The Greatest Pleasure

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Today had been a good day, Erica decided. Caspian had begun to truly take his task seriously, and they seemed to be closer now than they were during their first few interactions. She would admit, a part of that was her fault. She had not made a good first impression on him. But, it had all worked out for the best—and best of all, she had finally managed to bust Marco and shut down his refining factories.

An official letter to the MSC would be sent out tomorrow, asking one of their representatives to come down and run a full-scale investigation into Marco's refining practices. They were sure to turn up some dirt on the thorny little pain in her perfectly-shaped rear end, then he would be gone for good, and she could divvy up the refineries among the more respectable managers.

Yes, all in all, today had been a very good day. Outstanding even.

Which was why Erica had decided to celebrate the best way she knew how.

Well... the second best way, actually, but with Derek bedridden, the first way was simply out of the question. Unless she decided to use Caspian, but she didn't think he'd be up for a wild night of passionate romping. She also had to account for his inexperience. The young man had, quite obviously in her opinion, never been with a woman. Delicious as he looked, Erica didn't think the young man would last long with her, and he wouldn't have the experience to know how best to please her.

Ah, well. Maybe some other time, like after Derek kicked the bucket. With luck, Caspian would still be available when that happened. It would be disappointing if he became Knighted to another Sorceress.

But those were thoughts for later. For now, she would just contend herself with a steaming hot bath. Few things in this world were more relaxing than a nice hot bath, which Erica could attest to. In fact, as far as she was concerned, only one thing in this world could beat a hot bath.

As she lowered herself into the steaming water that filled her bathtub, a happy sigh caressed her luscious red lips. A deep breath was taken. Erica inhaled the scent of lavender, smiling as several petals caressed her floating breasts, tickling her skin, and eliciting an appreciative moan from her.

She heard a noise that reminded her of a squeaking mouse and smiled. She could just picture Caspian's face, the redness of his cheeks, the round wideness of his eyes, the way he fought against his body's desire. No doubt the young man was even now imagining her lying in this tub, the water and flower petals gliding across her naked form like a thousand hands giving her the ultimate massage. The thought sent a thrill through her body.

"Would you like to join me?" she asked, feeling a devilish smile touch her lips. That smile only widened when she heard a loud crash, followed by a string of swearing. For such a young man, Caspian had quite the vocabulary on him.

"O-of course not! Why would I want to join you?! Why would you even ask that?!"

"No particular reason." Erica raised her arms, caressing her left arm with her right hand, enjoying the soft feel of her silky smooth skin. "I just thought you might like to help wash my back."

An intense banging sound was quickly followed by another, and then another, and another and... was Caspian bashing his head against her wall?

The crashing suddenly stopped, plunging the room into startling silence.

"I won't be washing anyone's back," Caspian declared, his voice slurred as if he was drunk.

"Not even your own? In that case, how about I wash your back?"

"You won't be washing my back either!"

"Oh, poo."

Despite the agitated response she received, Erica felt like laughing. What innocence! Truly, she had never met a soul more innocent than Caspian's. At least as far as acts of the flesh went.

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