chapter 22

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To continue from the last chapter

"When did you have a boyfriend" Carlos then ask me "about two days ago Carlos" I then said "do I know how's is it" he then ask me "yes you do" I then told him "okay can please tell me" he then ask me.

"Sure it Lando" I said "okay thank for telling I guess you going see him" he then ask me "yes I am going see him" I then told him "see you later mini Leclerc" Carlos then said to me.

after my conversation with Carlos I walk out of the Ferrari garage few minutes later I see the McLaren garage front of me I then got my phone out I start texting Lando.

I then walk into the McLaren garage no one try stop me I then see someone come up to me I then realised it Lando PA "hey their Elly good to see" Charlotte then told me "you to do know where Lando diving room is" I then ask her.

"I saw do come with me I will show you where it is" she then told me "why no one stop me when I walk in" I then ask her "because Lando told everyone on the team you he girlfriend" then then told me.

"Also people know you Charles Leclerc little sister also a CEO of you own business" she then said to me "yep that me" I then told her "okay Lando is in he diving room you got about 15 minutes before he need go" Charlotte then told me.

"Thank again Charlotte" I then told her "anytime" she then said to me before she start to show me where Lando diving room is "here you go Elly"Charlotte then told me I then walk up to Lando diving room and knock on the door.

"How's is it" he then ask "it you girlfriend"I then said "come on in princess" he the said I then walk into he room "I through you would be at the Ferrari garage" he then ask me "I through I will come see my boyfriend" I then said to him.

"You can see when you want princess" he then told me "thank I then walk over I stand between he legs I then gave him a kiss he then kiss me back after few seconds he pull back "want was that for" he then ask.

"That it your Goodluck kiss" I then said to him "you should come do it before every race" he then told me "yeah maybe I should" I then said to him before he walk off with he PA manager.

I then walk into the pit to "watch my boyfriend" I then said to myself about 20 minutes later is the last lap max is in P1 Lando is in P2 my brother Charles is P3 not far behind him is Daniel in P4.

I then look over on the tv they have in the pit to see my brother overtake Lando Lando is now P3 with Charles in P2 with max still in P1 I then see my brother just past max now he in P1.

I look on the tv see Lando also overtake max he now in P2 few seconds later I brother just cross the finish line about ten minutes later I see Lando walking into the pit he then gave hug which I return it I then give him a kiss which he returns with we pull away after few seconds.

"Well done babe for getting P2' I then told him "thanks princess" he the told me "anytime babe" I then told him "Lando it time to go" Charlotte then told him "I will see you later I going back to Congrats my brother" I then told him.

"I will see you later at the hotel princess"he then told "I see later at the hotel" I then told him I then gave a kiss which he return back after few seconds we pull away"I going bring rest of my stuff put in you hotel room"he then told me.

"Can't wait also he is the room key to get in" I then gave he the room key he then kiss me which I return back "see you later babe" I then said to him" see you later princess"he then told me I then walk out of the padlock.

I look up from my phone see the Ferrari garage I then walk in wait till my brother came back to the garage after about ten minutes I then see him walking in the padlock I then walk up to him gave him a hug which he return it.

"Congratulations Charles on the win" I then told him "thanks little sister" he then told me "how was spending time with you boyfriend at he garage mini Leclerc" Carlos then told me.

"It was good speeding time with him at the McLaren garage least he knows I their to support him also got just mine brother" I then told Carlos"that is good hear mini Leclerc" he then said to me.

"yeah at next race we going share same hotel room because we always sleeping in each other room" I then told him "I still can't believe their a six year age gap between you two"he then told me.

"Age is just a number after you turn 18" I then told him "that is true mini Leclerc"he then said to me "are you going to the club tonight with the rest of the diving"I then ask him.

"Yes I am going tonight are you going" he then ask me "no I am not going me and Lando going have a movie date tonight instead"I then told "that is good hear" Carlos then told me"Are you doing back with us little sister"my brother Charles then ask me.

"Yes I am coming back with you" I then told him "I heard that from now on untill the race is finished you share same hotel room"Charles then ask me"yes I am" I then said too.

"Yes I am coming back with you" I then told him "I heard that from now on untill the race is finished you share same hotel room"Charles then ask me"yes I am" I then said too

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Published: 13 July 2023

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