F o u r t e e n

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Chapter Fourteen

Back off.

"Tell me. What can I do for you guys?", the one with the Australian accent asked after we stepped through two huge golden doors which led us into a massive living-room. A golden chandelier, golden curtains and a cream-colored couch with perfectly matching golden armchairs characterized the massive room. The walls were completely painted in a white color whereas the wooden floor had a dark brown touch to it.
"We're here because we wanted to talk to you about the heated argument last time that we've seen each other", Jason began. His voice quiet and polite.
"We wanted to apologize for the harsh words which were exchanged and that we..", he continued, but Damian stepped forward, shutting him off completely while asking over.
"No apologies. I'm here because I want to tell you that I'm not sorry for anything that I said. Moreover, I don't appreciate the tone that you were speaking to me with because let me tell you once more that I'm not afraid of you neither am I going to back down because I will be one step ahead of you each time. If you want to threaten me, then you better watch out, Weston", he used my words and a small smile crept onto my face. Good boy, make yourself some enemies.
"You are coming into my house. I treat you like a guest, and this is how you thank me? Are you threatening me, Silver?", he asked. His voice deep with an Australian accent. Stanley was intimidating just because he didn't even seem slightly affected by Damian's words. I liked him immediately.
"Yes. Yes, I am", the husky voice affirmed his question as I noticed that Damian's glance rested on Stanley's hand which was searching for mine. What the fuck was he doing?
"Back off!", Damian hissed the moment Stanley grabbed my hand. Why were all these guys so flipping handsy all the god damn time?
"Excuse me?"
"Back off from Haley", Damian growled. His eyes alighted with rage. Yeah, the heck man. Back off.
"Easy tiger", Stanley smirked before his hand let go of mine. My instinct caused me to pull my hand back and hide it behind my back.
"Oh, Damian you prankster!", Jason spoke, but Andrew pulled him back. Seemed like Andrew was so sick of this miserable gang of theirs.
"Let Damian deal with this situation. He knows best", Andrew said, and I raised an eyebrow when I saw that Jason shrugged before he lowered his head, staring at the ground.

"Stanley my friend. How are you?", the deep, rough voice of Brian hollered through the air when he stepped through the golden doors. His eyes fell on me before a small grin stretched over his lips.
"Brian", Stanley smiled politely and the two of them greeted each other with a handshake, followed by a small hug as if they were the best buddies on this entire planet.
"Haley. Always a pleasure to see you!", he smiled as he pulled me into a light embrace. See? Damn handsy. All of them.
"Back off Walker", Damian growled again before he took one more step forward, staring at the three of us separately.
"What did you say?"
"I said back the fuck off", he repeated as if Brian was the dumbest person on earth.
"I think Haley is old enough to use her own mouth to tell us to back off. Don't you think, Damian?", Brian asked. Two ocean-blue eyes met mine.
"I think she likes the attention she is getting from us", Stanley said, and I tried to suppress a smirk to form on my lips. Yeah, I did like all the attention that I was getting. The spotlight will forever be mine anyways.
"All of you. Back. Off.",
"I don't want anything to do with anyone of you. You were right Brian, I can use my own mouth to talk, so you two back off. And Damian shut the fuck up. I don't need you to protect me", my voice harsh just as I wanted it to be before I stared into their eyes before I walked through the room, passing the other four of the gang.
"Where do you think you're going?", Andrew asked when he took one side-step into my direction until he stood in front of me. Too late to play the badass gang member, darling.
"Restroom. Can someone please show me where the restroom is?", I asked, and my glance was clued to Brian who nodded as if he understood what I was really asking him. Good boy.
"I will."
"No, you won't!", Damian denied.
"Well. It's either Brian or I who can show her where the restroom is and as far as I know, we both were currently negotiating, right?", Stanley explained, and Damian was powerless. Stanley was right. Now that I was thinking about it: Did Stanley know about the deal between Brian and me? Was he playing on my team too? Fabulous. This was getting better and better.
"So, what do you want me to do for you?", Brian asked as a wide grin stretched over my lips.
"I want you to buy me some time."
"What for?"
"For my escape", I answered with my duh-voice, and he looked at me puzzled.
"What about the part of our deal where you convince Jason to talk to me?", he asked with furrowed eyebrows.
"I won't make it far."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"You just have to buy me some time, so I pretend to escape, Brian. I won't make it far enough to really escape because it just needs to look like I'm leaving so that they won't figure out that I am staying because of our deal. Do you understand?", I asked, and he nodded.
"What should I tell him when you are not with me anymore?"
"Just tell them that I asked you to go back and leave the lady alone. I bet they don't want you to think that I am a hostage, they have never mentioned it to you, right? But then, on the other hand, isn't it obvious that I don't like to be with them?"
"The second I laid eyes on you I knew that you didn't fit into the little family-thing they share", he answered honestly, and I smiled weakly. Same, dude – same.
"Well then, tell them that you stood in front of the restroom-door and when you came in to look for me, I was already gone. Tell them that I climbed out of the window because this definitely sounds like me", my plan easy and understandable. The moment Brian would walk back to meet the others, I would run outside and try to break into the car.
"Okay, I give you a one-minute head start before I hectically run back to the others", Brian told me, and I thanked him for his cooperation before I sprinted through the first floor, carefully checking every corner to avoid running into one of them.
"She's gone", I heard Brian's loud voice hollering through the air the moment I stepped outside into the front yard of Stanley's big mansion. A stone caught my attention ere I quickly grabbed it and smashed one window of Damian's black SUV. Glass fragments shattered everywhere when I reached into the car, unlocked the door and climbed onto the driver's seat.

This was actually a pretty good plan to escape for good.

"There she is!", Kathleen shouted when they all ran out of the building and quickly tried to make their way over to me.
"Come on!", I whispered when I fiddled with the cables beneath the steering wheel. Come on! I watched so many videos on YouTube about stealing cars. YouTube would never disappoint. "What the fuck did she do to my car!", Damian's angry voice cut through the air, and I smiled evilly.
"There we go!", I spoke to myself when the engine came to life, and I stepped on the gas pedal, moving forward.
"She is stealing my baby!"
"See you in hell Damian!", I shouted before I sped off, leaving Mr. Weston's property. The black SUV softly purred under my hands as my eyes stared at the fuel gauge. Red was never a good sign. It took me five more minutes until the tank was completely empty and the car came to a complete stop.
When we arrived at Stanley's house earlier, I noticed that the tank was almost empty because the red light was flashing. And this was the very moment this genius plan was set. The only difficulty of the plan was to wait for the perfect moment, but I guess I managed the timing perfectly.
"Look who we have here", Andrew spoke when they stopped right in front of me. A small smile present on his face.
"No gas babe, huh?", he asked, and I nodded defeated.
"Well, I will let you in on a secret. Damian always has some gas in the trunk", he whispered before he opened the door and pulled me out of the car while Damian ran towards us, inspecting his car. This garbage of a car should have been burned a long time ago.
"What did she do to you, baby?", he mumbled under his breath, and I shook my head from one side to the other.
"Nothing. She did nothing", I answered, and he turned around with a sour expression on his tender face.
"You smashed a window and stole her!"
"So, what?"
"Andrew get her out of my sight!", he commanded before Andrew pushed me into the beetle cabriolet of Kathleen.
"You take her back to ours. Lock the door when you guys are inside. Damian and I are going to meet you guys there", Andrew explained to Steven, and he nodded silently. It didn't even take an hour when Damian and Andrew arrived at the black-painted house of theirs.
"Where is she?!", his angry voice asked. Kathleen told him that I was upstairs and that Kimberly was in the room on the opposite side, her doors wide open to watch me from a safe distance. When he stepped into my room, I immediately took one protective step backward, keeping the distance between us safe.
"You are the most frustrating woman I've ever met in my entire life Haley", Damian hissed, furious. His eyes were burning with reluctance, and a smile on my face appeared.
"What did you expect Damian?"
"I expected that you don't try one of your fucking stupid stunts! I thought Jason talked to you about this", he hissed annoyed. Ah right. Jason did tell me something about not leaving their side. Now I remembered.
"He did. Seems like you can't trust me, huh?"
"Seems like it!"
"It was your stupid idea to kidnap a girl that you know nothing about, dickhead", I countered. My voice angry. Goddamnit this man was so annoying. He hadn't even met my worst side yet and still, he was complaining about my stubbornness and my feisty mouth every single day. Did he really believe I would just come along after he kidnapped me? Because I was sure as hell that I wouldn't.
His ocean-blue eyes alighted with despite as he kept taking several steps into my direction and this time, I accepted his challenge. If he wanted to fight, then let's fight. He didn't intimidate me. Not even a bit.
"Are you doing this on purpose to annoy me?"
"Yeah, because everything is always about you." I rolled my eyes. But it was the truth. I did do that on purpose.
"Ouch. You know that you're going to fall for me Hal-belle. Sooner or later it will happen eventually", he said as his lips stretch into a disgusting smile.
"Sure. I'm already so turned on when I see your face Lame-ian", I replied, the fake tone in my voice sweet, innocent as I pretended to cool me down by fanning my face with my hand. An even wider smirk appeared on his stupid face as my words left my mouth. Of course, this was a lie and he knew it.
"Oh, is that so?", he asked. His eyes glimmered in amusement as I took one more step into his direction, slowly closing the distance between us.
"Do you wanna know how turned on I am?", I asked him, alluring him with a fake smile and desire shined right through his eyes. Maybe he didn't.
"Tell me."
"The only thing that erects when I am near you is my middle finger. Oh, see. Here he goes!", I yelled at him, showing him the finger before I turned around and left the room with an evil grin on my face. He obviously didn't see that coming.

[Edited December 2018]

A/N Hey guys sorry for this crappy chapter, but somehow I lost everything I've written so far when I tried to transfer everything from my USB stick to my new notebook and I had to rewrite this chapter which sucked because the one I wrote before was better, longer and funnier. 

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