Elly leclerc is 18 years old glri she run away from home after their father Hervé Leclerc, who's just died.
she was 12 at a time when she ran away from home her mother and brothers filed a missing person report, and they were still looking for her t...
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Before Elly wake
I just woke if from my alarm I see is 9:30 I look over see my beautiful baby mummy asleep I gou out of bed went to the kitchen make my self some breakfast before I have to leave I make toast with butter for breakfast for my self.
I just finished eating my toast I went back to the bedroom grab my clothes and went into the bathroom I then lock the bathroom door I then brush my teeth I then strip my clothes off from last night.
I then jump into the shower I then put my girlfriend watermelon shampoo and conditioner in my hair few minutes later I walk out of the shower wrap a towel around my body shaved my face .
I then put on some underwear then I grab my black shorts with a white t-shirt to go with it and black and white Jordans.
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I grab my phone and room key seat a text to Elly for when she wakes up I then walk out of my room "wait up Lando we can walk together" I then hear someone as I look behind me see is was Charles and he team mate.
"Hello how are you Charles" I then ask he as we walk to the lift "I good guess my sister is still sleeping"he then ask me as we walk into the lift "yeah I didn't want to wake her"I then tell him as lift go down.
"When is the baby due"Carlos then ask me "the doctors said the twins will be born early May"I then tell him as we walk out of the lift and get into the car to take us to the truck"you guys are having twin"he then as me as we took our sit in the car "yeah a boy and a girl"I then tell him.
"I can't believe I am going be uncle"he then tell me "yeah I still can't believe I will be a father"I then tell him as we arrived at the track we all got out of the car and walk in through the gate "we should have dinner tonight just me you and my sister"Charles then ask me.
"Yeah we should I will let her know"I then tell him as we make our way to our separate garage as I walk into the McLaren garage "hey Lando I still can't believe you going be a father"my team mate Daniel then tell me as we walk to our room get ready for the first practice for this weekend.
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At the hotel
After I finish with my breakfast I grab my hard bag and my hotel key and go to the local cafe down the street from the hotel I then heard my phone vibrate it reminded me I got a ,eet at 2pm at cafe about my business.
I then walk out of the hotel few minutes later I at hotel lobby I then saw my assistant Katie "how are you miss Leclerc" Katie then ask me as she walk with "want I told you called me Elly"I then tell her as we walk out of the hotel lobby got in a blank SVU to take us to the cafe.
"How was you flight"I then ask her "is was good you didn't need put in business class"she then tell me "yes I do you are my assistant"I then tell her "thank for hotel room also"she then tell me.
"Can make sure in February and April my meeting can be online because I will be on bed rest because of my baby"I then tell her "yeah of course congratulations on the pregnant" she then tell me "I will do that after this meeting"she then tell me as the car came to the stop see we at the cafe.
We and Katie walk out of the car we then walk through the cafe door and took a sit at the end of cafe with a long wood table with sit on next to us small sit like it.
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I then took a sit with Katie take sit next to me a waitress came up to us "my name is Sofia and I will be you waitress, world you like something to drink"she then ask us a she pull out her not book a pen.
"Yes can I please have a ice later with full cream milk please"I then tell her as she wrote it down in her note book "how about you"she then ask my assistant "I will have a cappuccino please"Katie then tell her as she finishes writing it in the note book.
"You drink will be here shortly"she then tell us.
Hours later
Me and Katie just finished our business deal "those design for the new hotel look good boos"Katie then tell me as we walk to black SVU and we get in "I can't wait until they be done"I then tell Katie and the car make away back to the hotel.
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