Elly leclerc is 18 years old glri she run away from home after their father Hervé Leclerc, who's just died.
she was 12 at a time when she ran away from home her mother and brothers filed a missing person report, and they were still looking for her t...
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Few minutes later we are now walking back to the car with Lando hand around my shoulder as we walked to the car few minutes later we all got in car.
20 minutes later we just arrived at the hotel "so sister are you going join us for dinner tonight" my brother Charles then ask me "yeah sure I would love to" I then tell him "babe do you want to come with me to the dinner" I then ask her "yeah sure I would love to go with you princess" he then tell me.
"Princess and babe when did you guys start calling each other nickname"Charles then ask me "where we got together" I then tell him "Charles half of the diving got nickname for her ever Carlos got one for her"Lando then tell my brother.
"Yeah I do" Carlos then tell my brother "want is you nickname for my sister Carlos" he then ask one he friend and team member Carlos "oh Charles I called her Mimi Leclerc"he then tell him "okay that it a good nickname for her" he then said to his friend.
"Do you have a nickname for you sister" Lando then ask my brother Charles "yeah I do her" he then tell them "want it is" Lando my boyfriend then ask "it little devil I called her because she always getting into trouble" he then tell them.
"Yeah because I was a rebel child" I then tell them as we are walk into the lift I am glad we are on the same floor "I can't wait to go home tomorrow rest for 4 weeks" Carlos then tell us "I know right can't wait to see our brother"Charles then tell them "yeah and also mum" I then said to them.
As we all walk out of lift to go to our room"I will see you at dinner sister" he then tell me "yeah see you there brother" I then tell him as him walk off to go to his room as me and Lando just got to out room few minutes later we just walk into our room.
I then took a sit on the couch and turn on the tv as Lando join us "hey babe do you want to come with me to spend time with my family for next four weeks" I then ask him "yeah sure I would love to" he the tell me.
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Still in the hotel room
"yeah sure I would love to" I then tell my girlfriend as I called her princess "you should ask if you family would like to join us"Elly then ask me "yeah I can ask if they want to join us" I then tell here "okay will be fun to spend time with you family"she then tell me.
"You know want I going called my family ask if they want to come" I then tell "okay babe" she then tell me as I got of from the couch to grab my phone from the bedroom I start called my mum.
The phone called
Me Hey mum
Mum How have you be
Me I be good I Want to ask you something
Mum Want do you need ask me
Me Elly want to know if you And rest of my siblings join Us inMonaco with rest of Her family
Mum Yeah sure we will Love to do that
Me Okay mum I have to go I Having a movie night with My girlfriend
Mum Okay speak to you later
Me Yeah I will
After I just finished my phone called with my mum I walk back in the lounge room "how did the phone called go" Elly then ask me "want well princess" I then tell her.
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"That good to hear Lando" I then tell him "yeah it is" he also told me few seconds later he came and took a sit next to me on the couch"want movie do you want watch" I then ask him.
"how about grow up I haven't see that in awhile" he then tell me "yeah let put on be years since I last watch it" I then tell him as I grab the remote to put on Netflix so we can watch it.
Few hours later we just finished watching then movie"Do you know what you want for dinner" he then ask me " how about subway because I know that is on uber eats" I then tell him.
"Let onder subway I haven't had in awhile" he then tell me "yeah you onder the food I going text my brother ask him when are leaving to go back home" I then tell him "yeah good idea" he then tell me.
The text
Me Hey brother do you Know want time we need to Be at the jet.
Charles Yeah we all meeting at 12pm
Me Okay me and Lando will I meet you at the lobby at 11am
Charles Are you still coming to dinner
Me No we not sorry brother
Charles That is okay sister
Me I will see you soon
Charles Yeah see you tomorrow
After that I got off my phone "we will be meeting them at 11am at lobby tomorrow babe" I then tell him.
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