chapter 19

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Okay babe I then say to him " also before I leave when do you want the media find out about us" he then ask me "when they find out" I then told him "that is a good idea" he then said to me

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Okay babe I then say to him " also before I leave when do you want the media find out about us" he then ask me "when they find out" I then told him "that is a good idea" he then said to me.

"I have to go now he"he then told me he walk over and gave me a kiss I then kiss him back after few seconds later we then pull away from each other "see after princess" he then told me.

He then walk out of my hotel room probably to go back to he so he can get ready I then told myself I then decide to get ready for today I then look over the clock and see is 12:30 in the afternoon.

I then walk into my bathroom I then lock the bathroom door I then strip of my clothes from last night I then jump into the shower I then put watermelon shampoo and conditioner in my hair.

I then grab my shaver shave where hair always grow after I did that I then grab some avocado body scrub run all over my body
after I finish with that I then turn of the shower wrap a towel around my body I then unlocked the bathroom door.

I then walk out of then bathroom went into my suitcase to try to find something to wear for today I decide to wear a Nike pants with a matching crop top to go with it I then decide to wear black and white air force one (without the bag and white shoes)

I then walk out of then bathroom went into my suitcase to try to find something to wear for today I decide to wear a Nike pants with a matching crop top to go with it I then decide to wear black and white air force one (without the bag and white s...

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After I finish getting ready I look at the time and see it is 1 pm in the afternoon I then decide to put light bit of make up on to finish with this outfit.

I then grab my body mist sprayit all over my body I then grab my phone and room key because I going to look around in Singapore I the heard a knock at the door I the went to door and open it.

"Hello little sister "my brother Charles said to me "hey brother how are you" I then ask "I be good I heard that Lando stayed last night in you hotel room" he the told me.

"Yeah he did stayed last night he also my boyfriend" I then told him" really he ask you to be he girlfriend then" he then ask me "yes he did ask me"I then told him.

"I came here ask if go out to dinner tonight all the diving going be there" he then told "yeah saw I will be there" I then told him "okay I am going to go I have to go to the meeting" he then told me "okay I will see you later then" I then told him.

"Yeah you will see you later little sister" he then close the door behind him I then decide to go look around the store they got here in Singapore.

I then left my hotel room after grabbing my room key I then walk in the lift so I can leave the hotel after about ten minutes I walk out of the hotel.

After few minutes I walk down the street to where all the store are after about few hours later I just arrived back at the hotel I now going to my room to get ready for dinner tonight my brother invited me to.

I then walk into my bathroom I then lock the bathroom door I then strip of my clothes from last night I then jump into the shower I then put watermelon shampoo and conditioner in my hair.

I then grab my shaver shave where hair always grow after I did that I then grab some avocado body scrub run all over my body
after I finish with that I then turn of the shower wrap a towel around my body I then unlocked the bathroom door.

I then walk out of then bathroom went into my suitcase to try to find something to wear for tonight I decide to wear a black dress go past my upper leg but it don't pass my knee.

I then decide to wear my white Air force one instead heels I then when with a black bag to go with my outfit ( without out the high heels boots).

After I finished getting ready I then put on some body mist I then sprayed it all over my body I then decide to do a pool simple makeup looks after

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After I finished getting ready I then put on some body mist I then sprayed it all over my body I then decide to do a pool simple makeup looks after.

After I finish getting ready I then decide to grab my hotel key and phone I then walk out of my hotel room few minutes later I in the hotel lobby waiting for my uber to get me take to the restaurant.

After about 25 minutes I arrived at the restaurant I then walk in to desk name the lady ask me Leclerc I then tell the lady.

"Uh yes please came with me I will take you to their table" the lady at the desk then told me few seconds later I then see a table feel with diving and girlfriend.

I walk up to the table see their is a free sit next to my boyfriend Lando "dam I got a boyfriend" I then told myself I took the sit next to him.

"Hey princess I love you dress can't wait till the dinner is over so I take back to the room then I can rip that dress of you" he then told me I then blush after he told me that.

"Why are you blush over their little Leclerc"Max then ask me "um no reason just something Lando told me" I then told him "your blush because you boyfriend said something to you" Charles then said to me.

"Yes he did say something brother" I then told him "wait boyfriend since when" Daniel then ask me "since the afternoon" I then told him.

"Yes he did say something brother" I then told him "wait boyfriend since when" Daniel then ask me "since the afternoon" I then told him

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Published:28th June 2023

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