1) Becoming a demon slayer.

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The dark grim and starless sky have greet upon the people as they are quickly get ready for bed. The darkness comes means the terror and fear started as the distinct, metallic tangy smells fills the air. It is the time for a demon to comes out and hunt.

The figure of a very tall man with a muscular build and pale skin complexion. He possesses long, spiky black hair with red tips that he keeps in a ponytail. His most notable feature is the three sets of eyes on his face with yellow irises and crimson red flesh sclera that have black straight lines diverging from each iris. His middle set of eyes has the of "Upper Rank One" engraved in them while his other sets of eyes feature black pupils and a cracked pattern in the irises. He also has red markings that resembles flames on the top left side of his forehead and the bottom right of his chin. His appearance is described to be profoundly majestic and dignified.

The figure wears a purple-and-black hexagonal patterned nagagi kimono and black umanori styled hakama pants tied with a white uwa-obi. He carries a fleshy katana at his waist that has eyes in the space between the tsuka ito wrapping of the handle of his sword. The tsuba and blade are shown to have eyes and veins. The scabbard is also fleshy in appearance.

Once he steps out of the dark the soft but fast step dashed toward him with the quickness of that faster than the wind itself.

"Blood Demon Art: Crescent Moon Blades!"

The man said to defend himself from his attacker but his attacker is faster than he thinks they are.

"Divine Breathing: First Form: Amaterasu Wind Fire Wheel!"

Suddenly the wheel of flame that can burn him surrounding him and once he blink with all of his 6 eyes he founded himself in a grip of a female who was around his shoulder pulling his ponytail backward as if she is going to pull his head off. His eyes widened as he can't move a single bit he tried to moved but ended up suffocating more.

"What are you doing here, demon? No, Uppermoon rank 1,"

Her voice sends a shivers through his skin to bone. Who is she? A demon slayer? no stronger. A Hashira? Nope her power was way powerful than them but who is she? Is she a human? No, impossible. Her strength and ability makes the demon question.

he slowly averted his eyes and look upon his opponent. After a little bit of struggle he manage to break free.

"Moon Breathing: Fourteenth Form: Catastrophe, Tenman Crescent Moon!"

"Useless! I thought the Uppermoon is going to be stronger than this," She snarled as she manage to cut through his breathing technique and open her eyes reveal it to be beautiful like the moon itself then takes out her sword before taking a long deep breath.

"Divine Breathing: Second Form: Hastur Eternal Storm!"

Within a second the wind was turned into a cage and act like eternal prison the only person who can undid this technique is the user itself. Now the Uppermoon 1 is struggled and trap in a prison for sure.

"Answer my question before I trap you here until the sunrise," She said again. He signed and answers anyway so she let him free. Before walking away from his sight. For this fight he learned is that the woman in front of him is a real worthy opponent he wants to know her name so he can spars with her more.

"I have a question to ask?" The Uppermoon asked. As the woman stopped walking and look towards him.

"What's your name?" The Uppermoon ask. The woman snickered.

~ The Divine Breathing ~ (Kokushibo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now