Book 2 - Preview

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They had gathered. The entire student body of Arcadia's Knight Academy had amassed within the central courtyard.

As Caspian gazed at the myriad of faces, he saw some people that he knew, and many more that he didn't know. While the academy wasn't very large, housing, at most, one-hundred to one-hundred and fifty students at any given time, that was still one-hundred and forty-nine more students than Caspian ever associated with.

"Wow! There are so many people here!"

... Make that one-hundred and forty-eight students that he never associated with.

Caspian ignored Christo as he stared at the gathered crowd. The courtyard they stood in was the largest one within Arcadia's Knight Academy. Located at the very heart of the academy itself, this court was shaped like an oval and spanned nearly fifty meters in length and thirty in width. A colonnade surrounded the courtyard. Beautifully decorated Corinthian columns wound around the court at even intervals of precisely one meter. Caspian had learned from his history lessons that these courts, this one and the other ones, had been created by Talia el Terrancestaur, a Sorceress who'd died when humanity eradicated the goblins centuries back.

The instructors were also present. Standing around the courtyard were the many people who taught at the academy. From his position, Caspian could make out a number of instructors he knew, including Murdok, the hardass weapons instructor who hated his guts with an undeniable passion.

It had only been a month since Caspian had returned from Ashtown. Life had returned to a semblance of normality, and yet, life had also taken a drastic turn. The number of rumors spread about him had gone up, and people didn't even bother whispering when they spoke poorly of him in the halls. Malcontent for him seemed to have increased since he'd been gone.

Caspian had learned from Christo that Julius had been spreading rumors about him. According to his roommate, Julius and his friends had told everyone that he'd only been allowed entrance into the academy because he was Sylvia de Floresca's man whore. Apparently, someone had learned that Sylvia was the one who'd allowed him entrance into the academy, and they'd made sure everyone else knew it, too.

What else is new?

Caspian did his best to ignore glares and rumors. It wasn't like this hadn't happened before. Every time the headmaster sent him out on a mission, he'd come back to discover that the other student's hatred of him had risen dramatically. Everyone would eventually go back to ignoring his existence, with the few exceptions like Julius, who antagonized him for reasons he couldn't fully understand. He'd only have to put up with this for a few more days-a week at most- then the status quo would return.

It still hurts...

"Hey, Caspian," Christo interrupted his musings.


"You okay? You had a funny face for a second there."

"I'm fine."

Christo didn't look convinced, but he didn't get a chance to say anything else. For at that moment, Headmaster Stretello appeared on the balcony overlooking the courtyard.

"Thank you all for coming out here so quickly," the Headmaster began, instantly quelling any and all conversations. Every student looked up at him. Even Caspian had to admit that the old man cut an impressive figure, standing up there in his military-esque uniform, his muscles bulging like someone who'd spent his entire life swinging a claymore. "I know that you are all busy and would like to get back to your studies."

Sarcasm. There was a hint of it in his voice, along with a healthy dose of reprieve. Several students had the decency to look abashed. They were likely the ones the headmaster was talking about.

Serves them right. Do they not realize how hard being a Sorceress's Knight is? This isn't a game.

Caspian raised a hand to his face and clenched it into a fist. That's right. Being the Knight for a Sorceress was anything but a game. He'd learned that lesson the hard way.

"Because I know you're all busy, I will get straight to the point," Headmaster Stretello continued. "Exactly two months from this Monday, Arcadia's Knight Academy will play host to the annual Sorceress's Knight Tournament."

The crowd broke into speculative whispers. It was only after the headmaster held up a hand for silence that everyone ceased their mutterings.

Caspian felt a jolt travel through his body, going from his spine all the way down to his feet.

Could it be...

"Only those who are at least eighteen years of age may participate," the headmaster's voice pierced through Caspian's thoughts like Odin's spear parting the clouds. Several students groaned, but the old man ignored them. "To those of you who are planning to enter, I will warn you now, this tournament will test more than just your ability to fight. It will test your cunning, your courage, your intelligence, and your heart. Those who are weak, those who lack conviction, will be weeded out by this tournament. Here, only those who are truly worthy of becoming a Sorceress's Knight will succeed."

Headmaster Stretello threw his arms wide in a grand, all-encompassing gesture. It looked odd coming from him, especially since he normally wasn't one for theatrics.

"This is a chance for those of you who've been here for three years or more to prove yourselves in combat. I look forward to seeing the results of your training."

As the headmaster spun around and left the balcony, muttering broke out amongst the Knight-candidates. Some complained about the age restriction, while others boasted about how they planned on winning the whole thing. Only a few people remained silent; Caspian, and an older student standing on the opposite end of the courtyard wearing a large fedora and a crimson shoulder cape.

Lost within his own thoughts, Caspian vacated the courtyard.

"Well," Christo said, sounding chipper as always, "that just happened. I take it you plan on entering the-eh? Caspian? O-oi! Wait up, Caspian!"

Caspian ignored Christo as he strode down the hall, his mind awhirl. He'd be turning eighteen in two weeks, which meant he could enter the tournament if he so chose. The idea appealed to him, he wouldn't deny that. However...

Could Ele be the Sorceress they've selected?

There was no way of knowing yet. The Sorceress selected to take part in this wouldn't be known for another month at least. He would wait until then to decide whether or not he would enter the tournament.

He looked at his right hand. Leather creaked as he clenched it into a fist. Unbidden, a tiny smile appeared on his face.

I might finally be able to keep my promise.


So, here it is, the preview of book 2, Arcadia's Ignoble Tournament. Caspian and the people at the academy will now be taking part in a tournament to decide who will become the Knight to the newest Sorceress. There will be more characters, more plot twists, more surprising reveals, and more dastardly deeds done in this next book of the Sorceress's Knight Series.

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