Elly leclerc is 18 years old glri she run away from home after their father Hervé Leclerc, who's just died.
she was 12 at a time when she ran away from home her mother and brothers filed a missing person report, and they were still looking for her t...
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Same day
Ten minutes later "want took you guys so long"I then ask my brother as they walk to us "sorry there was a line up at the desk" Charles then tell me "that okay brother" I then tell him as we just got in the life.
Lando then push the close button on the lift then click number 15 "you guys also on 15" Carlos then ask us "yes we got 674" Lando then tell him ""I got 668 and Charles got 678" Carlos then tell us.
Few minutes later we got out of the lift we Lando went left of the hall way when my brother and his team mate when to the right few minutes later we scanned our room card few seconds later the door open.
We walk in their a small kitchen with a kitchen table with a opan lounge room the is a door is must be the bedroom we walk in the bedroom put our suitcases away after we unpack our clothes their a other door in the room it must be the bathroom.
I grab my phone see is 6:30pm "hey babe do you want take away" I then ask my boyfriend as he walk out of the bathroom "yes we can we can onder want every the baby want princess"he then tell me "how about pizza" I then ask him.
"Pizza it fine babe"he then tell me as he walk out of the room probably getting a water out of fridge ten minutes later I just got off the phone to local pizza place.
I walk out of the bedroom see Lando in the lounge room on the couch see he put on Netflix"pizza should be here in 30 minutes babe" I then tell him as I made my way to the couch took a sit next to Lando.
"Want do you want watch princess"he then ask me "how about the wolf pack" I then tell him Lando then put it on for us to watch "I didn't know this is new series came out princess"he then tell me "yeah it is I saw few edits on tiktok so I through we can watch it"I then tell him.
"Let watch together princess"he then tell me as I lay my head on his shoulder as he put on the wolf pack ten minutes later we heard a knock on our hotel door "it must be the pizza babe"I then tell.
I removed my head from his shoulder"you say here on the couch as I get pizza"he then tell me as he walk to the door to get our pizza few minutes later he came back with two pizza one him and other for me he put on the coffee tables.
As he walk into the kitchen I see he got us some a drink he took a sit where he was before as we continue our pizza and soft drinks.
Two hours later I look at clock see it 10:30 pm in the evening "hey babe I going get ready for bed I tried" I then tell him as I got up from the coach"yeah I will join after I clean up the kitchen"he then tell me.
"You know I can do you don't have to"I told as I grab my phone from the coffee table"why don't get rest princess" he then tell me as he got up from the coach "okay I meet you in bed"I then tell him.
I then make mine way over to him and kiss which he returns as I pull away from the kiss and make my way over to the bedroom I got in the bedroom went into the bathroom and brush my teeth.
Few minutes later I walk out of the bathroom and make my way to the bed as I put my phone on charge few seconds later Lando came in the room he went into the bathroom came back lay In bed " good night babe"I then tell as a his a quick Kiss "good night princess"he then tell me as I close my eyes few minutes later I pass out.
Next morning
I just woke up I look over on the side see Lando it not in bed i grab my phone from the bed side table I see is 11:30 am in the morning he must went to the track already.
I saw a message from hey princess when I woke up you still asleep so I let you sleep because you will need he text said to me I got out of my bed went into the bathroom and brush my teeth few minutes later I walk out of the bathroom.
Ten minutes later I grab my clothes from my suitcase and went into the bathroom "I need a shower" I then tell myself.
As I walk into the bathroom,I then lock the bathroom door,I then strip my clothes off from today I then jump into the shower I then put watermelon shampoo and conditioner in my hair.
I then grab my shaver shave where hair always grow after I did that I then grab some avocado body scrub run all over my body after I finish with that I then turn of the shower wrap a towel around my body.
I then put on a black t-shirt with a black crop top jumper with grey pants with black and white Nike on.
(Without out the hat and the necklace).
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I then walk out of the bathroom and grab my phone from bedside table when I left it I see is 12:30pm I then walk out of my room went to the kitchen see want we got I look Lando must stock it up already.
I then grab a rockmelon,greenmelon, apples, mandarins watermelon, oranges, grapes and strawberries to make some fruit salad ten minutes lat I just finished my fruit salad.
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Thereis only ten chapter left until this book is finished.