Chapter 4

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Louisa entered her classroom as quietly as she could, hoping not to draw any attention to herself. She found an empty seat way in the back of the room and took it. The whole time, she kept her head down.

If I can't see them, they can't see me...oh, if only that were the case, she thought. It was times like this where she wished she had some of Lucy's confidence. How did nothing ever seem to worry her? Well, that's probably not true. I'm sure she gets worried sometimes, too, but she never really seems as anxious as Ed and I tend to get...why am I thinking about her again?

Louisa sighed softly, trying to focus. She tried to no avail to stop thinking about Lucy and also stop feeling anxious.

This was fine.

I wonder if Ed's been as nervous as I have, Louisa wondered. I doubt Lu is since she's the most confident one in our group, but I hope she's having a good time so far.


Lucy entered her classroom, walking in confidently. Though looks could be deceiving. She was a bit worried even if she didn't show it.

The reason?

She was a bit worried about Louisa. She knew all too well how anxious the other girl often was, and she'd especially looked scared as she went to her classroom. Both scared and seemingly lost in thought. I hope Lou's ok. I know being anxious is a familiar feeling to her, but I don't know. She seemed more nervous than usual. Maybe I should've gone ahead and walked her to class. It wouldn't have killed me to be a little late... Lucy thought.

She blinked a bit, wondering why she was suddenly thinking about Louisa so much.

Eh, it's probably just cause I'm worried about her, she decided.

By now, the professor had showed up so Lucy tried her best to focus on what was being said.

~Time skip~

"Muuuusssshhhhhiiiiiiii..." Ranpo whined.

"What is it now, Ranpo?" Mushitarō asked.

"I'm booorrrrreeeeeeeddddd..."

"And what exactly am I supposed to do about that?"

"I don't know, I just felt the need to share my misery with someone."

"Why me?"

"Cause Yosano's not here."

"I don't think she'd appreciate listening to you complain, either."

"Y'all are mean. I should be allowed to share my feelings without criticism."

Mushitarō shrugged. "Maybe if you complained less..."

Ranpo pouted. "Mushi's a meanie."

"Wha- I am not!"

"Yes, you are!"

Mushitarō sighed. "Of course you're allowed to share your feelings, but I don't see how I'm supposed to help you with your boredom."

"I was telling Yosano a couple weeks ago that I was bored cause I can never find anyone who can give me a real challenge."

"I suppose that's the downside to being as smart as you are."

"I know, right? I'm proud that I know everything and all, but I wish someone could challenge me."

"You never know, maybe it'll happen sooner than expected."

"Yosano said the same thing, but it hasn't happened yet."

"I mean, I did say 'soon', not 'right now'."

"Uuuuugggggghhhhhhh...I'm so bored."

"I'm aware, you've already told me."

Just then, Yosano got out of class. She spotted Ranpo and Mushitarō and headed over. "Hey, guys."

"Yosano! Thank goodness you're here!" Mushitarō made a dramatic sad face.

"Uh...did something happen?"

"Yes. Ranpo has been more annoying than usual."

Ranpo glared at Mushitarō. "I'll have you know I am not annoying."

"You can be."

"Hmph." Ranpo crossed his arms and faced away from Mushitarō.

Yosano looked from Mushitarō to Ranpo. "Anyone care to fill me in on what happened?"

"It's just that Ranpo's been complaining of boredom again," Mushitarō explained.

"Oh, yeah. He's been doing that a lot lately."

"I sincerely hope some sort of challenge comes up soon so we don't have to be subjected to his complaining anymore."

"One can only hope."

While Ranpo and Mushitarō chatted, Ranpo zoned out a bit and looked out into the hallway.

He soon spotted someone who looked pretty familiar.

Oh yeah, it's that guy I ran into earlier, he remembered. He then grinned. Maybe he can somehow give me a challenge. He began to march up to Poe.

Poe was writing in a notebook as he walked, not noticing Ranpo at first.

"Hey, you." Ranpo poked Poe's arm.

"Gah!" Poe exclaimed, startled. He took a minute to calm down and then that was when he noticed Ranpo. "Oh um...hi Ranpo."

"Hi! Whatcha got there?" Ranpo took a peek at Poe's notebook.

"Hey, you're not supposed to see that!"

Ranpo smirked. "And why not? Is it because you're writing something you shouldn't?"

"No! Obviously not!"

"I don't know, man. It kinda seemed like that to me."

"I'm not writing anything like that! I'm just drafting out a mystery novel."

At those last two words, Ranpo's eyes widened. "Mystery novel?"

"Erm...yes?" Poe was confused.



"Let me see it."

"But I'm nowhere near being done."

"So? It still seems interesting."

"I don't want anyone to see it yet."


Poe sighed.

"I was hoping you'd let me see it because I need some sort of challenge."

"You need some sort of challenge?"

"Yes. It truly can be a burden being as smart as I am."

"I see."

"I mean, it's great and all. But the downside is everything's just too easy to figure out, so it gets boring."

I think he's the only person I've ever met who would look at being smart that way, Poe thought.

"Well, yeah. That would make sense since I'm the smartest person ever," Ranpo spoke as if he'd read Poe's mind.

Poe blinked a bit, shocked that Ranpo had seemingly figured out what he was thinking.

"Anyways, I suppose I'll have to look elsewhere for a challenge," Ranpo sighed.

"I wish you luck."

"Thanks." Ranpo waved a bit and then began to walk away.

Poe waved back, watching him. Once again, it took a few minutes for the writer to realize that he was staring at the detective. ...What is wrong with me? he wondered. He shook his head, trying to will the strange thoughts away.

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