A little Break: Introduction to Our Y/n and her Breathing Style.

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(The Drawing by yours truly)

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(The Drawing by yours truly)

Name: L/n Y/n. Later changes to Haganezuka Y/n

Age: 15 (Begins of the series)

Status: Alive

Relationship: Hanganezuka Hotaru (Father), Unnamed Mother, Tecchin Tecchikawahara (Adoptive Grandfather), Kokushibo (Demon Partner), Rui (Adoptive Son).

Appearance: Y/n have long, black and H/C hair tied up in half up half down with sharp E/C eyes and distinctly-shaped thick eyebrows just like her father. Her nose, lips and body ajustements is basically her mother but younger. Her demon slayer outfit is basically short kimono, and a choker with a black bow. Her red spider lily symbolizes final goodbyes, and legend has it that these flowers grow wherever people part ways for good. In old Buddhist writings, the red spider lily is said to guide the dead through samsara, the cycle of rebirth. She wore this after her mother got killed by demons and it also symbolized the Cheap-ass Warmart Hee hee'd of a Muzan Jackson's success to become immortal.

Personality: Y/n is rather hot-blooded individual like her father but this trait only shows when someone interrupts her. She seems to show very little care when the topic is uninterested. She also process the quiet, calm but cold nature from her mother. Her normal personality is chill and calm but if she gets serious she will be like her father, a perfectionist. Who done their tasks perfectly without making mistake.


Godly sense in demon killing instinct (This technique is where you can sense demons within the sphere of the 10km as the circumference. Also, this works like Tanjiro's scent but using head instead of nose.)

Cooking Master (This skills allows Y/n to make any food she likes and it comes out perfectly delicious. The food that she make can heal her teammates as well.)

Master Swordsmanship (Not surprised there. Demon Slayers uses their nichirin blades and perfected their blade all the time.)

Master Sword-smith (Like both of her parents, Y/n have this traits from both sides equally. Her father side is the Haganezuka Clan, the clan of sword-smith. Her mother used to be the sword-smith for demon slayers.)

Breathings Technique: Divine Breathing. (Kami No Kokyu)

Divine Breathing is Y/N's own breathing that is the most powerful even powerful than the 13th form of Sun Breathing. The Divine Breathing once known as the forbidden breathing due to it's destructive power. The user of this breathing style can manipulate any power of the gods like the name said. The Divine Breathing have 20 form in following.

1st form: Amaterasu Wind Fire Wheel. (This form of attack like mimicking the actual sun. The damage of this attack is so great that it can destroy 10 ordinary demons in 1 go.)

2nd Form: Hastur Eternal Storm (This form is a form of imprisonment. The wind cage will slash anything that near it's area by 1 meter. By only use the blade to plunge the ground below. The special thing about this attack is that the more the user plunge their sword the smaller the circle of imprisonment will be.)

3rd Form: Zeus Judgement. (The form increased Y/N's speed. Allows the user to used any thunder/lightning based attack. The most damage is the ring of judgement like it was the Judgement from Zeus himself.)

4th Form: Selene Cradle. (Like the name suggested. It will put her surrounding and time to sleep for few minutes.)

5th Form: Poseidon Chamber. (The Chamber of Poseidon is the most dangerous thing just to imagine that a demon slowly burned since it's not an ordinary water it's an acid. If the user used this technique in anything liquid, the liquid will immediately turns into acid.)

6th Form: Hades Gate. (The gate of Hades equals death but this techniques calls out the deceased.)

7th Form: Tsugiyomi's Eclipse. (Like the first form but this form deals less damage. Depends on Y/N's mood but even if it's weaker than the first form it still destroy any weapon.)

8th Form: Inari Illusion (The name tells all manipulated illusions to do your own bidding.)

9th Form: Endymion Eternal Slumber (Eternal Slumber = Death. Die peacefully and harmless.)

10th Form: Luck of the 7 (Summon the spirits of the 7 Lucky Gods in Japanese Mythology to assists in battle.)

11th Form: Hera's Fertility (This is not a death attack but rather a helpful one. This attack can make anyone if they wishes to be fertile. Yep as in can have their own little bundle of joy.)

12th Form: Hermes Speed (She's faster than Sonic the Hedgehog. Joking but not really, the technique allows Y/N to move extremely quick yet allows Y/N to send a message real quick than the flash.)

13th Form: Sakhmet's Rage (Basically, this attack will make Y/N goes rampage, killing spree but Y/n can control her mood but not when she's on period.)

14th Form: Cupid and Venus's Bow. (This is another non attack yet it's bad. Love can be the cause of great destruction like The War of Troy or Romeo and Juliet you named it.)

15th Form: Minerva's Wisdom. (A strategy attack. This attack can make the user create a strategy attack in a second. If this is a real skill this will be helpful in exam and assessment.)

16th Form: Horus Flight (This forms allows Y/n to fly without wings.)

17th Form: Dioscuri Gemini (Twins equal multiple clones like Naruto.)

18th Form: Artemis Night (This skills allows the user to track down and kills demons accurately like a huntsman hunting their prey.)

19th Form: Astraeus Astrology. (Your destiny is written upon the star. Jellal skill's from Fairy Tail.)

20th Form: Final Form: Izanami Yomi (Drag anyone down the underworld/Yomi)

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