Chapter 12

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(A/N: credit for this idea goes to Venti_Vented)

Fyodor was rushing through the hallways, trying to get to the music room.

"Fyodor! No running in the halls!" Sigma scolded, following him.

"Sigma, please disregard the rules for once. I need to practice," Fyodor replied, making no effort to slow down.

Nikolai was also running, trying to keep up with Fyodor.

Sigma glanced at him. "I'm assuming you also have some practice to do? And you shouldn't be running in the halls, either."

Nikolai looked over his shoulder and grinned at Sigma. "Correct, Siggy."

"...My name's still not Siggy."

Nikolai just grinned more and kept running.

Sigma sighed and continued to follow his friends. Truth be told, he also had some practicing to do.

Before long, the three friends reached the music room and walked in. Luckily, it was empty so they had free reign of the instruments.

Sigma took a seat behind the drums, picking up the drumsticks.

Fyodor sat at the piano and opened it.

Nikolai picked up a guitar. He then looked at his friends. "Er...should we all practice at once or take turns?"

Sigma thought for a minute. "We could start by taking turns and then we could practice together if you want."

"Sounds good to me," Fyodor replied.

Nikolai nodded in agreement.

"Great! So who's going first?" Sigma asked.

Nikolai grinned. "I will." He began to strum at his guitar. Slowly at first, and then gradually picking up speed and volume. Before long, he was rocking out.

Once he was done, he glanced at his friends.

Sigma nodded approvingly and Fyodor gave a thumbs-up.

Nikolai grinned.

Sigma began to practice on the drums next. He always enjoyed doing so, and there was a specific reason for that. Whenever he was around his friends, he enjoyed his time with them but he also felt like he always had to be the one to look out for them. But when he was able to do what he enjoyed, such as playing the drums, he was able to just let loose and enjoy himself.

Once he finished, Fyodor and Nikolai both clapped.

Sigma smiled. "Thanks."

Finally, it was Fyodor's turn. He gently placed his fingers on the piano keys and began to play. He played pretty softly at first and while the volume increased, he continued to play relatively calmly. His eyes closed a few times as he allowed himself to get lost in the moment.

Sigma and Nikolai both found themselves transfixed by the music. They knew Fyodor was great at playing piano, but this was on another level.

The music felt like it simultaneously went on forever and ended far too soon.

Sigma silently looked at Fyodor, still captivated by the music. Even though it had ended, his mind continued to replay it.

Nikolai seemed to be in a similar state, but then he looked at Fyodor and grinned. "Hey Fyo. That sounded pretty romantic, wouldn't ya say? Got someone you're practicing to play that for~?"

"" Fyodor replied.

"You suuuuuuurrreeee? Cause you could charm just about anyone with that~."

Fyodor blinked a bit as his face began to inexplicably heat up. "Nik, stop joking around like that."

"Who said I was joking, Fyo-Fyo?"

Fyodor glanced at Nikolai, confused.

Nikolai was attempting to grin nonchalantly, but his face was the slightest bit red.

Sigma looked from one friend to another as he bit back a smile. Anyone could tell what was going on here. Well, anyone except Fyodor and Nikolai, apparently. Sigma almost wanted to make some sort of comment.

Fyodor quickly averted his gaze.

Nikolai did the same.

Now Sigma was just trying not to laugh.

The three of them ended up practicing more together like they'd originally planned to, but Fyodor and Nikolai were both slightly distracted due to the interaction they'd just had. They didn't quite know what to make of it.

Even after the friends had gone their separate ways and headed home, Fyodor and Nikolai remained confused.

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