Please Forgive Me (2) (🏐)

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⚠️ Psychiatric ward ⚠️

Kageyama was put on a 24 hour psychiatric hold in the hospital since he had harmed himself, Kageyama hated the room.

The room was padded and too bright, his head started to hurt. Kageyama wasn't suicidal, was he?

Kageyama's mind said otherwise.

~ they hate you ~
~ They don't love you ~
~ DIE ~

Kageyama screamed as he woke up in the room, a nurse came in the room.

'' Mr Kageyama? Are you okay? ''

Kageyama started to sob, shaking his head fast.

'' I want to get out of here!! Let me out! ''

Kageyama begged the nurse, the nurse frowned as she administered more medication to Kageyama to help him calm down.

The next day, Kageyama was let out of the psychiatric ward, Tsuki and Hinata took Kageyama home and stayed there.

'' Kageyama are you okay? ''

Kageyama shook his head.

'' No... that place was horrible, they kept giving me medicine to keep me calm, I just- I wanted to go home... and the room was so bright. ''

Hinata frowned.

'' Oh Kageyama... you poor baby. ''

Tsukishima gently fondled Kageyama's hair.

'' I bet you just wanted to get out hey? Don't worry, you are home now... we are here. ''

Kageyama snuggled up to Tsukishima and Hinata, his body shaking.

'' I was so scared... I had nightmares.. they were bad nightmares.. t-they told me to die.. ''

Hinata frowned.

'' Oh Kageyama baby, you don't need to die. You are going to live! Since you are amazing, an amazing boy! ''

Tsuki nods in agreement.

'' Yep, Hinata is right! You are an adorable amazing boy! ''

Kageyama blushes shyly.

'' Thank you... ''

Kageyama woke up in a sweat, screaming and kicking his legs.

'' No! ''

Kageyama looked around, he noticed he was home, alone.... that's right, Hinata and Tsuki went home.

Kageyama's mind was clouded.

~ die... ~
~ Die... ~
~ DIE! ~

Kageyama started to cry, shaking his head fast.

'' I don't want to die!! Don't let me get hurt! ''

Kageyama called Sugawara, actually called Sugawara.

'' Kageyama? Do you know what time... ''

Suga paused hearing Kageyama's laboured breathing and quiet sobs.

'' Kageyama? Hey what's wrong? Hold on sweetie, hold on. ''

Sugawara knew that Kageyama sometimes regresses to a younger age when he's scared or panicked.

'' Me and dad are going to be there soon. Listen to my voice sweetie. ''

Suga woke Daichi up and told him the problem, Daichi got dressed and got the keys for the car.

'' Hey Kags baby, we are on our way. ''

Daichi said to the crying younger boy on the other end of the phone.

Kageyama's phone died, he forgot to charge.

'' No! Ma... p-pa! ''

Kageyama cried loudly and sobbed, smacking his phone in hopes to wake it up.

Kageyama dropped his phone and tried to waddle out of bed, he saw a blade, he winced in pain when he kicked his bed, he thought he kicked the blade.

'' No I don't want to! ''

Suga and Daichi arrived at Kageyama's home and Suga used the key he had, they rushed upstairs to see Kageyama curled up in a ball crying.

'' Oh baby boy... hey, mum and dad are here now sweetie. ''

Suga kneeled down by Kageyama and fondled his hair, gently shushing him and whispering reassuring words to him.

'' Mama... Papa, I'm scared. ''

Kageyama sobs, he gripped onto Suga's shirt, only Suga and Daichi know about Kageyama's regressing. Not even Hinata knew, nor Tobio's sister.

Tobio whined in fear.

'' I-I saw the blade, I don't want to hurt myself. I didn't mean to hurt myself. ''

Tobio shook his head, crying. Suga nodded.

'' We know you didn't baby, nobody is mad at you, and we are all here to help you. Come on, why don't we go watch some cartoons on your TV? ''

Tobio nodded as Suga carried the younger male to the lounge room and placed him on the couch.

Daichi got Tobio a juice box and some crackers and brought them to him.

'' Here you go sweet boy. ''

Daichi praised Tobio as he sipped his juice box and relaxed on the couch watching his fav cartoons. Soon Tobio had fallen asleep.

Tobio took a few months to get back to normal, he had the help from the whole team though and they made him feel safe.

The End!

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