3) New comrades

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*Y/N's P.O.V.*

"Y/n chan. Continue heading South East please," Athena told me.

"Okay, I understood but can you told Tanjiro's crow to shut the f*ck up before I feed him to Kokushibo," I replied which Athena nods and told Tanjiro's crow.

"South East. Head toward south east immediently," Tanjiro's crow spoke.

"PLEASE!!!!" A sound echoes from infront of us making me, Tanjiro and our massengers' bird jump a little bit.

We look toward the sound that echoes from.

"Please. Please. Please. Marry me. I'm going to die soon so please marry me!!!" A yellow haired demon slayer was on his knees hugging the lady from her waist and beg for her to marry him in the middle of nowhere.

"W-What in the world happening there?" Tanjiro asked.

"Do I look like I know that but the girl seems to be a little uncomfortable don't you think?" I replied.

Then a spparow suddenly flys on to Tanjiro's hand. He chirps like telling him. But he rants something like he was worried about his owner, his owner goes on a flirts with many women. We nods in understanding.

"Understood. We help you okay?" I said and the sparrow and Tanjiro walks to help the girl.

"Please marry me. Please stay with me," The yellow haired demon slayer said.

Tanjiro then pulled the yellow haired demon slayer from the girl.

"Why are you making such a scene in the middle of the road, She's clearly not interested in you and don't make your sparrow have a headaches!" Tanjiro scolding the yellowed hair demon slayer.

"Huh? The uniform. Are you one of the person who passed the final selection right?" The yellow haired demon slayer asked Tanjiro

"Listen, we don't know who you are. Who are you?" I asked.

"Ehhhhh! We have met before. We have met already. The problem is you forgot about me!!!" The yellow haired demon slayer said.

The memories flashes through my mind and yep I met him before but choose to ignore him but can't believe that we will meet in the future.

Tanjiro let the demon slayer go from his grip.

"Alright, you're all set to head home again. Do you need to help with anything else?" Tanjiro said.

"No, Thank you very much," The girl replied

"Hang on! Don't you interfere. That girl was madly in love with me. The two of us are going to get married!" The demon slayer said receiving a slap in the face by the girl so I hold her back.

"What do I said anything that even resembling I love you!" The girl shouted and pointing out at the demon slayer.

"All I did was come talk to you when you are crying in the middle of the road!" The girl continued.

"I already have a person who I promised I will marry. Well, if you can talk back like that which means that you are in a very good health. before she walk away in fury.

"Wait! Come back please!" The demon slayer scream.

"Would you give it a rest already," I said.

"Why do you have to get in my way! This have nothing to do with you!" The demon slayer said to Tanjiro.

"Why are you looking at me like that!" The demon slayer said to me and Tanjiro as we make like a disgusted face yet akward.

He statrted to ramble but then there's one that caught my interest. "I'm very weak" That sentence from the demon slayer's mouth making me question myself. How does he have much power when he said I'm very weak. Does something happens to him like when he's asleep.

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