The Succubus

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Someone had to be screwing with him. That was the only explanation Caspian could think of to explain his current situation. It must have been the spirits. They were probably having a laugh at his expense. If he ever managed to get his hands on the spirit that controlled fate, he was going to strangle it.

"Here is your tea, Mistress."

Caspian glared balefully at Erica as Cassidy poured the seductress her tea. It was several minutes after the figurative rug had been pulled out from under his feet, and he was still trying to get over what he'd learned. He was to be her Knight's temporary replacement. Apparently, her Knight, a man named Derek, was ill and bedridden, and she needed someone to take over his duties until he recovered.

"Thank you," Erica picked up the small cup with the grace of a queen. Lifting it to her lips, she took a soft sip, then sighed and set the cup back down. "Tea always soothes the nerves, especially after a battle." She smiled at Caspian. "Wouldn't you agree?"

Caspian's right eye began twitching.

"Here you go, Mr. Sol ."

His baleful stare switched from Erica to Cassidy, who had walked up to him and set down a small cup of black tea on the round table in front of him.

"You didn't tell me your mistress was Erica Angelo."

Under the weight of Caspian's accusing stare, the cute maid could only shrink back.

"Ah!" A gasp. "W-well, that's just... it's because you didn't ask..." When all she received in return for her words was a deadpanned stare, the poor girl tried to hide her face in her bodice. It didn't work out too well, but Caspian had to give her points for trying. "Is Caspian... are you mad at me?"

Caspian stared for a little while longer, then, with a sigh, he slumped in his chair.

"No," he admitted finally, running a tired hand over his face. "I'm not mad. I just wish I had known this sooner. It would have made my life a whole lot easier if I'd been informed of who your mistress was beforehand." Had he known that Cassidy was Erica's maid, he could have followed her after they had retrieved their food and delivered the letter that much sooner. Then he could have avoided... well, maybe he wouldn't have been able to avoid the series of long, drawn out battles with those people, but at least he would have had one less worry on his mind. That had to count for something.


"Fu fu fu." Caspian felt a shudder run down his spine. He slowly looked up to see Erica staring at him, her lips hidden behind a delicate hand, perfectly manicured fingernails glittering in the sun trickling through the window. He could see the way her eyes crinkled in amusement, the glimmer they held that spoke of her pleasure at his discomfiture. "You know, looking at you now, I have to admit; you're pretty cute, trying to act all angry and tough, you big softy."

Caspian tried to hide his blush. When that didn't work, he settled for crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at the woman.

"W-whatever. Let's just get down to business, starting with those people who attacked the train. I assume they were after you?"

"Ha... you're such a spoilsport," Erica sighed. Caspian's glare became that much more acrimonious, making the woman wave a hand through the air like she was swatting a bug. "Fine, fine. To business, then. Yes, those people were after me. I am pretty sure someone hired them to kill me off, knowing that I would be vulnerable because my poor Derek is bedridden with illness."

"I wouldn't call it an illness exactly."

"Did you say something, maid?"

"N-no Mistress!"

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