as I looked through the rear mirror andmet her drowsy glance.
"Shut up", she replied harshly. Her answer short and dry while the corner of mylips slowly twitched upwards into a smirk. I was impressed. This was going tobe fun.

"Feisty. I like that", I quietly muttered under my breath and watched howshe shook her head in disbelief. 

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