Sorceresses are a Strange Breed

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Nearly two weeks had passed since the incident at the refinery and nothing unusual had happened since then—nothing too unusual, at least.

Erica had become a bit less abrasive after he had saved her life, though Caspian often wondered if that truly was the case, or if he'd simply grown used to her horrible personality. Maybe he was becoming desensitized to her antics. It wouldn't have surprised him, especially since Erica's teasing didn't annoy him like it did before. Even now, as he walked down the street carrying several shopping bags, he couldn't find it in him to be annoyed or even mildly irritated. If anything, Caspian would say he felt resigned.

However, just because he wasn't irritated didn't mean he wouldn't complain.

"How much more shopping do we have left?" he grumbled while renewing his grip on the shopping bags in his left hand.

"Just a few more stores." Erica tossed him a smile that was both beautiful and condescending. Even then, Caspian still found it difficult to drudge up any true annoyance at her. Her smile soon morphed into a pout. "Don't tell me you're getting bored of shopping with me already. It's only been two weeks."

Caspian just sighed. "Oddly enough, I am not getting bored. I'm not even sure that's possible around you."

"Oh my, is that a compliment?" Erica asked, holding a hand to her face, hiding her lips and giving a delightful giggle.

"Take it however you want," Caspian said calmly. Erica looked at him more closely, studying him with an almost studious gaze. Considering Erica was the least studious person he knew, her having such a gaze disconcerted him a great deal.

"Hmm," she mumbled thoughtfully, her eyes narrowing, as if doing so would allow her a glimpse into his soul.

"W-what?" Caspian asked, trying not to let his face grow warm. This woman had a way of making him uncomfortable without even trying. Every time she looked at him, he felt like he was being placed under a microscope and observed. "What is it?"

"Something is bothering you," she declared, spinning about to face him more fully. She still continued moving, however, her heeled shoes clicking along the pavement as she walked backwards. "What's on your mind, Caspie?"

Caspian twitched, but didn't rise to the bait. He knew Erica well enough by now that he'd grown used to her antics. He also knew that if he rose to the bait, she'd run off with it and drag him along for the ride, and that wouldn't be pleasant—not for him, at least.

"I guess I'm just... confused," he admitted. Erica didn't say anything, choosing to merely raise an eyebrow. Caspian coughed into his hand and continued. "At the academy, Knights in training are taught a variety of different principles, theories and subjects. Math, science, geography, philosophy, mechanics, magical theory, combat—our curriculum is incredibly vast. They say it's to prepare us for when we become a Sorceress's Knights, however..."

"You don't see why they're having you learn so much?" Erica guessed.

"Don't get me wrong, I enjoy learning." Caspian shrugged. "However, now that I've been acting as Derek's replacement for two weeks, I'm beginning to question whether everything they taught us is truly necessary. So far, I've not had to use any of the knowledge I gained from the academy. I'm just wondering why they bothered teaching us nothing we learn is going to be needed."

Erica was silent, still walking backwards, observing the young man she was shopping with.

"Did it ever occur to you that different Sorceresses have different uses for their Knight?" Erica asked. Caspian blinked. "Just because I do not use you in that manner does not mean that another Sorceress won't. Different Sorceresses want different things from their Knights. I, for example, only require a protector and a lover. I'm not one for philosophy, and unlike the other Sorceresses who enjoy studying their craft, I only care about learning spells powerful enough to defend myself and take out my enemies."

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