Chapter 15

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After awhile, Poe checked his phone to see what time it was. His eyes widened. "I had no idea it was this late already! I should probably get going."

"Aww, already?" Ranpo pouted.

"Sorry. I just need to get home and check on my raccoon," Poe explained.

"Fair enough."

"Do you want to come over and meet him?"

Ranpo looked at Poe eagerly. "Could I?"

Poe found himself smiling at Ranpo's enthusiasm. "Sure."

"Yay!" Ranpo grinned. He took Poe's hand and began to drag him outside.

"Hold it, Ranpo. Do you even know where my apartment is?" Poe asked.

Ranpo paused. "...No."

Poe grinned teasingly. "So much for knowing everything, huh?"

Ranpo pouted, pretending to be offended. "I'm still smart! I just have a horrible sense of direction. Plus, I've never been to your house so of course I wouldn't know where it is."

Poe laughed a little. "Point taken. Just follow me."

Ranpo happily did so.

Poe began to lead Ranpo to his apartment, never once letting go of his hand. He was shocked to discover that he actually enjoyed holding the other's hand.

He would have to try and figure those feelings out later.

Before long, Poe reached his apartment and only now did he let go of Ranpo's hand. Not because he wanted to, just because he knew Lucy would tease him if she saw. He knocked on the door.

Lucy soon opened it, holding Karl with her other arm. "Ed! About time you got back- hold up. Is that Ranpo next to you?!"

"Sorry I'm so late. And yes, that is indeed Ranpo," Poe confirmed.

Lucy's jaw dropped.

Ranpo and Poe both tried not to laugh.

"I'm shocked. Just yesterday you were all like 'oh I'm gonna defeat that Ranpo if it's the last thing I ever do!' and now you're allowing him to come over? What happened with you two?" Lucy asked, beyond confused.

"Is that your raccoon?!" Ranpo asked excitedly before Poe could answer Lucy.

Poe found himself smiling at Ranpo's excitement again. "Yes, that would be him. His name's Karl."

"Can I hold him?!"

"Is that alright with you, Karl?" Poe glanced towards the raccoon.

Karl tilted his head, looking at the unfamiliar human his owner had brought back.

Ranpo reached out to pet Karl.

Karl squeaked happily.

Poe smiled more. "Yes, you can hold him."

"Yay!" Ranpo took Karl and began to hold him.

Karl squeaked some more, seemingly enjoying himself.

Poe closed the door behind him and glanced at Lucy. "So I did originally plan to defeat Ranpo, but before I could tell him that, he asked me to hang out with him. So I did. And then once we were hanging out, I gave him the book. I'd hoped it would stump him, but-"

"I figured it out within five minutes," Ranpo interjected as he sat on the couch and continued to hold Karl.

"...Yeah," Poe agreed.

Lucy patted Poe's shoulder, shocked that he didn't seem completely and utterly defeated.

Poe noticed her expression. "I know, I almost went into another terrible state of defeat. I was ready to leave and everything. But Ranpo said he liked my book, so that helped things."

"Don't misquote me, Ed. I said they were really good and I love them," Ranpo spoke up.

Poe blinked, shocked by Ranpo's use of his first name. He'd never done that before. Between the first name use and the compliments, Poe found his face inexplicably heating up. He had no idea what was going on with him.

Lucy looked from Ranpo to Poe and smirked.

Poe noticed. "Lucy, what's that look all about?"

"Oh, nothing." Lucy kept smirking.

Poe gave her a skeptical look. "Anyways, yeah. I don't think Ranpo and I are on bad terms anymore."

"I never disliked you, Mr. Angsty Emo Writer. You were the one who kept avoiding me like the plague," Ranpo teased.

Poe shot a sideways grin at Ranpo. "Yeah yeah, that's besides the point."

Ranpo grinned back and petted Karl some more.

Karl squeaked, enjoying the attention.

"Welp, I'll get going now. I have homework to do," Lucy spoke up, heading towards the door.

"Alright, Lucy. Thanks again for watching Karl," Poe replied, glancing at her.

"Anytime." Lucy opened the door and shot Poe a smirk before heading out. "You two have fun."

"Lucy!" Poe exclaimed, but his friend had already left.

The writer just stood there for a minute, the sudden realization that he and Ranpo (plus Karl) were alone together.

Well, that wasn't awkward or anything.

Not sure what else to do, Poe went over to the couch and sat down by Ranpo.

Ranpo looked up at Poe and grinned. "Your raccoon is so adorable."

Poe smiled back. "He really is."

"And he seems to like me."

Karl squeaked in agreement.

Poe glanced at Karl and smiled, reaching out to stroke his soft fur.

Karl nuzzled into Poe's hand.

What happened next shocked the poor unsuspecting writer.

Ranpo leaned over, resting his head against Poe's shoulder.

Poe glanced at him.

Ranpo looked back up at Poe.

Poe quickly averted his gaze.

Ranpo just smiled to himself and continued to pet Karl, staying where he was.

Poe had no idea why Ranpo had decided to lean on him, but he wasn't about to tell him to move. For one thing, he thought it'd be rude to do so. For another, he actually didn't mind it.

Long after Ranpo had gone home, Poe still found himself confused about everything that had happened today, from Ranpo genuinely liking his book to the way Ranpo had made him feel. Why was it that he'd gone from wanting nothing more than to defeat Ranpo to feeling comfortable around him almost as if they were longtime friends? Why did his face heat up whenever Ranpo held his hand or leaned against him or used his first name? Why did he feel this way? What was happening to him and how did he solve it?

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