Chapter 18

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It arrives in front of Drake. This zombie has an apparent agility-based mutation. With its long limbs and slender body, one can tell that this zombie was fast.

Drake knew that he was doomed. He just had no way of surviving this zombie. With its simple scratch, together with its superior agility, even if he somewhat escapes here, he can't guarantee he can get out unscathed.

But just as the zombie was about to reach out its hand towards Drake, the little dragon's who had long since felt Drake's panicky emotions since the mutated zombie appeared, rushed in front of Drake, blocking the zombies attack.

Due to the sudden appearance of the mutated zombie, Drake forgets that he has a mighty dragon as a companion!

What is a dragon? It is a fucking mythical creature! Even if it is a mutated zombie with a level of 100, until it is still at common rank, forget about killing it. Unless it's a master rank or above, the little one's scales would hardly take any damage.

With more than 50 stat on strength, the little dragon didn't even budge an inch. On the other hand, the mutated zombie's hand got dislocated with its fingers broken.

But superficial wounds would hardly be fatal for zombies with unfeeling bodies.

The mutated zombie was about to attempt another attack. But the dragon roared at the mutated zombie and spun its little body, hitting the mutated zombie with its tail and pushing it away from Drake.

The little dragon didn't wait for the mutated zombie to react. While still getting propelled backward, the little dragon follows up with a swipe of its claw.

Somehow, the little dragon feels that letting the Baddie near Drake would be dangerous.

The zombie's mutation was agility based. With its speed, it can still follow the little dragon's attacks. But with its awkward footing, it can't do much.

The little dragon's seemingly cute little claws were envelopes with an intangible deadly space force that could slice off through voids. Its claws easily cut through the zombie's body like a hot knife through the butter, unobstructed.

The fearsome mutated zombie was left with its body full of laceration.

But surprisingly, the little dragon didn't finish it off.

Drake, who was in the defensive stance throughout the battle between the little dragon and the mutated zombie was confused as to why it didn't finish off the incapacitated mutated zombie on the ground.

The dragon who was in question, roared intimately at Drake while it hovered in a circle above his head.

Drake wasn't sure about the little dragon's intention as its thoughts were vague. After all, if Drake was sorely lacking in something, it was his social life and skill. Moreover, he was still new to this experience in using their spiritual connection.

With Drake still rooted on his previous spot, unmoving. The little dragon knew that Drake didn't get what it was trying to say. Thinking for a few seconds, it swoops down to the ground and lands bedside the immobile mutated zombie.

The little dragon looks at Drake and intimately roars as it nudges the mutated zombie's body with its snout towards Drake. Showing that it wanted to offer its prey to him.

Seeing the action displayed by this cute little dragon, Drake was stunned speechless. For a moment, he didn't know what to think.

He finally knows what the little dragon's intention is. It wanted to offer him its defeated prey.

Drake only has his sister to give him gifts occasionally through the years. He was foreign to this feeling of receiving something from somebody other than his sister.

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