Chapter 14

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About a month or so had passed by, and Poe had finally finished the book he planned on showing to Ranpo in the hopes of stumping him. In hindsight, he wondered if he should've spent more than a month on it. But seeing as he was busy with things like taking care of Karl and keeping up with his homework and classes, he really didn't have too much time to spend on writing a book that probably wouldn't even confuse Ranpo.

No, I shouldn't think like that. Maybe by some miracle, he will get at least a little confused, Poe thought one day as he was putting the finishing touches on the book.

Poe had spent that whole month trying his best to avoid Ranpo (and anyone who wasn't Lucy or Louisa, for that matter) since he wasn't yet ready to face the one who had given him a humiliating defeat and he also didn't want to interact with people who probably only saw him as the fool who dared to accept Ranpo's challenge. Though if he was being honest, sometimes he still wondered if he really should avoid Ranpo as much as he did. He'd even say he felt a little bad about it. He wasn't completely oblivious to the way Ranpo had tried to talk to him a few times since the defeat happened. But part of him couldn't shake the feeling that Ranpo was just planning on rubbing the defeat in his face. He seemed like the sort of person who would do something like that. Then again, Poe was aware he didn't know Ranpo that well so maybe he shouldn't judge too much yet.

One day, Poe went to class like usual but also tried his best to avoid Ranpo like he'd been doing ever since that fateful day.

Ranpo sighed as he walked through the building in search of Poe. Where could he be...? he wondered. It'd be really great if I could just make up with him. He kept looking around. He blinked in shock when he finally spotted Poe and began to head over to him.

Poe didn't notice until it was too late and he found himself staring right at Ranpo.


He started to walk away.

"Poe, wait!" Ranpo reached out and took Poe's wrist.

Poe sighed. "Leave me alone, Ranpo."

"Please just hear me out."

"I know what you're going to say. You're here to judge me about my defeat and run in my face even more."

" offense, but you're an idiot."

"I am not!" Poe turned to glare at Ranpo.

"My bad. You're completely wrong."

"I am?"


Poe blinked, shocked by the outburst.

Ranpo sighed. "Do you really think I'd be trying to talk to you just for that?"

"I mean...I did think that until now."

I had a feeling he'd think that way... "Well, that's not what I'm trying to do."

"What were you trying to do then?"

"...Are you actually going to let me talk to you now?"

"I guess. Not here, though. I don't feel like having a conversation in front of a bunch of people I don't know."

"Hm, fair enough. Follow me, then."


Ranpo just grinned and took Poe's hand, leading him out of the building.

Poe silently watched Ranpo, part of him wanting to ask why he was holding his hand. He wasn't sure why it was making him feel the way it did.

After a few minutes, his senses returned to him. "Ranpo! You didn't even ask if I was done with class for the day!"

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