“So, you guys must be wondering what Christmas Partner means???”, I asked them. We are having a meeting in my house anyways.
“It means we will be picking out names to whom we’re going to give a gift!”
“Gift??? Why???”
“We’re going to have a Christmas Party! And in the program, it also includes exchanging of gifts...”
Chapter 24: Destined to Be Your Christmas Partner
(Naruto’s POV)
“Err... EXCHANGING OF GIFTS?!?!?!”, I shouted with disgust. That is lame... can’t we just have eating??? It’s the most important part of parties; not giving gifts!!! =3=
“What’s the problem with that?!?!”, Sakura-chan asked me. No not really, it’s just IT’S LAME!!! You guys just don’t know how to arrange parties, huh???
“Why should we be giving gifts to each other??? We can just eat and have fun, talk then eat and have fun then talk again and vice versa!”, I answered.
“Oh, come on! Where is your Christmas Spirit??? Did you left it at your house? Sharing and giving is the essence of Christmas...”, that Neji idiot spoke. He forgot to have the sparkles on his eyes while he says that like this --->>> *U*
Sakura-chan clapped with much eager, “So, like what Mr. Secretary said, any more troubles or violent reactions???”, she puts her sleeves up then started looking violent. Also means that if someone throw up violent reactions again, he/she’s going to have Sakura’s knuckle sandwich.
Oh well, no choice but to agree... =3=
Sakura-chan put out a box with our names in a folded paper in it. Oh, well... hope I will pick Sakura-chan!!! *(^___^)*
I was the first to pick.
I first mixed the papers using my hand, some says it gives luck. b(^_____^)d
Then I picked my paper... Oohh... who’s the lucky partner of mine??? Grin... Grin... Grin... >=DDDDD
I unfolded the paper...
-FROWN- >=(((
Aburame Shino--->>> that’s my Christmas Partner???
Damn!!! I knew this exchanging of gifts is very lame!!!
I just threw myself on the couch then frowned as I ripped the paper I picked into pieces...
=Bad trip=
(Sakura’s POV)
What’s wrong with that idiot??? He excitedly unfolded his paper then have a look then sulked then threw himself on my couch then started ripping the paper he picked into pieces. I forgot to put NO LITTERING sign in my house! =____=
It was my turn next to pick my Christmas Partner!!! WHOOOPEEE!!!! Me excited!!! >/////<
I picked then unfolded my paper.
Naruto in High School Life
Roman pour AdolescentsOur heroes and heroines were just having a normal life in the Leaf village when a button changed their whole life... Instead of doing some ninjutsus and throwing kunais and shurikens, they ended up hitting the books instead! And from the Leaf Villag...