Elly leclerc is 18 years old glri she run away from home after their father Hervé Leclerc, who's just died.
she was 12 at a time when she ran away from home her mother and brothers filed a missing person report, and they were still looking for her t...
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As the mum house still
"hey little sister how are mine nieces and nephews doing" Lorenzo then ask me as we walk in the lounge room when rest of my family are "they are doing good I feel so bloated"I then tell as I took a sit on the couch with Lando help.
"Don't worry sister you give birth in less two weeks"Arthur then tell me "yeah these baby need to came out"I then tell them "have you got you baby bag ready for when you go into labour"my mum then ask me "yes I do I pack it last night"I then tell them.
"Lando we start training next week"Charles then ask him "yes we do then we got our Frist race of the season"Lando then tell my brother "do guys help bring lunch out"my mum then ask my brother and Lando.
"I will help you mum" I then tell her as I try to get of the coach "hey princess don't worry I will do it you just rest"Lando then tell as I put a move on when he went into the kitchen as my older brother Lorenzo girlfriend start to me.
I just finished lunch now we are all in the lounge room watching a movie "so have you came up with name yet"my mum then ask me "yes we did" Lando then told them "we decide a matching name for them"I then told my family.
as Lando family is coming in about in four days to help us get ready for when the twins get here "want are there name little sister"Charles then ask me as we on the second movie called the meg the Frist one "there name are mason and Madison Norris"Lando then told then.
"That a good names for them sweetie"my mum then me and Lando "how about a middle name for them"Lorenzo then ask us "yes for the boy it will be Mason Finn Norris"Lando then tell my family.
"Want about fot Madison"my brother Arthur then ask us "we decide on Madison Ava Norris"I told them "they are good middle name for the sweetie" my mum then tell me few minutes later the movie just finished "how about boy start on the dinner because we are having a BBQ tonight for dinner"my mum then tell us as my brother got up from coach to start on our dinner.
As for us girls we will go shopping for little bit grab few things for dinner"mum then tell us a my mum and brother girlfriend got off the couch as they help me get of the coach as we walk to the front door.
Few minutes later me got in the car as mum drive when I next to her and my brother girlfriend is behind me in the back sit "want are we doing Frist"I then ask my mum "we need grab some soft drinks and water from the groceries store then we go grab some alcohol for us to drink"mum then told us as we arrived at the shop.
As we got out of the car my brother girlfriend came on mine side to help me get out of the car "thanks you"I then told her as we walk to the grocery store as we walk in mum got the soft drinks as my brother girlfriend Chloe got the water.
"Do we need anything else"my mum then ask me as Chloe bring back the water "yes I want a bag of Skittles"I then ask them "I will be back Elly when go go to cheek out I go get your Skittles"my mum then told us as she walk off.
We just got to the cheek out"you are craving Skittles"Chloe then ask me "yes I am"I then tell her "I got your Skittles Elly"my mum then told me as she walk to us.
"Thanks you mum"I then tell her as we wait to be out turn "next please" the boy behind the cheek then told us as Chloe start put on so he can scan it.
We are just got out of the groceries store "want it next" mum then ask us "alcohol store"Chloe then told my mum as we walk to the alcohol store it few stores down from the groceries store.
Few hours later we just pulled in back at my mum place as everyone got out of the car my mum and Chloe help me to get out of car few minutes later we walk inside.
"You are back princess "Lando then tell me "yeah I am" I let out a loud hissing noise as I feel pain rippling through my body, I whimper as the pain increases.
"Elly?" Lando then ask me my eyes widen as I feel pool of wetness drip down my leg,"fuck" I then said "want do mean fuck"my brother Charles then ask me.
"I think my water just broke"I told them "shit we get to the hospital"Lando then said.
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The twin came in the next chapter.
Psandsxx I borrow some of her work because I didn't have no idea how to write someone give birth.