Nobody Believes Me (🏐)

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Hinata loves practice, but sometimes he's faked sick, so what happens when he's actually sick and nobody believes him?

Hinata woke up with an aching in his head and a slight churn in his stomach, he didn't expect such a feeling as he had no idea what could have caused him to feel sick.

Hinata tried to think back to the other day, his team mates and him went to get dumplings, Hinata thought his tasted off, but he ate them nonetheless.

Hinata got out of bed, barely able to keep himself upright as he got dressed for school, his mother was out for work and Hinata had a test today, so he had to go to school, he had to ride on his bike.

Hinata cursed mentally as he grabbed his bike and started to make the long treacherous ride to school, by the time he made it to school his head was pounding.

'' Fuck...''

Hinata muttered weakly, he got to morning practice and went to Daichi.

'' Captain... I'm not feeling well today.. can I skip practice? ''

Hinata asked, his arm folded around his stomach.

'' Yeah right Hinata, you won't get away with faking this time. Come on, get to work. ''

Hinata looked at Daichi with wide eyes.

'' B-But I'm not- ''

'' Hinata start running laps already, we don't have time for this. ''

Daichi said crossing his arms. Hinata went to Sugawara hoping he'd be nicer, but the same came from Suga, they didn't have time for Hinata's complaining.

Hinata felt hopeless, he managed to somehow get through morning practice.

By class, Hinata was ready to sleep but he had to push through his test, his head continued to pound and pound. Even Kageyama wasn't believing him.

Hinata checked the time, class was going extremely slow, Hinata wanted to leave and go to the bathroom where he could rest for a few minutes.

Hinata managed to complete his test, for the rest of the class he rested his arms on his desk with his head in his arms.

Hinata groaned at the loud ringing of the bell, he huffed in annoyance as Kageyama came over to start talking. Hinata just got up, grabbed his bag and left.

Hinata was in the bathroom when he got a text from Kageyama.

" Oi jerkface! Why'd you walk off?! You're really a jerk, stop faking! "

Kageyama texted, Hinata out of anger blocked Kageyama's number. Hinata's eyes started to water as he covered his face, sobbing into his hands.

'' None of them believe me...''

Hinata paused when he heard a voice.

'' Hinata? ''

The voice belonged to Tsukishima. Hinata tried to stay quiet, he didn't know that Tsuki wasn't a complete jerk when someone was sick.

'' Yes? ''

'' Are you okay? ''

'' I'm great! Don't worry! ''

Hinata said enthusiastically, trying to hide his pain.

'' Okay then.. ''

Tsukishima wasn't convinced but decided to leave Hinata alone.

By the time practice came around at the end of the day, Hinata's stomach was doing 360 turns, he wanted to just hide in the bathroom and puke his guts up.

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