Chapter 15

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Slurp ~!!!*

Slurping sounds could be heard echoing in the cold silent night. An aroma of seasonings that only belong to instant noodles wafted in the air, arousing the appetite and hunger of other survivors.

While the trio were eating , a person interrupted them.

She was the old professor.

While the three focus their eyes on her, the old professor coughs slightly to clear her throat. She then said;

"Do you still have some food to spare? All of us still haven't eaten anything since this morning."

The old professor's eyes rested on Jessica, hinting that she was talking to her.


"None. We don't have any food to spare on you guys."

Jessica was interrupted by her brother when she was about to talk.

Drake can guess what she was thinking inside her head. She would likely give the rest of the food they had to this old lady.


Jessica was surprised by her brother's instant refusal, she didn't get why. They still have some extra food remaining. So, why not give it to them? She slightly pity them because she survived together with them. And knows that they also haven't eaten anything yet, just like her half an hour ago.

Drake saw the questioning look of his sister and shook his head internally. He then explained why.

"You guys realize how dire the situation is, right? Or not..Then let me explain it to you."

Drake begins to narrate how things would progress from now on based on the novel's plot.

"You see, by now, the whole world economy is good as gone. With estimates of more than a quarter of the earth population turned into mindless zombies and still continues to go down. Don't ask me how I know, you can check yourself the situation by tomorrow.

With the economy gone and the supply chain having been cut off. As well as with the government falling. Within a few weeks, just think about what would happen then.

Humans would readily kill for just a few pieces of bread, human's worth would be far cheaper than a can of food.

So, no. I won't give them anything unless they offer me the same value."

Jessica was shell-shocked by what her brother was spouting.

Katie also opened her mouth only to shut it again and swallow her saliva because she felt that her throat had gone dry because of Drake's revelations.

She felt that the food she was holding suddenly weighed a lot more. She was a foodie so of course she knows that every food matters. Making her realize just how dire the situation is for her. No, for everyone else!

The old professor wanted to refute Drake's wild claim but somehow, words just won't come out from her mouth.

The three felt that Drake was exaggerating things. After all, there is America, one of the strongest countries.

While Drake might not know what the three women have been thinking, he doesn't care in the slightest.

Because he knows that while America is strong, it's not stronger than the system.

Based on the novel's plot. The system is trying to make the earthling strong, not to be wiped out.

So it makes things balanced. If every world leader survived and decided to detonate bombs from left and right, won't everything become useless then?

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