Chapter 6

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"So what if I don't shut my mouth?" Charlie asked again.

Charlie and everyone's attention rested on the girl with eyeglasses. They were shocked and alarmed by the girl's shout.

By now everyone is sure that zombies would be crawling upstairs at any moment due to the girl with eyeglasses.

Many of the people in the group glared at the girl with eyeglasses, while others were starting to get nervous.

Katie- the girl with eyeglasses now seems to realize her mistake.

Her burning anger suddenly subside, as if getting doused by a bucket of cold water. She felt chills crawling at her back when she realized that her blunder would likely cause zombies to be attracted here upstairs by the noise.

She bowed down her head, ashamed by her earlier outburst.

"Why don't you reply? Scared now huh? It's too late. I'm sure, zombie's now heading their way up here because of you." Charlie placed all the blame on Katie.

While Katie was the one who shouted, everyone knows that the blame really lies on Charlie since he kept on provoking and making unrest to the group.

But what can they do? Charlie was known as a problem child and a misfit. He is known to the entire campus as a person prone to violence and he always picks a fight outside of school. And many of the men in the group had once been under the bullying of Charlie and his gang or heard rumors about him. That's why no one's actively refuting him in the group, be it a teacher or a student.


Few hours earlier after the system descent, Charlie managed to survive and escape the encirclement of the zombies.

While escaping the encirclement, he manages to kill a zombie by bashing it repeatedly on the head with a chair.

Since he was used at fighting and has a great physique, he also has a good instinct in battle hence he managed to kill a zombie while he made his escape.

After killing a zombie, the system notification rang inside Charlie's mind.

While he made his run, he opened his status window and saw that he have five free stat points to allocate after leveling to level 1. He dumps it all on agility since he doesn't think that dividing it on other stats such as strength or intelligence would make any difference.

After dumping it all on agility, Charlie felt that his body became lighter. Since he always fought a brawl, he has great control and awareness over his body.

Charlie managed to arrive at the top floor. He thought that it is easier to repel the zombies on the uppermost floor since stairs are the only way to get in there. He's unlikely to get surrounded again and that's how he manages to arrive there.

But what Charlie didn't expect is that there are also people who have the same thoughts as him.

When he arrived at the uppermost floor, he saw a number of people who already managed to get in here or they're already here to begin with. He also saw that the professor who dared to reject his confession in the past, was also here.

The uppermost floor was a wide open room with no door. It is a demonstration room for the students to use when a professor or a medical practitioner makes a demo on a patient.

That's why, a few minutes after Charlie arrived. He and the people there started to build a barricade on the stairs.

On the uppermost floor, Charlie and co. can see the campus from above. It was total chaos.

All they could see was zombies and a few people trying to escape the school.

They didn't even manage to reach the gate before they got surrounded by a crowd of zombies and got shredded by them.

The people who died after getting bitten by the zombies were slowly getting up from the ground and started to regenerate the damage they suffered. They would join after the other zombies to hunt the few living left on the campus.

After seeing this, the people on the uppermost floor began to despair, wondering if they would be the next.

Only Charlie is thinking differently from the group.

After experiencing the level up earlier, he didn't think that the situation was completely hopeless.

He saw an opportunity in this chaos.

An opportunity to rise into power and live the life of a king!

That's why countless Devious plots were starting to form inside his head.


"Now-now, It is not the time for blaming. We need to get out of here, unless we want to be trapped and surrounded by the incoming crowd of zombies."

The woman who was silent and absentmindedly thinking about something earlier finally broke the tense atmosphere.

"Ms. Jessica is right, we need to hurry and leave this place. We can go to the gymnasium and temporarily hide there until we know the situation outside."

The old professor supported the woman named Jessica's idea by proposing to go to the gymnasium for shelter.

Charlie stares wickedly at Jessica who felt uncomfortable with it.

The group hastily stood up and got up to work to slowly undone the barricade they put on the stare.

While the group started putting aside the pile of stacked chairs on the barricade to undo it, Katie walked beside Jessica and started to help on setting aside the chairs.

"Thank you professor Jessica for earlier." Katie spoke to Jessica as she worked on the chairs.

If it's not for Jessica's interval, she doesn't know what the people would do to her if the situation keeps as it is.

She knows that the situation is grim and she doesn't know what extreme action the people might do in this situation. With that bastard Charlie's instigation, she knew that it wasn't anything good. That's why she felt grateful for Professor Jessica's sudden interval.

Professor Jessica, who was the receiving end of Katie's gratitude, only shows a weary smile as she briefly glances at Katie before she continues with what she's doing.

Jessica has a night shift at the hospital as well as one lecture she needs to discuss in her class as a part time professor before she can go home. But shits happened.

Coupled with her night shift and the crazy situation like the system descent, she was tired and weary at this moment.

She desperately needs a rest but she can't do so as the situation doesn't allow her, making her become absentminded most of the time.

That's why she was helping the group to move her body and not to fall asleep.

"You're welcome Ms. Conda" Jessica finally replied to Katie who was addressed in her surname.

Katie felt awkward as she stared at Jessica who looked like thinking of something as she moved the chair aside.

Unbeknownst to Jessica, the person she kept on thinking is now murdering zombies left and right.

Well, murdering wasn't the right term as they're already dead.

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