Oh, hi.

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Gianna's POV

I hate how I ended up in this idiotic situation. I followed my best friend Marie to a basement concert, and she's nowhere to be found.

"She probably followed a nobody bassist home, what a bitch." I mumble to myself, frustrated as all hell.

I walk alone, my y2k Jean skirt riding up every step I walk. I pull it down every 2 seconds like clockwork.

As I shiver and whisper "burrrrr", I make eye contact with a strange looking guy. Strange, but holy moly, attractive as fuck.

I space out as I stare, only waking from my trance when he speaks.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Oh, hi." I slur stupidly. I'm not even drunk, I'm just fucking dumb.

He lets out a laugh and I return a smile.

"You okay? Why is a pretty lady walking alone in the rain? It's dangerous out here." He speaks through a sly grin.

"M-my friend disappeared, that slut ditched me again."

I cover my mouth with my fingers right as the sentence spewed through my mouth.

The guy laughs again.

"You're funny, what's your name?"


I never liked my name, but it is what it is. My mom told me a really cool name she was debating on naming me, but my siblings chose the most common name in the US.

"Hello Gianna, my name is Kellin."

Kellin. What a unique name.

His hair is raven, swooped down to cover the sides of his face and forehead. He has entrancing, medium sized blue eyes, a button nose, and rosy lips.

I stare at his figure, unknowingly biting my lip in the process. Broad shoulders, tall frame. He basically towers over me.

I snap out of my lustful trance as I swiftly look up at him, our eyes meeting.

I can feel a spark traveling through body, so intense that I almost shiver.

"You done checkin' me out, Gianna?" Kellin asks through a grin, saying my name in a seductive way that's almost vampiric.

"Whattttttt? I wasn't checking you out..."

Oh my god Gianna stop this right now you're being so cringe.

"Sure you weren't." He grins. "Come on, I'll take you to my place, get you dried off."

My mouth shoots out an oblivious "Okay!" Without a second guess. The prospects that surround me reach my brain and I realize how stupid I am.

He's probably going to kill me and peel my skin off like an orange to wear as a mask.

My eye contact stutters around as I meet his gaze one again, and the crazy ideas my brain has thought up swiftly disappear.

He has such a warm smile, almost as if the strings tugging at his lips are giving me the sweetest hug.

He starts walking as I quickly follow behind, our steps matching with one another.

"So your friend, she does this a lot?" Kellin asks with curiosity.

"Only once a twice before. She gets drunk and sings Slayer songs; the metalhead guys wander over to get a lick." I explain, smiling in the process.

Marie is such a bitch for this, but it's undoubtedly fucking funny. I think she might be a victim. Idk.

"Oh so she likes Slayer? Do you?"

I contemplate lying, saying, "Oh yeahhhh, raining blood YeA YeeaAaa!!!" But I don't. That's cringe.

"Nope, my music taste is... different." I snicker.

I'm not about to say that I'm in love with Pilgrim Harry and 1D. No way.

"Slayer is awesome, tell your friend good job." Kellin speaks as he stares into the cloudy skies.

It's not raining anymore, I guess that's good.

I laugh, making sure to hint that I find it funny, but also find it stupid.

We walk in silence for a bit, our damp footsteps i illuminating our surroundings.

We arrive at an apartment complex as Kellin invites me in.


Hello my little sprinkles! I haven't written on Wattpad in so long, it's good to be back! Hope you love it!!!!

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